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Bootnotes > Verity Stob


Miss Misery on hacking Mr Robot and the Missing Sense of Fun

StobAre you lolling dolefully? Then I'll continue. The TV show Mr. Robot deals with the life and adventures of Elliot Alderson, a twenty-something New York devop and cyber-vigilante. He and his circle of chums, seeking to inflict revenge on a mega-corporation for a hushed-up industrial accident, stumble towards bringing e-civilisation to a sticky end.
Verity Stob, 28 Mar 2017

Seven pet h8s: Verity is sorely vexed

StobPeter Wayner, a tech columnist, claims to have identified the seven most vexing problems in programming. According to his subheadings, these are: multithreading, closures, "too big data", np-completeness, security, encryption and identity management.
Verity Stob, 20 Jan 2017

Brexit at the next junction: Verity's guide to key post-vote skills

STOBPay attention, campers. I have conducted an impartial analysis of the post-Brexit landscape and identified a list of concrete, must-have programming skills for your edification.
Verity Stob, 26 Sep 2016
Battle for ctrl

Washed out summer? Fear ye not: DVDs for DevOps droogs

StobHurrah! Summer is at last well under way, so how better to pass the weekends than pulling the curtains on the rainscape, lolling on the sofa and inhaling a few dozen hours of downloaded TV? I am aware that such an introduction sets up certain expectations.
Verity Stob, 26 Jul 2016

The Sons of Kahn and the Witch of Wookey

StobEditor's Note: Verity Stob's Chronicles of Delphi [King James ed.] began in 1996. The most recent translations can be found here: The Sons of Kahn and the assembly language of the internet, here: The Sons of Kahn and the Pascal spring and here: Sons of Kahn: The Apocrypha.
Verity Stob, 20 May 2016
London bus photo, by Nando Machado Shutterstock

Alice, Bob and Verity, too. Yeah, everybody's got a story, pal

StobOnce there were a million A&B; stories on the Naked Web. Now there are a million-and-one.
Verity Stob, 07 Mar 2016
Book learning, image via Shutterstock

Learn you Func Prog on five minute quick!

StobFunctional Programming is the great paradigm shift that is sweeping through software development.
Verity Stob, 13 Jan 2016
Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) and the Bombe machine

A Bombe Called Christopher, or A Very Poor Imitation

StobSome weeks ago, on the back of superlative-laced recommendatory posts like this one, I took myself off to the Fosse des Puces high art cinema to see The Imitation Game, the new biopic about Alan "Weird Al" Turing starring Benedict Cumberbatch.
Verity Stob, 26 Jan 2015
George Bush in Game of Thrones

V. R. R. Stob's magnificent saga A Game Of Dog-and-Bones

StobLaud Satya Nadella stood at the leaded casement of his garret, contemplating the ominous, brooding sky to the south. The flag over the Maeiouster's Hub Complex barely stirred in the still air, so that he could not only see the sigil of his once-proud house - gules and vert oblongs accroupis sur a respectant brace, azure dexter and jaune sinister, of quatrocons, conjoined to the Mark of Registered Trade - but also make out the motto VENIT FENESTRAE (which, as everybody knows, is Old Visbasian for "Windows is coming") proudly emblazoned in the finest, most delicate Comic Sans that the T-shirt weavers of Old Redmond could fashion.
Verity Stob, 18 Dec 2014
Uncov chronicles the failure of Web 2.0

Today's bugs have BRANDS? Be still my bleeding heart [logo]

StobIn view of the ongoing security-holed far-too-open source situation, I have decided to convene an emergency meeting of ERCOCC, the El Reg Committee Of Competent Coders, to review what has occurred and how we should go forward.
Verity Stob, 01 May 2014
Do Not Adjust Your Set

Eight EXCELLENT languages for the fondleslab-friendly Intranet of Thingies

StobWhat are you up, Verity? Ensconced in one of your comfortable, miles-from-any-critical-path projects?
Verity Stob, 20 Jan 2014

Three Men in a Tardis

StobSignificant anniversaries bunch together like buses. Three are assaulting me simultaneously, give or take a month or two.
Verity Stob, 12 Nov 2013

