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This Week on p5p 1999/11/21

This week on perl5-porters
(15-21 November 1999)


I thought it was going to be a quiet week, but then bang, 140 messages arrived on Friday. Fortunately for you, most of them are ignorable. Did I mention that these reports are made possible through the generosity of O'Reilly and Associates, who pay me a salary?

Next week's report will be late, because on Sunday I will be in London with the Perl Mongers. Expect the next report sometime in early December.

You can subscribe to an email version of this summary by sending an empty message to p5p-digest-subscribe@plover.com.

Please send corrections and additions to mjd-perl-thisweek-YYYYMM@plover.com where YYYYMM is the current year and month.


Ilya contributed a new module, XSLoader, which is a cut-down version of Dynaloader. It uses less memory and has a simpler interface. He patched the standard dynamically-loaded modules to use XSLoader instead of DynaLoader. Read about it.


Dan Sugalski submitted a patch that makes a new locking macro available to XS code, but Sarathy said:

Every time I see people patching USE_THREADS code I wonder if it's all going to be for nothing. I don't see much hopefor salvaging the existing model of USE_THREADS where prolific locking is needed.

In case you missed the point of this: 5.005_63 is going to have a drastically different threading model than previous versions of Perl. I asked Dan to explain the two models to me, and he very kindly contributed the following:

Shared Interpreter threads (the current model)

This threading model corresponds pretty closely to what most folks think of when they think of threads. There is a single, shared executable (or optree, in perl's case), and a single pool of variables. Any thread can see, and affect, anything that's in its lexical scope. Data sharing between threads is cheap, but the onus is on the programmer to maintain consistency.

As an analogy, consider a thread a hamster, and your program as a giant habitrail. Starting another thread means releasing another hamster into the environment. Threads don't really collide (You ever see two hamsters get stuck in a habitrail tube?) but the only thing that keeps two or more hamsters from running on an exercise wheel at once is careful design of the set.

Cloned interpreter threads (upcoming in 5.005_63)

This threading model corresponds more to the traditional unix fork model. There is one copy of the optree per thread. One thread can't see or affect anything in another thread unless that thing is explicitly shared. Data sharing and coordination between threads is mildly expensive and a bit cumbersome, but the onus is on the perl interpreter to keep one thread from messing with another thread's toys.

Continuing the hamster analogy, creating a new thread in this model gets you a whole new, separate habitrail for your new hamster. The two habitrails may share exercise wheels, but only at very specific, explicit spots, and there are little exclusion gates built in so only one hamster can be on a wheel at once.

My personal preference is a bit mixed--I want shared threads because they let me build all sorts of cheap, nifty tools (Threaded objects, and a subclassable Thread::Object, are I<trivial>. I know, I wrote a package to do it. One thread per object. Wheee!), but I think most folks (including me, when writing 'normal' code) are better off with the protection cloned threads get you.

The trickier bit is under the hood. Getting perl thread-safe (which is to say, it won't core or segfault if the programmer doesn't sync access) is a PITA. I've already run through a couple of different plans--the first was paranoid and I, the second bloated libperl.so with a lot of shadow routines for XS, and the third I'm not gonna bother with if threads are dead anyway.

It does chew up more memory, too. To do it right means each and every variable needs a mutex as well, otherwise you run into deadlock issues and uneccesary lock contention. 'Course, it makes $foo[time] cost even more than it does now. The alternative is "e;just don't do that"e;, but that's not really an option I like.

Most of the p5p folks with an opinion prefers the forkish version. I think they're all wrong, of course, but that's just me. :-)

Thank you very much, Dan.

Dan requested that Sarathy commit one way or the other on the existing threading model. Sarathy said that he wasn't sure yet, because he needs to see how the new way works out, but he guesses that Perl will go with the new way.


Ben Tilly askied if perhaps chomp() could be made to chomp any of "\n", "\r", or "\r\n". Of course, this is out of the question.

Mike Guy pointed out, and others concurred, that the correct solution here is for the I/O subsystem to figure out what kind of file it is reading and translate the line endings to \n regardless of what they might have been originally. This then falls under the general heading of `line disciplines'.

Earlier discussion.

Still earlier discussion.

Larry Wall: Seriously, we are entering an era when dwimmerly action on input will be a necessary evil. I could wish it were otherwise, but my supply of divine fiats is low.

