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Follow-up strategies can boost a job offer

Just ask anyone who has gone on an interview: Waiting for the next steps can seem like time stands still, especially when you had a great meeting with strong rapport. You left the interview feeling motivated and energized but the reality is until you receive a job offer, you are still in a job search.

Planning for a good follow-up strategy relates directly to preparing for the interview process. Without follow-up, you could be subject to the “out of sight, out of mind” philosophy that interviewees often develop.

Think about it, you could easily be one out of a half-dozen candidates all interviewing for the same position. The notion that your background and skills could easily blend in with the rest is likely unless you do something different, following-up gives you the opportunity to stand out.

One of the best habits to keep during your job search is quickly writing information down such as; your thoughts/impressions, what was discussed and comments made immediately after your interview. I know it may seem as though you can remember all the little nuances that took place during your meeting but trust me: Unless you capture the moment as soon as you leave the interview you are apt to leave out important data.

What type of information is important to remember?  Things like how you responded to questions, reactions from the interviewer, questions that were asked and concerns mentioned. Every interview is a treasure trove of learning and each time you develop stronger answers, more precise ways of talking about your experience and building chemistry.

Here are some things to jot down after the interview:

  • How long did the interview last? Who did you meet with? What were their titles? How can you contact them?
  • What problems need to be solved for the company/department? What skills or experience does the employer need?
  • What questions were asked that were out of your comfort zone? Did you answer the interviewer’s concerns?
  • What about your background interested the interviewer the most? What did you find out about the company’s culture?
  • When would a decision be made? How long has the position been open? Who would be making the decision? How did the interviewer close the meeting, what were the next steps?

Questions like these will help you determine your follow-up plan of action and writing down your thoughts will help give context to your emails and letters.

Are you wondering when is the best time to follow-up? It’s best to do so within 24 hours while the perception you made is still fresh on the interviewer’s mind.

Since most people communicate through email, it’s perfectly fine to send your follow-up note accordingly. Stay away from texting, you want to demonstrate your communication skills through a brief but well written note expressing your appreciation for the meeting while highlighting moments during the discussion. Sending a follow-up message within 24 hours does a couple of things for you, it helps you stand out from others and it conveys that you are interested in the position.

Even though most job candidates know it’s important to express appreciation, you might be surprised at the lack of follow-up and how candidates take for granted that a good interview will suffice.

After you first initial follow-up with the interviewer, you could use a more formal approach by sending a letter within a week outlining your interest for the position and how your distinctive background relates to the employer’s needs. The more formal approach gives you a chance to re-sell the interviewer on why you can do the job backed up with results and why it’s such a good match for your background.

The way you structure your emails and letters sends a strong perception that you are listening and care about the employer’s needs.  Your motivation will often speak volumes over a qualified candidate who assumes nothing more is required from them.

How has following-up with the interviewer or decision makers helped you land a job offer? What’s been your experience in sending notes within 24 hours of your first interview?

Kim Thompson