• eddienoteddy’s Activity
  • NHB posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    Hi Eddie, given your article http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ea-is-not-making-skate-4-right-now/1100-6447441/ thought you would be interested in a New High End Skate Game - kickstarter.trueskate.com
  • pradius posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    Your recent article on Xbox Games Pass says it is $15 per month, when it is in fact $10. Fix it!
  • Geotherma posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    Eddie, can you explain why people keep saying Xbox was the winner for the second half of the year? It seems misleading. Was xbox the winner July through December? Because that's the second half.
  • Skrapshak posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    Hi Eddie. In http://www.gamespot.com/articles/hundreds-of-oculus-rift-demo-stations-are-closing/1100-6447677/ you have, "In 2014, Oculus paid $2 billion to acquire Oculus VR." Facebook, maybe? :)
  • Mirimon78 posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    Why is this stuff the xbox one has still being called "backwards compatability"? It is, by the very definition of the term, NOT actually bc...
  • GigaLoser posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    It's not that you write click-bait, everyone has a job to do. It's not that you post non game articles, they tell you to. It's that your articles are poorly written and contain no information.
  • ch2423 posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    None of the sale prices in your PSN article are for this week in the US. Are those for next week maybe or for a region other than the US?
  • cugabuh posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    Poor Eddie. :( You have click baity articles, sure, but you're only doing your job. You don't deserve THIS much hate (no one does). Best of luck bud!
  • deactivated-578f2053b4a13 posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    Eddie, please crawl in a hole and vanish. No here likes you, you're silly non-game related articles, or you're goofy face. You're not a game journalist. You're not even a journalist. You suck ass
  • corranhorn posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    Why did you title your article "Pokemon Go's New Features Detailed" when you KNOW there's nothing close to details in your article, just some passing comments by the CEO. What a joke you are.
  • javalino posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    Just stopped here to say that i don't like you. Its only my opinion you know why.
  • jfhoell posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    Eddie, you are missing a great opportunity for a story, and am confused as to why you or others are not discussing the fact that between 600K and 1.2 million gamers cannot play The Division (1.3)
  • GerstlTV posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    You should do some more research before spreading lies about people http://www.gamespot.com/articles/twitch-launches-new-social-eating-category-someone/1100-6441411/ pure lies, I didn't eat vomit...
  • Dkrossen posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    We want to forewarn you that this e-mail is intended to resolve, on amicable terms, problems arising from your article; and not to threaten you. However, we do hope that you will take the sensitive an
  • M-ahmady posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    hI MR Eddi. how are you? my name is mobin ahmadi. i'm autur of GameFa website ... i want to create a small conversation with you... could you please answer my questions? please inform me. thanks
  • TongSama posted on eddienoteddy’s wall.
    I see you posted about Batallion 1944. It is coming out in 2017. Any chance you can do an article on Days of War? Coming out in 2016. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/drivenarts/days-of-war
  • eddienoteddy posted a new image.
  • eddienoteddy posted a new image.
  • eddienoteddy posted a new image.
  • eddienoteddy posted a new image.