Down with Unicode! Why 16 bits per character is a right pain in the ASCII

StobI recently experienced a Damascene conversion and, like many such converts, I am now set on a course of indiscriminate and aggressive proselytising.
Verity Stob, 04 Oct 2013

Verity's summer songs for programmers: Sing your pals to sleep()

Stob"What better way to dispel the rainy gloom of an English summer," mused Ms Stob, in an introduction presumably written some time in March, "than a mass office sing-along to a selection of IT-themed pastiches?"
Verity Stob, 22 Jul 2013

Bjarne Again: Hallelujah for C++

StobNow it has been scientifically demonstrated that we Delphi users are the happiest of all programmers, proper significance can at last be attached to the rare woes that occasionally break through our Stepford Coder personas.
Verity Stob, 17 Jun 2013
International Space Station

In space, no one can hear your laptop Blue Screen

StobReg columnist Verity Stob says she's uncovered the following string of eye-opening electronic missives between the International Space Station's crew members. First, some context:
Verity Stob, 07 May 2013
management governance3

Six things a text editor must do - or it's a one-way trip to the trash

StobWhen I heard, in a tutorial video, the multi-platform programmer's editor Sublime described as "the cool kids' code editor" (or possibly "the Cool Kid's code editor" - the speaker didn't enunciate his capitals and apostrophes very clearly) I was puzzled. As the goto (or, rather, the call-by-reference) consultant on Agile Harlem Shake in the northwest corner of our floor, surely no such assertion could plausibly be made without first interviewing me?
Verity Stob, 11 Mar 2013

Who ate all the Pis?

Verity Stob, 29 Jan 2013
babbage's analytical engine by gastev licensed under creative commons

8086 and All That. Revisited

StobEditor's Note: Verity Stob's celebrated history of computing was first published in EXE magazine in 1997, but has been unobtainable on the internets for several years. Now, thanks to the painstaking reconstruction of small pieces of parchment, and a small monetary inducement, we can now bring it to you as a Seasonal Treat. With added Annotations.
Verity Stob, 22 Dec 2012

The Sons of Kahn and the assembly language of the internet

StobEditor's Note: Verity Stob's Chronicles of Delphi [King James ed.] began in 1996. The most recent translations can be found here: The Sons of Kahn and the Pascal spring and here: Sons of Kahn: The Apocrypha.
Verity Stob, 11 Dec 2012

Google defames Reg columnist Verity Stob

Google’s latest improvement to its web search has produced a catastrophic consequence. The Chocolate Factory now adds biographical information to the search result for a person, drawing on the fantastically accurate well of truth that is Wikipedia, and also adding Google’s best guess of an identifying photograph.
Andrew Orlowski, 06 Dec 2012

Stob on Quatermass: Was this British TV's finest sci-fi hour?

Stob SpecialIn the pub, with my editor. "Those sci-fi classics of the fifties," he mused. "Not the Hammer remakes - the originals. Are they really classics? How do they compare with modern Doctor Who? Are they even watchable?"
Verity Stob, 08 Nov 2012

Five go wild with the Administration Tools Pack

StobAs you have surely heard, it’s Alan Turing’s centenary this year, and the Bletchley Park museum is celebrating by releasing a game of Monopoly themed on the life of that mathematical genius. I’ll pause for a sentence or two here, while you let your boggle levels equalise, because, given Turing’s life story, this is a quite a bizarre concept to digest. For example, what are the Chance cards going to be like?
Verity Stob, 23 Oct 2012

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love IPv6

StobIPv4 addresses are a rapidly dwindling commodity [...] ICANN distributed the last big chunks of available IPv4 addresses to the five continental Regional Internet Registries earlier this year. The RIRs in turn are running out of supplies to allocate to ISPs and other network operators - El Reg
Verity Stob, 21 Aug 2012

Welcome, friend, to Metroland

StobWhen I saw that my editor had written 'Metro isn't the problem: catapulting into Metro land (and back again) is', I said: 'There's an idea - I could do try out the Betj pastiche macro in my HTML editor'. And scurried out the door before anybody thought to stop me.
Verity Stob, 09 Jul 2012
management management3

