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  • Question 1/10

    The most obvious early sign of pregnancy is:

  • Answer 1/10

    The most obvious early sign of pregnancy is:

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    Having tender breasts, being tired, and not being able to stand foods you used to like may all be early symptoms of pregnancy, but other things can cause these, too. The most reliable early sign that you're pregnant is missing a period, if you're usually regular. Some women don’t notice any early symptoms when they're pregnant.

  • Question 1/10

    It's rare to have mood swings in your first trimester. 

  • Answer 1/10

    It's rare to have mood swings in your first trimester. 

    • You answered:
    • Correct Answer:

    Changes in hormones can cause mood swings early on. Mood swings are one of the most common early symptoms of pregnancy.

  • Question 1/10

    Many early symptoms of pregnancy are similar to things you feel when your period is about to start.

  • Answer 1/10

    Many early symptoms of pregnancy are similar to things you feel when your period is about to start.

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    • Correct Answer:

    Bloating, tender breasts, and moodiness are all early symptoms of pregnancy and also of a menstrual period.

  • Answer 1/10

    How long do feelings of breast tenderness usually last?

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    • Correct Answer:

    Good news: As your body adjusts to hormone changes during pregnancy, your breasts probably will start to feel less tender. But they will continue to feel full. Many women will continue to have tenderness on and off throughout the pregnancy.

  • Question 1/10

    Any spotting around the time you expect your period is a sure sign that you are not pregnant.

  • Answer 1/10

    Any spotting around the time you expect your period is a sure sign that you are not pregnant.

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    • Correct Answer:

    Some pregnant women may have some light spotting around the time they expect their period. This happens when the embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus. It's called implantation bleeding.

  • Question 1/10

    Some women may lose weight during the first trimester.

  • Answer 1/10

    Some women may lose weight during the first trimester.

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    Morning sickness may cause some women to lose a few pounds in the first 3 months of pregnancy. And most women don’t gain much weight in the first trimester. Pregnant women gain the most weight during the second and third trimesters.

  • Question 1/10

    Morning sickness can happen anytime during the day.

  • Answer 1/10

    Morning sickness can happen anytime during the day.

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    Morning sickness does often happen in the morning, but it can happen at other times, too. Usually it goes away within 12 to 14 weeks. Some women find that eating smaller meals more often helps, as does having a snack (like crackers) before they get out of bed. Other tips include snacking on salty foods and drinking ginger ale. It's rare, but some women have severe nausea and vomiting that need to be treated by a doctor.

  • Question 1/10

    In the first weeks of pregnancy, you may have to pee a lot.

  • Answer 1/10

    In the first weeks of pregnancy, you may have to pee a lot.

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    Even though the baby is still tiny, your uterus is growing -- and pushing on your bladder. Hormone changes may also cause you to have to go more often. It may get better for a while -- and then come back with a vengeance in the last few weeks, when the baby is bigger and space is at a premium in there! Try going to the bathroom right before you go to bed to limit the nighttime trips.

  • Answer 1/10

    What causes fatigue in early pregnancy?

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    It may be related to hormone changes. During the first few weeks, your body starts to produce a lot of progesterone quickly. But no one knows for sure. Whatever causes it, fatigue usually goes away during the second trimester. Many women say they have more energy then. But fatigue returns as you get closer to your due date, when you're carrying additional weight and pregnancy-related discomforts can make it hard to sleep.

  • Question 1/10

    The area around the nipple usually gets dark right after you become pregnant.

  • Answer 1/10

    The area around the nipple usually gets dark right after you become pregnant.

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    • Correct Answer:

    Some women do notice a deepening of the color of the area surrounding the nipple, called the areola, but this usually doesn’t happen until the second trimester. In the first trimester, your breasts may become more tender and the nipples may stick out more.

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Sources | Reviewed by Traci C. Johnson, MD on July 15, 2017 Medically Reviewed on July 15, 2017

Reviewed by Traci C. Johnson, MD on
July 15, 2017


 Peter Cade / Iconica



American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: "Pregnancy Month by Month, Months 1 and 2," "Morning Sickness," "ACOG Issues Guidance on Treatment of Morning Sickness During Pregnancy," "How Your Baby Grows During Pregnancy."

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