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Index 355 reviews in total 

310 out of 444 people found the following review useful:

My Ten Cents on my best friend

Author: Lonniemackfan from United States
26 March 2005

It seems that there is a huge diversity in the reaction to this show. Fortunately for the IL' Doc, I think this means he will be around for awhile again. I have seen "Rose," The first episode in the revamped BBC series, and I have to say I am thrilled. The majority of the negative reviews seem to be coming from ultra-die hard Whovians. I myself was a giant DR.Who nerd in my younger years. I had a subscription to Dr.Who magazine, I sent Tom Baker a letter when I was 10 years old, (I still have the autograph he sent me back, thank you Tom!)My grandmother knitted me an eight foot long scarf etc..etc..

I could tell you who Roger Delgado is and why when he looked like Geoffery Beevers he really wanted to go on Holiday to Traken.

In early 1984 when I was 8 years old, I met the Doctor and his friends Sarah and Harry. It was at midnight in Arizona on a black in white television that was barely 10 inches wide. I was transported to somewhere I had never been and have never been since. It was like Peter Pan taking you to Neverland. Anyone who met Doctor Who at such an early age will agree with me that the magic was that vivid and so real that you felt you were right there side by side with those characters.

As I grew up, I grew out of it. Real life takes a hold, and while Perpugilliam Brown was amazing to stare at, it became a lot more important to go talk to a girl in person on a Saturday night than stay home by the time 16 years old came around.

A passing interest in Sylv and Sophie was there, but ultimately, Puff the magic dragon let out a mighty roar because this Jackie Paper had grown up.

Having said that, I watched "Rose" with two hats. The former obsessive fan with the critical eye, and the adult who wanted to be whisked away by Pan again.

I feel the show succeeds in the latter department. I had a huge smile on my face the entire 45 minutes, and if I had to guess, this show is going to capture the fancy of a lot of young ones, and even though Doctor Who was always my best friend, I'm ready to share him with the people who he was made for in the first place. Thank you Russell and welcome back Doc!

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270 out of 417 people found the following review useful:


Author: Edzunca from UK
26 March 2005

I just cant understand why people are saying 'Rose' was just OK. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I think that the new series excels itself compared to previous series e.g 6th doctor stories. I commend Russel T Davies for doing a fantastic job of propelling doctor who into the 21st century.

I pity the old doctor who fans who say 'oh its just not the same'and Eccleston is 'too different to be the doctor'. They are right! its not the same! Neither are we! We are living in a different century to the old episodes and many things have changed. Set in modern day I think the episode was more realistic and 10 times more enjoyable. So boo to the criticisms

Everyone I have spoken to had a whale of a time even many children cant wait for next week.Lets hope the rest of the series fails to disappoint us!

Congratulations BBC!!

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197 out of 289 people found the following review useful:

A slow-runner to a fantastic finish of a race!

Author: pete_da_slag from United Kingdom
24 October 2005

Make what you will of the pilot episode of the new Doctor Who. I myself was fairly dubious upon first viewing, yet by the second episode, Russell T Davies had established a mark that makes this series his own! Gone are the wobbly sets and loose plots without continuity. Despite the episodes being manned by several writers, Davies manages to ingeniously weave them together. From the very first episode, he leaves the slight inkling of an epic subplot; the Doctor's heartfelt, almost-apologetic excuse to the Nestene Consciousness ("I couldn't save your world - I couldn't save ANY of them) is incredibly engaging and it was this very line that drew me in to offer the series a second chance.

And I'm incredibly glad I did. The series takes everything that made the original series popular and updates it for a new generation. The villains, the ideals and the themes all reflect a world that people are living in today. And then Davies also adds something new to the character of the Doctor - a REAL mythology. He no longer has that familiar skip in his step that he was famous for - he's running on low battery power - and he has something no other Doctor had; a survivor's guilt. A man left homeless by an epic war between an ancient and familiar enemy. He carries both the burden of the loss of his home and people, but also the guilt that he somehow had a hand in it.

This subplot runs through the course of the series and works incredibly well; that no matter how random the location or episode plot, beneath it lays that familiar drive that is guiding the audience toward the two-part finale. And what a finale! Not to spoil it for those who haven't seen the series, but everything regarding the Time War comes to an explosive crescendo and at long last the Doctor appears to be able to put his demons to rest.

And then there's Rose! Well, I thought she was amazing and such a well-rounded character. You can believe her and the fact that she is very much our eyes and ears on both the Doctor and the life he gives her makes her even more endearing. But what sets her out from her predecessors (as with the Doctor) is she has a mythology of her own. A life, a family, a home - and Davies taps into those unanswered questions from the old series excellently. What happens to her life away from the Doctor? Do her friends and family miss her? Will she come back? If anything, Rose is just as important as the Doctor. They have the electrifying chemistry that bristled with Lois Lane and Clark Kent, Mulder and Scully and all the other great "Will-they/won't-they" characters. With some shows, pairing off the characters kills off a program, but with these - you almost feel that it would only take the future plots and scenes even further! This series is fantastic - despite its one of two slight hiccups (Episodes 4/5) - and it is clear that both Davies and the BBC have taken slight influences from popular sci-fi shows such as Buffy and Angel. Though, this is in no way a criticism. If you want to be the best, you have to study the best. Adapting the story arc (episode 6), placing a Big Bad to the forefront of the series and throwing in an enigmatic hook (Bad Wolf) gives the show an excellent feel of continuity and does not feel out of place in today's society.

