

  1. Photo
    CreditTimothy Ivy for The New York Times

    Ole Miss Edges Out of Its Confederate Shadow, Gingerly

    At Ole Miss, where even an architect of disenfranchisement still has his name on a building, the process of addressing the past is more sensitive than at most universities.

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    CreditHeather Ainsworth for The New York Times

    Developmentally Disabled, and Going to College

    Work-readiness programs for the intellectually challenged aim to prepare students for a dream job. Less than half will find one.

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    CreditAngela Asemota

    Why Kids Can’t Write

    Some say English instruction must get back to basics, with a focus on grammar. But won’t that stifle a student’s personal voice?

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    CreditYana Paskova for The New York Times

    How to Conquer the Admissions Essay

    Your goal: to make someone fall in love with you (or at least your writing). First, choose a topic you really want to write about.

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    CreditLaura McDermott for The New York Times

    Learning to Learn: You, Too, Can Rewire Your Brain

    How an engineering professor who “flunked my way” through high school math and science went on to create the world’s most popular online course.

Education Life

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    A Few Telling Freshman Trends

    Heading to campus for the first time? Check out these results from the U.C.L.A. survey of 2016-17 first-year students.

  2. Campus Disrupted


    More Diversity Means More Demands

    Students are protesting for official recognition of their identities, whether racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, first-generation, low-income or immigrant.

  3. Campus Disrupted


    Liberal Lessons in Taking Back America

    Political organizing is tedious. Change comes with dogged, on-the-ground work, not a list of demands, according to Harvard Resistance School.