Anthony Scaramucci’s wife, Deidre Ball, has filed for divorce just days after her husband accepted a new high-profile gig in President Trump’s administration, multiple sources told the New York Post on Friday.

Ball had apparently grown tied of Scaramucci’s “naked ambition, which is so enormous that it left her at her wits’ end,” a person with knowledge told Page Six.

A second individual familiar with the situation told Page Six that Trump was a part of the growing animosity between the two.

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“Deidre is not a fan of Trump, and she hasn’t exactly been on board and supportive of Anthony and his push to get back into the White House,” the second person told Page Six.

Ball, 38, was a former vice president for SkyBridge Capital, Scaramucci’s old firm. She quit her job after Scaramucci sold the firm.

This will be the second divorce for Scaramucci, a 53-year-old Wall Street financier. He was previously married to Lisa Miranda.

Soon after he sold Skybridge, Scaramucci was named Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs and an assistant to President Trump.

“Anthony is focusing on his children, his work for the president and the American people. There is nothing more important to him,” said the second individual. “I don’t know who Deidre thought she was marrying but anyone who knows Anthony knows he’s an ambitious man.”

Scaramucci and Ball have been married for three years and have two children.


Read original story Anthony Scaramucci’s Wife Files for Divorce (Report) At TheWrap