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Editorial As Parliament breaks for summer recess, MPs should reflect

Self-indulgence and grandstanding come easy; caution, attention to detail, care over language, the focus on the longer term are all less fun, but are now more needed more than at any time for the past half-century. Politics is about ideas; governance is about competent administration and management

Escape the evils of Brexit and Trumpery and grab a grim thriller

The crime novel wanders the mean streets with its mirror and lets you know what is going on in the violent world beyond the kitchen sink. In the new season of thrillers, Andy Martin realises that the best fiction definitely comes from the worst of times

Bosnian War rape survivors speak of their suffering 25 years on

It ranks among the worst atrocities in modern European history: the genocidal rape of Bosnian Muslims by Serbs during the Balkan conflict. Horrifically, tens of thousands of survivors now must live next to their rapists, seeing them daily. Sue Turton meets women still living with incalculable suffering a quarter of a century on

The Brits abroad cashing in on fake travel insurance claims

Unscrupulous claims companies have stirred an epidemic of ‘food poisoning’ insurance scams by British – and it is always British – holidaymakers. The problem is so bad that some European hotels may now ban UK visitors from all-inclusive deals

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