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Status Code 418 states that


Any attempt to brew coffee with a teapot should result in the error code "418 I'm a teapot". The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.

I implore you to help thwart this conniving contributor on Asp.net. We won the Request scuffle though! And Node.js has ruled in our favor! Go as well! (for the time being) The application of such an status code is boundless. Its utility, quite simply, is astonishingly unparalleled. It’s a reminder that the underlying processes of computers are still made by humans. It'd be a real shame to see 418 go. Express your concerns regarding the ramifications of removing such a wonderful error code from the internet. Before it's too late. (Just remember – there's a human reading your cries of concern, be kind!) #SAVE418 Endorsement from the author of HTCPCP-TEA: “I’m the author of RFC 7168, which extends HTCPCP to allow for the brewing of various teas in supporting Internet-connected teapots. I think you’re doing a great thing, trying to save something of the old whimsical Internet from the ravages of the Overly Professional.” About Me: I'm Shane Brunswick, an incoming high school sophomore. I'm a developer. I'm an avid fan of tea. Error code 418, an amalgamation of these passions, naturally means a lot to me. Some people want to expunge every trace of 418 from the world. I hope to stop them. Contact: save418movement@gmail.com