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Data Centre > BOFH

man in pain at workstation

BOFH: That's right. Turn it off. Turn it on

Episode 9"I wasn't built for user support, I know that now," I sigh.
Simon Travaglia, 07 Jul 2017

BOFH: Putting the commitment into committee

Episode 8I never cease to be amazed by the seemingly endless possibilities for forming a committee to not do something.
Simon Travaglia, 23 Jun 2017
Man with bun sucks on vape. Photo by shutterstock

BOFH: Halon is not a rad new vape flavour

Episode 7"Simon, Steven – a word?" the Boss burbles warmly.
Simon Travaglia, 16 Jun 2017
James has entered the bastardly matrix. Illustrations from SStock, text from The Reg

BOFH: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back

Episode 6 "Ok James, I think it's time we released you into the wild," I say.
Simon Travaglia, 28 Apr 2017

BOFH: Defenestration, a solution to Solutions To Problems We Don't Have

Episode 5"The thing is," I explain to James, "the vast majority of management bright ideas aren't – they're just stuff which keeps the Boss occupied till lunchtime firing off urgent emails about problems we don't have."
Simon Travaglia, 07 Apr 2017

BOFH: The Boss, the floppy and the work 'experience'

Episode 4 "Ah! Simon, Steven - this is James," the Boss burbles, pushing a young lad forward like a ritual sacrifice candidate. "James is doing a 2 week placement with us as part of his further studies."
Simon Travaglia, 31 Mar 2017
It's beer o clock for sysadmins. Photo by SHutterstock

BOFH: Don't back up in anger

Episode 3Backups.
Simon Travaglia, 17 Mar 2017
Man with clipboard, hardhat and concerned expression next to a pressure gauge in an industrial setting. Pic by Shutterstock

BOFH: Elf of Safety? Orc of Admin. Pleased to meet you

Episode 2There's a small-scale war going on between me, the PFY and the folk in Health and Safety.
Simon Travaglia, 24 Feb 2017
shouting at laptop 2 via shutterstock.jpg

BOFH: Password HELL. For you, mate, not for me

Episode 1"Okay, I'll just need your username and password to verify this," the customer rep tells me.
Simon Travaglia, 03 Feb 2017
Scientist says nope. Photo by SHutterstock

BOFH: The Hypochondriac Boss and the non-random sample

Episode 14 "It's called Selection Bias," I say to the Boss.
Simon Travaglia, 25 Nov 2016
Man with YOLO tattooed on his knuckles prepares to punch the viewer (of the pic). Photo by Shutterstock

BOFH: The Idiot-ware Project and the Meaningless Acronym

Episode 13"So I just need a bit of help with the O.I.A.A.P." the new Boss blurts, bowling into Mission Control with a folder tucked under his arm.
Simon Travaglia, 07 Oct 2016

BOFH: There are no wrong answers, just wrong questions. Mmm, really wrong ones

Episode 12"Look, all we want you to do is take this simple test which will tell us your personality type and the things you respond to," the Boss burbles.
Simon Travaglia, 30 Sep 2016
PRIVATE investigator on the phone, smoking a cigar, looks around suspiciously. Photo by Shutterstock

BOFH: The case of the suspicious red icon

Episode 11 So I'm in the office by myself while the PFY is out doing... something... I guess... when one of our atypical difficult users comes in.
Simon Travaglia, 16 Sep 2016
Two beer glasses clash and splash frothy beer into the air. Cheers! Photo by Shutterstock

BOFH: Free as in free beer or... Oh. 'Free Upgrade'

Episode 10"I TOLD you, I HATE working on printers!" I seethe at the Boss.
Simon Travaglia, 22 Jul 2016
Smiling man wears VR headset against backdrop of city. Photo by Shutterstock

BOFH: I found a flying Dragonite on a Windows 2003 domain

Episode 9 Hell hath no fury like a Boss who has taken umbrage - and in this case he happened to hear the PFY discussing how he'd "upgraded" the Boss's Pokémon Go to a full augmented-reality app with a "feature" that made large moving vehicles invisible - just before giving him a virtual reality headset and suggesting that there were some great possibilities at the roundabout at the end of the street. Still, it's not like the PFY borrowed the company van and waited at the roundabout or anything...
Simon Travaglia, 15 Jul 2016
Man shreds documents. Photo by Shutterstock

BOFH: Follow the paper trail

Episode 8 "We were wondering.. what you were doing with... the storeroom?" the Boss asks.
Simon Travaglia, 17 Jun 2016
Techie wields circular saw while standing over the innards of a workstation. Photo by Shutterstock

BOFH: What's your point, caller?

