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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 8

    🚨RETWEET if u support opening a criminal investigation into July 2016 murder of DNC staffer & leaker Seth Rich.

  2. Aug 29

    FBI lying like a red headed step child !! RETWEET To Prove Public Interest is through the roof on Hillary Crimes !!

  3. 15h

    Hillary Investigation Was a TOTAL FRAUD !! New, blinding Evidence should put FMR FBI Director James behind bars for the rest of life!

  4. Aug 30

    Anyone remember when senator Claire McCaskill said : " I don't want my daughter anywhere near Bill Clinton!"

  5. Aug 30

    Ingraham & Tucker say RICO Case coming against Police/Mayors/Govs/Other for protecting &possibly funding Domestic Terror Organization Antifa

  6. Aug 30

    RETWEET if U think SHAMEFUL SHAMELESS Linda Sarsour who Bamboozled USA & Texas Flood Victims needs to be CHARGED!!

  7. Aug 21

    BUSTED!! Racist/Rapist Bill Clinton defends Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan Robert Byrd! MSM ??

  8. 10h

    Criminal Lawyer time for Comey as Loud calls Roar in for his feet to be held to the fire for helping Crooked Hillary & Co dodge prosecution!

  9. Aug 22

    RETWEET if it's time for Fox to kick Hate filled Juan Williams to the curb !! Send Viral to show we mean business!

  10. Aug 28

    We Must Root out the Evil! RETWEET if You Want National Guard deployed next time ANTIFA begins Terrorizing Americans

  11. 7h

    Had to tweet this out for two reasons. 1. Trump is Awesome!! 2. 1ST positive Trump moment frm twitter in 2YEARS!!

  12. 7h

    Had to tweet this out for two reasons. 1. Trump is Awesome!! 2. 1ST positive Trump moment frm twitter in 2YEARS!!

  13. 15h

    Gov Abbott: "I have NEVER Seen a President and Vice President respond as SWIFTLY & EFFECTIVELY to people in need like Trump/Pence!"

  14. 9h

    He won't be there long ... A year tops! Karma moves swiftly once it gets a hold of you.

  15. 9h

    The Hunt is On !! Antifa gangs methodically searching out victims to terrorize !!

  16. 9h

    The Hunt is On !! Antifa gangs methodically searching out victims to terrorize !!

  17. Aug 29

    DOG RESCUE This is in Lumberton, Texas, down the street from my moms house. That's my brother in the black shirt.

  18. 9h

    He won't be there long ... A year tops! Karma moves swiftly once it gets a hold of you.

  19. Aug 29

    The face of hate...

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