Threading and Regexes

A few weeks ago Rob Cunningham reported that he and Brian Mancuso at MIT were working on fixing regexes under threaded Perl. On Friday, Brian wrote in with his patch. Ilya did not like it because it indirects the match variables through a global variable rather than through the pads (which is the right approach), and because he thinks the MIT solution will be slow. Rob replied that they need it to work now, and it is more important for it to work than for it to work speedily. Sarathy's reply to the patch

is probably the most illuminating. Rob said that they probably don't have time to do it the right way.


Yasushi Nakajima announced a new module, Safe::Hole, which allows you to install a subroutine into a Safe compartment so that it can be called by code in the compartment but still run in the original compartment; similarly you can install an object into a compartment so that method calls on the object proceed outside the compartment. Yasushi's example is:

Suppose you have a CGI program that wants to evaluate some user code in a safe compartment and to give it access to the CGI object. Just installing the CGI object into the compartment is not enough because then the object's methods are inaccessible. Instead, wrap up the CGI object in a Safe::Hole object and install the Safe::Hole object into the compartment. Now you can make method calls on the Safe::Hole object inside the compartment and they will be forwarded to the appropriate subroutines outside.


( Earlier summary)

Following Sarathy's earlier request, Ilya reworked his earlier PREPARE patch so that invocation of PREPARE methods is enabled by a compile-time pragma.

The patch.

Marshalling Modules

David Muir Sharnoff has some module which, like MLDBM, needs to talk to an unknown marshalling module such as Storable or Freezethaw. Last week, he noted that MLDBM contained a lot of code that informed it about how to talk to these various serializers. David suggested that authors of marshalling modules try to adhere to a common intereface.

Raphael Manfredi, one of the authors of MLDBM, said that this would be unlikely, since the various marshalling modules have different interfaces for a good reason, namely that they do not all do the same thing. For example, Storable has an nstore method that guarantees network byte order. But byte order is totally irrelevant to the representation used by Data::Dumper.

David then suggested that someone extract the serializer-interface code from MLDBM so that it could be borrowed by other modules that need serializers. If anyone was looking for a useful project to do, this might be a good opportunity.

Local Address in LWP

A few weeks ago Gisle Aas suggested having IO::Socket pay attention to the LocalAddr environment variable. This week, Graham explained why this would be a bad idea.

local()izing select() and chdir()

Jeff Pinyan suggested that local() be extended to apply to these, although he did not provide a patch. I pointed out that such semantics are already implemented by modules like SelectSaver, and that the Alias module shows how an XS module can export arbitrary semantics into a block that will be undone automatically when the block is exited. I also pointed out (apparently unintelligibly, since Sarathy repeated it in the next message) that it owuld be easy to write an XS module which specifies that an arbitrary user-supplied anonymous function be invoked at block exit time; then it would be easy to write a temp_chdir() function whose effect was automatically undone at the end of the block. Someone should write this.

Wandering Environment

Joerg Schumacher found a core-dmuping bug. Here is the explanation: He uses the Term::Readline::Gnu module. When this is laoded, it checks for LINES and COLUMNS environment variables and installs them if they are not present. It uses the putenv function for this, and in this case putenv relocates the entire environment. Later, he uses the %ENV hash to set an environment variable. Normally, the first time you set an environment variable, perl relocates the environment elsewhere so that it can do memory management on it in a more convenient way, including freeing individual environment variable strings. How does Perl know whether it is the first time or not? It compares the current location of the environment ( environ) with the location that the environment was in at the time perl started ( PL_origenviron); if they are the same, it relocates the environment.

However, in Joerg's case, the environment had already been relocated by putenv(). The `first-time' test failed when it should have succeeded, and Perl supposed that it had already relocated the environment itself. Then it tried to do memory management on the environment which it thought it had but allocated but had not, and the result was a core dump. Joerg supplied a patch that has perl keep an explicit boolean variable that records whether or not it has moved the environment, instead of depending on the hack of testing to see whather or not it is in the same place it was when Perl started.

Ilya appeared not to understand the problem description, and argued with Joerg a lot, but if there was anything in his argument I was not able to discern it. Joerg was remarkably patient through all of this.

Then Tom and Ilya had a big worthless argument which should have been carried on in private email.

There were fifty-four messages in this thread. I will generously award it a S/N ratio of 1.21e-01.