Episode 7"Well I'm... pretty sure I didn't get it!" the PFY says, motioning his mouse aimlessly around the screen for a bit while lazing back in his chair. "Have you tried rebooting your machine?"
Simon Travaglia, 03 Jun 2016
Ozzy Osbourne performing live with his bassist Blasko in 2013. Photo by Harmony Gerber,  Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

BOFH: Thermo-electric funeral

Episode 6 "So all I need is the data from yesterday and maybe the day before," the Boss says, handing over his pride and joy.
Simon Travaglia, 22 Apr 2016

BOFH: If you liked it then you should've put the internet in it

Episode 5"Wah wah wah wah wah..."
Simon Travaglia, 15 Apr 2016
Angry man yelling on phone while reading vintage printer paper report. Photo by SHutterstock

BOFH: Sure, I could make your cheapo printer perform miracles

Episode 4It's yet another one of those Fridays where ALL I NEED TO DO IS MAKE IT TO 4pm..
Simon Travaglia, 08 Apr 2016

BOFH: This laptop has ceased to be. And it's pub o'clock soon

Episode 3
Simon Travaglia, 26 Feb 2016
Kevin Steen hitting Adam Cole with a superkick at the Ring of Honor tapings held at the Ted Reeve Arena in Toronto. Pic by Tabercil, licensed under CC 3.0

BOFH: In-depth IT training needs a single-malt distillery

Episode 2 There's a bit of a scramble on.
Simon Travaglia, 29 Jan 2016

BOFH: I want no memory of this pointless conversation. Alcohol please

Episode 1"Why does it always have to be so difficult with you guys?" the new Boss asks.
Simon Travaglia, 22 Jan 2016

BOFH: Taking a spin in a decommissioned racer? On your own grill cam be it

Episode 18 "You know what Google has that we don't have?" the new Boss asks, wandering around Mission Control like the lord of all he surveys.
Simon Travaglia, 04 Dec 2015

BOFH: How long does it take to complete Friday's lager-related tasks?

Episode 17 "And so then when you've done your part of the task you simply change your task icon to the 'completed' state, click update, then activate the next task in the project chain, which will send an alert to the next team member that they have a task to complete for the project," the instructor burbles happily.
Simon Travaglia, 27 Nov 2015

BOFH: We're miracle workers. But you want us to fix THAT in 10 minutes?

Episode 16"What do you mean 'why's it not working'," the PFY asks.
Simon Travaglia, 13 Nov 2015

BOFH: I'm not doing this for the benefit of your health, you know

Episode 15 "Is he still there?" I ask the PFY, maintaining direct eye contact with him so that I can truthfully claim that I didn't see the Health and Safety guy hanging around the hallway to Mission Control like a bad smell.
Simon Travaglia, 25 Sep 2015

BOFH: Press 1. Press 2. Press whatever you damn well LIKE

Episode 14
Simon Travaglia, 18 Sep 2015

BOFH: Power corrupts, uninterrupted power corrupts absolutely

Episode 13
Simon Travaglia, 04 Sep 2015

BOFH: An architect and his own entirely avoidable downfall

Episode 12 "Well, you know what they say," the Boss says, faking sadness. "The candle that burns twice as bright..."
Simon Travaglia, 28 Aug 2015

BOFH: Why, I LOVE work courses. Please tell me more, o wise one!

Episode 11 "... and so we thought that you might like to attend this two-day workshop in effective leadership techniques," the Boss burbles, rounding off the professional goal-setting exercise that company policy obliges him to do with me and any other contractor with a contract that's rolled over for more than five years.
Simon Travaglia, 14 Aug 2015

BOFH: Knitting bobble hats on the steps of the guillotine

Episode 10
Simon Travaglia, 07 Aug 2015

BOFH: My diary is MINE and mine alone, you petty HR gimps

Episode 9 "Wow, that's like the Matrix!" the Director's PA gasps.
Simon Travaglia, 31 Jul 2015

BOFH: Don't go changing on Friday evenings, I don't wanna work that hard

Episode 8 "It's just a small change!" the Boss whines.
Simon Travaglia, 26 Jun 2015

BOFH: Step into my office. Now take a deep breath

Episode 7 "Oh this takes me back to the early days of ST225s!" the Boss burbles.
Simon Travaglia, 05 Jun 2015

BOFH: Getting to the brown, nutty heart of the water cooler matter

Episode 6
Simon Travaglia, 15 May 2015

BOFH: Explain? All we need is this kay-sh with DDR3 Cortexiphan ...

Episode 5The PFY has crossed the line. Even though he knows better, he's attempted to explain something technical to management.
Simon Travaglia, 18 Apr 2015

BOFH: Never mind that old brick, look at this ink-stained BEAUTY

Episode 4
Simon Travaglia, 27 Mar 2015

BOFH: Mmm, gotta love me some fresh BYOD dog roll

Episode 3
Simon Travaglia, 20 Mar 2015

BOFH: The ONE-NINE uptime solution

Episode 2
Simon Travaglia, 27 Feb 2015

BOFH: The Great HellDesk geek leave seek

Episode 1
Simon Travaglia, 20 Feb 2015
Stained glass angels

BOFH: A miracle on PFY Street

Episode 17
Simon Travaglia, 26 Dec 2014

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