The Doctor's back - and he's here to stay! (and PS - things, in my opinion, look VERY promising with Mr. Tennant.)

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155 out of 215 people found the following review useful:

Love the New Dr. Who!

Author: marannsjunk from United States
5 May 2006

I remember being so excited on Saturday nights when I was a kid, waiting for Dr. Who. I thought it was the best show ever made. Then, I grew up, Dr. Who went off the air, and no one I knew had ever heard of it. Then I found out there was going to be a new series. I was a little nervous about it. Was it going to live up to the expectations I had carried around since I was little? Would they screw it up? Would the Dr. suck? Would his assistant suck? Would they create a more intimate relationship with the Dr. and his assistant? YES, NO, NO, NO, NO!!! This show is wonderful!! I love the new Dr. I love his assistant. I love the show. And I find myself excited on Friday nights now, waiting for the "new" episode. I'm just now seeing 2005 episodes, as I live in the States, so I'm a little behind the rest of you. I hope the next Dr. is as great as this one!

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161 out of 250 people found the following review useful:


Author: cyberspice from Leeds, West Yorkshire
26 March 2005

I eagerly awaited the new Dr Who, and I wasn't disappointed. My first memories of the Doctor are Jn Pertwee battling robots, giant maggots and giant spiders in the early seventies. Then Tom Baker took over and it was a must watch programme. Tonight I was transported back to those days, in so much as I felt just as I did back then. With one big difference, this is very much a programme for the twenty first century.

Christopher Eccleston was wonderful as the Doctor, combining the off the wall behaviour of Tom Baker's Doctor, with the mystery of Silvester McCoy's; the action of Jon Pertwee's and the hard edge of Colin Baker's; together with the wisdom of William Hartnell's Doctor and the tom-foolery of Patrick Troughton's. All wrapped together in an incarnation with the same physical appeal as Paul McGann's Doctor. I would quite happily travel through space and time with this Doctor.

The effects were the best we'd seen on the programme but I felt they didn't overwhelm it. But where they needed to be, the effects were 'crap'. The Autons always were faintly ridiculous back when Jon Pertwee fought them and they are still ridiculous, but just as deadly. The script was witty in the right places and serious where it needed to be.

I can't wait for next week!

PS. Billie Piper didn't suck!

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78 out of 87 people found the following review useful:

Blew the mind of an uninitiated, long time sci-fi lover

Author: niktemadur from Ensenada, Mexico
9 July 2010

For as long as I can remember, I've heard about the good Doctor, references, inside jokes and the like. Such as "Real Daleks don't climb stairs, they flatten the building".

The quandary was this: Where do I begin, with thousands of episodes aired? I was afraid of getting myself into something deep, dense, voluminous and possibly repetitive, impossible to get back out of.

The very simple yet belated answer was, of course, by accident.

On one of those sleepless nights, flipping channels, I saw astronauts in a Victorian library, and was immediately intrigued by the weird homage to Kubrick. Before the commercial break, I was treated to electronic ghosts and invisible floating piranhas.

Then this absolute beauty comes up, I paraphrase - "You've been living in a computer simulation, your physical body is elsewhere" - "But I've been dieting"

Bleak, subtle and sophisticated humor? Check, and count me in.

As it turned out, I had stumbled into the middle of a Sy-Fy Channel short marathon of Doctor Who. I resisted going to sleep until the damn thing ended five or six episodes later, at ten in the morning.

What wildly imaginative premises, what a high-quality level of writing, what a gem this is! There is serious brain-power at work here, courtesy of the BBC yet again, on a continuing heroic mission to sacrifice short-term profit for long-term legacy. As evidence, I present "Monty Python's Flying Circus", "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy", "The Singing Detective", "Brideshead Revisited".

From what little I've seen in half of a short marathon, Doctor Who deserves a ten out of ten.

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119 out of 173 people found the following review useful:

The Doctor is back, so are my childhood memories

Author: Neil from United Kingdom
26 March 2005

As a child I used to love the Dr Who series and apparently I used to hide behind the sofa whenever the Daleks appeared. I think it must have been the voice. But over time the whole idea lost so much of its charm that it became a real pain to watch.

Well all that has changed, Every nostalgic moment I ever had about the doctor has come flooding back with this highly enjoyable reanimation of a childhood favourite, even though I am now well into my thirties.

Christopher Eccleston is great in the lead and Billy Piper makes the archetypal sidekick. This new incarnation is full of the humour and tongue in cheek appeal that I hoped it would be. I just hope it keeps going as it started.

