Good morning.

Here’s what you need to know:

Credit Ahn Young-Joon/Associated Press

President Moon Jae-in of South Korea issued a blunt rebuke to the United States, the latest sign that President Trump’s “fire-and-fury” approach to North Korea was putting new strain on the longstanding alliance.

“No one should be allowed to decide on a military action on the Korean Peninsula without South Korean agreement,” Mr. Moon said in a nationally televised speech.

Pyongyang appeared to walk back its threat to launch ballistic missiles toward Guam, saying it would wait to assess “the foolish and stupid conduct” of the United States.

Here are the key questions about the North’s threat to Guam, where our correspondent found that many residents seem to be taking things in stride.



Are Steve Bannon’s Days Numbered?

Steve Bannon, President Trump’s chief strategist, has been criticized as being emblematic of the far-right nationalism that turned violent in Virginia last weekend. Can he salvage his role in the White House?

By A.J. CHAVAR and CHRIS CIRILLO on Publish Date August 14, 2017. Photo by Al Drago/The New York Times. Watch in Times Video »

• President Trump angrily defended himself against a torrent of bipartisan criticism for waiting several days before naming Nazi and white supremacist groups and placing blame on “many sides” for the weekend’s deadly racial unrest in Virginia.

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Of the many theories about the president’s reluctance to criticize far-right activists is that Stephen Bannon, above center, cautioned him against antagonizing the small but energetic part of his base. Mr. Bannon’s place at the White House, though, is now in limbo.

More corporate leaders, including executives from Walmart, Intel and Under Armour, came forward to condemn Mr. Trump. Here are the C.E.O.’s on the president’s councils.

And three days after a driver rammed into a crowd in Virginia, Mr. Trump shared on Twitter a cartoon of a train running over a person adorned with a CNN logo. He deleted his retweet minutes later, and the White house said it had been posted inadvertently.


Credit Abedin Taherkenareh/European Pressphoto Agency

Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, had strong words for the United States and warned that the country’s nuclear program could be restarted in a matter of “hours,” if the American government imposes further sanctions on Tehran.

Mr. Rouhani said that a reconstituted nuclear program would be “far more advanced,” a veiled threat that the country could start enriching uranium up to the level of 20 percent, a step toward building a nuclear weapon.


Credit Jane Hahn for The New York Times

The West African nation of Sierra Leone is grappling with the aftermath of flooding and mudslides that killed hundreds of people in Freetown, the capital.

Red Cross said that 600 people were still missing and many residents were digging in the mud in search of family members.


Credit Dan Himbrechts/European Pressphoto Agency

Australia’s foreign minister, Julie Bishop, above, accused New Zealand’s opposition party of trying to “undermine the Australian government” after revelations emerged that Australia’s deputy prime minister, Barnaby Joyce, was a New Zealander by descent.

The Australian Constitution does not allow people with dual citizenship to be legislators.


A SolarWorld Americas factory in Hillsboro, Ore. The company, a producer of crystalline-silicon solar panels, is asking the government to impose steep tariffs on imports of similar products. Credit Thomas Patterson for The New York Times

• In a case that could be a turning point for America’s solar industry, two troubled manufacturers, including SolarWorld, above, say cheap Chinese products have undercut their own, but industry groups are urging a trade panel to reject sanctions.

The decision may go all the way to President Trump.


Credit HBO

HBO should be riding high with the success of “Game of Thrones,” but criticism over a coming series and a hack of its computer system have turned a triumphant summer into an exhausting one.

• “No Moo Poo in Maha’ulepu.” That’s the slogan of those in Hawaii who oppose plans by Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay, to build a dairy farm on the island of Kauai.

Shares in Alibaba Group have surged 76 percent this year, and shares in Tencent Holdings are up 71 percent. Both Chinese companies release results this week.

• U.S. stocks were mixed. Here’s a snapshot of global markets.

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    In the News

    Credit Lam Chun Tung/The Initium, via Reuters

    The police in Hong Kong said that Howard Lam, a pro-democracy activist, falsified his account of being abducted and beaten by men he said were mainland Chinese security officers. [The New York Times]

    • India and Pakistan became independent nations on Aug. 15, 1947. Here’s how some of the world’s major newspapers reported the event on that day. [The Indian Express]

    In Yemen, more than 2,000 people have died and another 500,000 are infected with cholera since the outbreak began in April. [The New York Times]

    China and South Korea called on Japan to face up to its wartime past after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent an offering to a war shrine on the anniversary of Japan’s World War II surrender. [Reuters]

    • President Trump’s threat to use the U.S. military against the government of President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela has united Latin American leaders against Washington. [The New York Times]

    • The charred remains of Grenfell Tower have become a potent symbol of inequality in London, our correspondent writes. [The New York Times]

    • In Myanmar, a coalition of 20 political parties called on the government to declare that there is “no Rohingya ethnicity” in the country. The Rohingya are widely labeled “Bengali,” implying they are immigrants from Bangladesh. [The Irrawaddy]

    Smarter Living

    Tips, both new and old, for a more fulfilling life.

    Credit Craig Lee for The New York Times

    • Recipe of the day: Put your pressure cooker to work with this excellent black bean soup recipe.

    • How much should you invest in stocks?

    • Maybe don’t buy that iodized salt.


    Credit An Rong Xu for The New York Times

    • Hong Kong’s cinematic style was the focus this photo essay by An Rong Xu, who cited Christopher Doyle, the Australian-Hong Kong cinematographer, and ’90s gangster movies as inspirations.

    In memoriam: Dr. Ruth Pfau, a German-born medical missionary who dedicated her life to fighting leprosy in Pakistan, at 87. Prime Minister Shahid Abbasi said Dr. Pfau would receive a state funeral.

    • Our Cairo bureau chief delves into the strange twists, betrayals and secrets in the case of Giulio Regeni, an Italian graduate student who was tortured and murdered in Egypt.

    • And sharks, clowns or parents? What childhood memories scared today’s horror movie directors? Here are remembrances from five directors with films out this year.

    Back Story


    Today in 1930, a dancing frog set a new standard in animation.

    “Fiddlesticks,” featuring Flip the Frog, above, was a stand-alone cartoon with synchronized sound. (Watch it here.)

    By that year, music had been widely used to accompany animations. Some of the more laborious animations were even in color. Then around 1930, those two features were combined.

    In Germany, Lotte Reiniger’s character silhouettes of the 1920s used changing background colors to create atmospheric scenes. In the U.S., “King of Jazz” in 1930 featured a short color animation with synchronized sound.

    In “Fiddlesticks,” Flip the Frog tap-dances his way through a world of merry animals, but then is moved to tears as he plays the piano alongside a violin-playing rodent that resembled Mickey Mouse.

    The animation was released by Ub Iwerks, who had helped produce Mickey Mouse, shortly after he left Walt Disney’s growing enterprise. The Flip franchise ended in 1933, and Mr. Iwerks returned to work at Disney.

    But he never stopped innovating.

    His obituary noted that he invented “a panoramic camera arrangement.” Imagine his excitement if he could see today’s 360-degree cartoons.

    Patrick Boehler contributed reporting.


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