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Good evening. Here’s the latest.

Credit Denise Sanders/Baltimore Sun, via Associated Press

1. Fallout from the violence in Charlottesville continues to reverberate across the country.

The city of Baltimore removed statues of Confederate figures from parks and public squares overnight, above. Mayor Catherine Pugh said it was important to move “quickly and quietly” as a matter of public safety, given the current political climate. Here’s a list of monuments that are being removed nationwide.

And colleges are bracing for more clashes as students return for fall term. With their legal options limited by the First Amendment, college administrators are expecting a rush of controversial speakers and are making plans to control violence.


Credit Spencer Platt/Getty Images

2. In Washington, President Trump’s main council of business leaders disbanded after he equated white nationalist hate groups with the protesters opposing them. Several executives had resigned from the president’s advisory councils over the past few days.

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Jewish members of the administration have remained largely silent on the issue, but in an unusual move, top military leaders stood in contrast with the president’s remarks. Here’s how writers on the right and left reacted to the president’s comments.

And our White House correspondent noted that Mr. Trump shied away from a traditional duty for American presidents: setting a moral course for the nation.

Barack Obama’s response to Charlottesville, with a quote from Nelson Mandela, became the most-liked tweet ever.


Credit Joshua Roberts/Reuters

3. Two sisters who were injured in the Charlottesville protests filed a lawsuit against the rally’s organizer and more than two dozen leaders, groups and websites affiliated with the self-proclaimed alt-right.

The 28-page complaint seeks $3 million in damages and accuses each of the defendants and their various organizations of engaging in a civil conspiracy to sponsor “violent acts and terrorism.”

At a memorial service, Heather D. Heyer, who was killed on Saturday, was remembered for her relentless passion for fighting injustice.


Credit Paul Holston/Associated Press

4. The hacker is known only by his online alias “Profexer.”

But for the first time, an actual witness, a Ukrainian malware expert, has emerged in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee. He has been interviewed by the F.B.I.

There is no evidence that Profexer worked, at least knowingly, for Russia’s intelligence services; but his malware apparently did.


Credit Eric Talmadge/Associated Press

5. Sanctions banning North Korean seafood are starting to bite two days after China said it would enforce the new rules passed by the U.N. Security Council as punishment for the North’s nuclear and missile tests.

The crackdown came as President Trump offered rare words of praise for Kim Jong-un, making an apparent reference to his country’s decision to wait “a little more” before acting on plans to launch ballistic missiles toward Guam.

In another hopeful sign, joint military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea, which are set to begin Monday, could provide an opening to reduce tensions over the North’s nuclear program.

Above, factory workers in North Korea process seafood.


Credit Doug Chayka

6. President Trump has threatened to end some subsidies to health insurance companies as part of a strategy to “let Obamacare implode.” We looked at what would happen if he did.

Premiums for the most popular insurance plans would shoot up 20 percent next year, and the federal budget deficit would increase $194 billion in the coming decade, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday.

In Silicon Valley, entrepreneurs are working to reduce health care costs while improving care. Our columnist visited two primary care practices in Kansas that are working with Aledade, a start-up that uses software to achieve this goal.


Credit Rozette Rago for The New York Times

7. Weight remains perhaps the most stubborn bias in the entertainment industry, where success for plus-size actresses is viewed as an anomaly.

While television is slowly changing, movies show little improvement for lead actresses — but some are pushing back against fat shaming.

The lack of opportunities in Hollywood for “bigger girls” is increasingly out of step with the broader culture, said Danielle Macdonald, above, who stars in “Patti Cake$,” out on Friday.


Credit Francis Miller/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

8. The total solar eclipse on Monday will be the first the United States has seen in nearly a century. We caught up with eclipse chasers from around the world, who shared their stories and offered advice on how to watch. Some researchers say the event is best viewed in a crowd. Above, students in Illinois used cardboard boxes to protect their eyes while viewing an eclipse in 1963.

Eclipses have led to many other scientific discoveries starting more than 2,000 years ago. Next week, scientists are planning to use specialized jets to gather data that cannot be collected from the ground during the eclipse.

And don’t forget to sync your calendar with more than a dozen celestial events happening later this year.


Credit Diksh Potter for The New York Times

9. Our travel writer explored the secluded beaches and verdant hills of Mauritius, the remote island in the Indian Ocean.

The unique mosaic of Indian, French, Chinese and Creole cultures lured her to the island, where its flavors mingle most effortlessly in the cuisine.

“Today’s Mauritius could be a role model for racial harmony (in these troubled times, the rest of the world might want to pay attention),” she writes. “Where in the world could so many cultures meet?”

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    Credit CBS

    10. Finally, things reached a fever pitch on late-night TV after President Trump’s latest response to the violence in Charlottesville.

    Jimmy Kimmel, above, urged the president’s supporters to abandon him, and offered up a solution: Promote the president to king.

    “We need to set him up in a castle, maybe in Florida, lead him to the top and then lock the door to that castle — forever,” he said.

    Have a great night.


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