I have to give this a ten even if it's just because it's filmed in my home town of Cardiff, If not for the fact that is gives me a glimmer of what I liked in this series from when I was a very small child.

Thanks to everyone involved and keep it coming.

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64 out of 67 people found the following review useful:

Time passes by so quickly.

Author: Paul Evans from Swansea, United Kingdom
27 October 2015

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

I cannot believe it's been back on our screens for ten years, it seems like only yesterday the show returned with Rose.

What I've loved so much about interacting with people on IMDb is that no series seems to split opinion more then Doctor Who, fundamentally we all love it, it's why we tune in each week to see what's on offer.

We've experienced highs and lows and will no doubt continue along the same vein for many years to come.

Each Doctor has offered something, some perhaps more then others. Same for its producers, there are people that have loved and loathed both Moffat and Davies, both have given us some excellent and not so excellent episodes.

The format and premise of the show remains its key strength, he can literally go anywhere and do anything, most shows are faced with multiple constraints, that isn't the case here, the possibilities are endless.

We've had episodes that are widely loved, some of my own favourites include Blink, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead and Vincent and the Doctor. Others have positively split opinion, Love and Monsters is a good idea, personally it's one I enjoy. I can appreciate an attempt at doing something different, it's a show that could become tiresome if it became to formulaic.

I like the format of the two part serial, it allows a greater character development, sometimes with the single episode there's sometimes a feeling that some characters are a little shy of screen time.

They have been guilty of using some of the Doctor's foes too often, the Daleks for example, they've popped up a few times too many, once they were the adversary I desperately wanted to see, not it's a feeling of indifference.

Long may it continue!! I couldn't contemplate Christmas Day without my hour of Who, Baileys and Ferrero Rocher.

Great big 10/10

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65 out of 70 people found the following review useful:

One of the greatest television programs of all time

Author: willrichardmuse
7 December 2015

You looking for Sci-Fi? It's got it. Action? It's got it. Drama? That too! This show has got it all. With tastes of Horror, Romance, Mystery, even some Western. It really depends on the episode. While not episode is perfect, every episode can be appreciated. While the main idea of the show doesn't change, the show has experimented in many ways. The show is ever changing, with the main cast being swapped every few years. With such a big history, there's a reason the show still stands strong to this day. The episodes give nods to the past, and hints to the future. With this capability, it truly has an infinite potential.

This show truly has affected my life in ways I'd never believed. I went into the show believing it to be a cliché, boring Sci-Fi (I'd never been a fan of the genre), but after just a few episodes I was absolutely hooked. With each new main character added, you quickly learn to love them, despite your disbelief in the ability to after such a heartbreaking exit, which I'll get into later. The characters are written brilliantly, and by the end there run, you always say that the next person coming along will never be as good. Every time, your proved wrong. While everyone has their favorites, each Companion and Doctor have moments to shine, and are all brilliant in their own way.

This show truly is something special. I'll support this show for decades, and I give it a very easy 10/10.

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143 out of 227 people found the following review useful:

"Who" Does It Better!

Author: hassenpheffer from New York City
8 October 2006

First off, I never got into Dr. Who until recently. Honestly, I never got the opportunity to watch any of the previous incarnations (pun intended) since it was never "big" here in the US as it is everywhere else.

That said, I must say (obviously) that after finishing the 2nd season, that this is one of the best sci-fi shows I've ever seen.

Now, I watch a lot of Sci-Fi shows from all over and this show stands out.

The first season was tops to begin with, with Christopher Eccleston in the title role and I thought he was terrific. Of course, so was the lovely Billie Piper who just adds such humanity and warmth to the character of Rose that no one could've done it better. Let's not forget Camile Coduri as Jackie and Noel Clarke as Mickey/Ricky who are just a blast to watch. Then there's David Tenannt. At first, I thought he was too gawky-looking to play the character (his ears!!), but after watching the 2nd season, he fits in just fine. His sharp acting and physical comedy is almost flawless. He's great with snappy dialog and can turn serious without batting an eye.

Aside from the great acting from the cast is the acting from most of the guest actors that have appeared. A lot of them are veteran actors but some are new to me and are damn fine.

The production and direction of the show is top notch. Occasionally, there'll be some cheesy effects here and there, but that's always been a factor in the original series and, like those episodes, is negligible.

My favorite thing of all about the series: The stories. Writing folks, is always the key to great entertainment. Russell T. Davies has written many of the episodes along with a few other writers and they have done an excellent job. They've managed to bring excitement, ingenuity, intelligence and fun with clever concepts and great dialog. I also appreciate the fact that they can breach the older Doctors' past story lines and enemies well (my friend explains much of this to me while we watch the show) and respectfully.

I won't mention anything about the 2nd season and how it ends since the Sci-Fi channel just started airing the 2nd season.

I wouldn't want to spoil it. It's so much fun and excitement. You'll never want to take your eyes away nor miss a word of dialog.

It really is that good.

PS: Thanks to the producers for Nicholas Briggs back! **EXTERMINATE!**

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