Localized Assignment

Andre Pimlott reported that

 { local ($/ = undef); ... }

not only doesn't do what was wanted, but doesn't appear to do anything sensible at all. (For example, someone suggested that it does the assignment to $/ first, and then localizes, but this appears not to be so.) It appears to be a real bug.

goto out of scope of local

Ilya complained that using magical goto to exit the scope of a local undoes the localization:

 $a = 5;
 sub a { print $a }
 sub b {local $a = 9; goto &a;}

This prints 5, and he wants it to print 9. (Note that Ilya's original report contains an error; he has local $b instead of local $a.) The reason he wants this is so that he can do:

 local @ISA = (@ISA, 'DynaLoader');
 goto \&DynaLoader;::bootstrap;

Nick Ing-Simmons suggested that he do this instead:

   local @ISA = (@ISA, 'DynaLoader');

Of course, that leaves the original call on the call stack so that (for example) messages from Carp might be confused about where to report an error from. In the case of Carp there actually is no problem. Discussion ended abruptly.

use foo if bar;

Ilya contributed a patch to enable this syntax, and similarly unless. It does this by faking up a BEGIN block, but without the scoping effects of a real block. (The scoping effects are the reason why the programmer cannot simply use BEGIN here in the first place.)

Steve Fink contributed an amendment to Ilya's patch. Tom Christiansen sent a giant message complaining that the feature was yet another weird special case. Some discussion of alternatives ensued, with no conclusion that I could see.

Tom Christiansen suggested a no scope pragma, which would `erase' one set of braces. Then you could say something like

   no scope;
   if (SOMETHING) {
     no scope;
     use integer;

And the no scope declarations would upscope the effectof the use integer pragma so that its effect continued to the end of the file.

Larry had many interesting things to say about this; the most straightforward was that something like use comppad should just upstack declarations all the way to the top of whatever code was currently being compiled.

Ilya said that that behavior was already available to any module that uses the hints variables $^H or %^H.

croak confounds eval

David Blumenthal reported a problem in IPC::Open3: It forks a child, which tries to exec your command, and if it can't, the child croaks. If the open3 call was inside an eval block, that means that the child returns from the eval block without exiting and your program gets a big surprise. David suggests that it should use carp instead and then call exit.

I mention this because probably a lot of other modules have similar problems. Modules should never call croak or die.


Philip Newton pointed out that there was no way to generate a control-backslash using the \c notation. Neither "\c\" nor "\c\\" works. The first complains about an unmatched quotation mark, and the second generates a control-backslash followed by a regular backslash. ( \x1c and the like do work.)

The reason for this is explained in detail in perlop, in the section titled `Gory details of parsing quoted constructs'.

Empty Conditional in while()

Greg Bacon reported that

 while () { CODE }

is legal, and is an infinite loop. This turns out not to be a bug; it is because you are supposed to get an empty loop if you leave out the condition in a for (;;) block, and for(;;) and while() are the same thing. Larry even said he allowed the empty condition in while() on purpose back in Perl 1. Ilya asked why not get rid of it, similar to the way that if BLOCK BLOCK was gotten rid of. Larry pointed out that the two cases are not really analogous: if BLOCK BLOCK was removed (or broken) entirely by accident and that the only reason this was never fixed was that nobody at all complained about it.

Undefined Function Warning

Mike Taylor wrote in to ask for a warning that would announce (at compile time) the presence of calls to undefined functions. Dan Sugalski enumerated some of the reasons why there isn't already such a warning: AUTOLOADed functions; calls to platform-specific functions guarded by if ($^O eq 'Eniac'); functions loaded by require; people getting funky with the symbol table.

Tom Christiansen pointed out that perl -MO=Lint,-context,-undefined-subs program does something like this already. That seemed to satisfy Mike.

Static Extensions

Margie Levine asked about compiling perl with statically-linked extensions. Andy Dougherty replied that all the documentation may have gotten lost, the best way it to just dro pthem in the ext/ directory before you run Configure, which is supposed to notice the extensions and built them as if they were part of the standard set.

POD Hack

Ilya points out that a construction like this:

  code with I<..> or L<...> escapes or whatever

Will generate an indented code paragraph that can still contain pod escapes for hyperlinks or whatever.

Perl Art

Greg Bacon reported an entertainment. (The background is Perl code.) There was some discussion about generating pictures of llamas and the like in a similar medium.

localtime() Contest Continues

Try to guess how many bogus bug reports about the localtime() function will be submitted next year. Visit http://www.plover.com/~mjd/perl/y2k/y2k.cgi.


A large collection of bug reports, bug fixes, non-bug reports, questions, answers, and a small amaount of flamage. (No spam this week.)

Until next week I remain, your humble and obedient servant,

Mark-Jason Dominus
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