It was no cakewalk being Miss Pickle. The title required travel, television appearances and, importantly, a sense of humor. Miss Perfect Posture must lead a straight and narrow life – or at least her spine must be so – and Miss Seals could never miss a match of hockey. 

Pageant themes from the 1960s and 70s ranged from pickled vegetables to bronzed beauty queens and everything in between. To participate, one had to be young, single and female.

It's hard to imagine such competitions taking place today, considering how far women have come since then. Some of the old themed contests are downright offensive, like the Miss White Collar pageant, which featured what a 1964 Chronicle article described as an "army of pretty young nine-to-fivers."

"What does the typical white collar girl wear," the article mused, "if not a white collar?" 


Not all the pageants required conventional good looks, though. A Miss Perfect Posture contestant complained to The San Francisco Chronicle in 1967 that the competition's judges – a panel of chiropractors and spine experts – only observed participants' backsides.

"[They] didn't even see our faces," she moaned. 

The pageants weren't exactly bastions of feminism, but there was a noted exception: the 1973 Ms. California Counter Pageant. There, contestants with monikers like Ms. Judged, Ms. Labeled and Ms. Laid joined forces to mock the American beauty pageant in all its chauvinism. No winner was crowned that year. 

"We're all winners," contestant Diane Neu told a Chronicle reporter, "because we're women."

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