Stuck in a dull conference? You need Verity's survival guide

StobThe technical conference season is once more upon us. The speakers at these affairs spend a lot of time sharing their software design patterns and anti-patterns with us; as a regular attendee it seemed to me that we punters were overdue for revenge. Here is some of their own medicine.
Verity Stob, 14 May 2012
Steampunk fan with goggles

Hold on, Booker prize judges - Stob's penned a steampunk hit

StobSomewhere on the hard drive of every programmer-wannabe-writer’s laptop there is the first chapter of an unfinished steam punk novel. Here’s mine.
Verity Stob, 17 Apr 2012

Molesworth and the New Latin

Stob'In his speech [...] the Education Secretary Michael Gove appeared to accept in its entirety the argument that ICT had become little more than training in office skills and something far more rigorous was required [...] While Alex Hope's slogan "coding is the new Latin" did not appeal to some, it must have appealed to the classicist in Michael Gove' - Rory Cellan-Jones, BBC website
Verity Stob, 27 Feb 2012

The Sons of Khan and the Pascal Spring

Stob[We last heard from the Sons of Khan in 2010. The scriptures continue - Ed.]
Verity Stob, 16 Jan 2012
Richard Stallman, credit: Victor Powell

Riders of the Bearded Sage

StobEver since Richard Stallman hit the news ...
Verity Stob, 21 Nov 2011

Doctor Who and the Unsatisfactory Five Hole Tape Punch

Verity Stob, 07 Nov 2011

Verity's secret shame revealed

StobI defrosted my ideas box, and found several morsels which wouldn't make a whole meal in themselves, but nonetheless needed eating.
Verity Stob, 19 Sep 2011

Here lies /^v.+b$/i

Verity Stob, 22 Aug 2011

Educating Verity the OU way

StobI think I mentioned that I was doing an Open University PGDip course in software development. (For those not familiar with the institution, the Open University has rightly been described as a sort of mental gym. You join with great enthusiasm; then, after three months, having attended just twice, you can drop out and ask for the balance of your subscription back.)
Verity Stob, 18 Jul 2011

Verity Stob and the super subjunction

StobJust downloaded the beta version of English V3.31, and I have to say I am very excited about it. This is definitely going to be a feather in the cap of Anglophones everywhere, and way better than the notorious V2.99 release of French (or the 'deux point neufty-neuf' as it has become known). There's a ton of new features to talk about, so let me dive in right away with some toothsome details.
Verity Stob, 01 Jun 2011

No stranger to the moleskin trouser

StobA website called MySpace is 'in a death spiral' according to Mr Robert Scoble, who attributes this unhappy state to its being implemented using Microsoft .NET technology, and because it is headquartered in Los Angeles, where apparently there aren't enough good programmers.
Verity Stob, 11 Apr 2011

In defence of Comic Sans

Verity Stob, 31 Jan 2011

The Girl with the NSObject Class Reference tattoo

StobWhat better occupation, at this time of year, than to polish up one's IT skills with some background reading? What have the great programming publishers got lined up for our delectation in 2011?
Verity Stob, 10 Jan 2011

I was timeboxed in a holistic scrum

StobDo you suffer from unsatisfactory projectile climaxes? Is your software construction methodology previous generation? Do you require the predictable outcome of pre-planning with the flexibility of iteration and the lightness of touch of partially de-hierarchicalised management approaches?
Verity Stob, 29 Nov 2010

Verity Stob faces execution, Wikipedia-style

A 22-year career chronicling the world of computing programming counts for nothing, it seems. Columnist and author Verity Stob may be nominated for deletion from Wikipedia for not being "notable" enough.
Andrew Orlowski, 05 Oct 2010

Diary of an Overflow Addict

StobThursday Medals 0 Rep 0
Verity Stob, 05 Oct 2010

Sons of Kahn: The Apocrypha

StobThe Sons of Kahn move on
Verity Stob, 23 Aug 2010

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