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The ORCID community includes everyone in the research community who recognizes the need for researchers to be uniquely identified and connected with their contributions and affiliations. This means individual researchers, organizations involved in research – universities, laboratories, commercial research companies, research funders, publishers, patent offices, data repositories, professional societies, and more – as well as organizations that build systems that support information management among and between these groups.

Prior to ORCID’s launch in October 2012, over 300 organizations had registered their support for our organization, and 50 of these provided start-up financial support. Today, we have hundreds of members who have built or are building integrations to embed ORCID iDs into their own systems, and non-members are using our public API to integrate with ORCID.

During our first three years we had a very small staff and we benefited greatly from community involvement in our business, outreach and technical working groups. These dedicated volunteers helped us understand needs and requirements, provided hands-on assistance, and enabled us to prioritize, plan, and implement our membership model, technical features, and outreach tools to support the community.

In 2015 we brought on staff to round out our operations and at the end of the year we decided to sunset our three working groups in favor of shorter term task forces to investigate specific issues. These groups may be formed by the Board or staff, are usually chaired by a Board member, and include members and non-members alike with expertise in the given area.

Active Task Forces:

Publications and User Facilities (May - December 2017)

User facilities are specialized government-sponsored research infrastructure available for external use to advance scientific or technical knowledge. Researchers compete for access to these facilities and specialized equipment. However, these awards for facility access are not regularly captured within the scholarly research workflow. This deficiency makes it difficult for the sponsor agencies and host institutions (typically government laboratories) to report on what papers and products result from their use. Collection of these research outputs is central to assessing the scientific impact from these public investments. In addition, sponsor agencies and scientific professional societies persistently seek means to lessen the administrative burdens on researchers. Recently several user facilities have begun to explore innovative approaches to these challenges, including adoption of ORCID.

Our goal in calling together this Working Group is to ascertain what data would help agencies and facilities to map impact, and to determine whether and how ORCID could enable its collection in a manner that increased data capture and reduces reporting burden for stakeholders. Our overarching goal in this project is to streamline the sharing of resource allocation information across organizations, enabling each stakeholder to contribute to the process of connecting people, organizations, and publications while lessening the reporting burdens on researchers and facilities. We plan to send out the workflow and requirements documents to the global facilities community for comments and feedback later in 2017.


  • Erin Arndt, Wiley (US)
  • Ben Brown, DOE Office of Science (US)
  • Josh Brown, ORCID (UK)
  • Mark Doyle, American Physical Society (US)
  • Laure Haak, ORCID, Chair (US)
  • Stephanie Harley, ORCID, Project Manager (US)
  • Ted Hatcher, American Chemical Society (US)
  • Matthew Hawkins, National Science Foundation (US)
  • Terry Law, Pacific Northwest National Lab (US)
  • Mark Martin, DOE OSTI (US)
  • Kathy Nasta, Brookhaven National Lab (US)
  • Dan O'Brien, American Chemical Society (US)
  • Rob Peters, ORCID (US)
  • Howard Ratner, CHORUS (US)
  • Crystal Schrof, Oak Ridge National Lab (US)
  • Steve Watson, Elsevier (Netherlands)
  • Susan White dePace, Argonne National Lab (US)

Organization IDs (January - December 2017)

Organization identifiers are essential for mapping connections between people, places and things, however, current identifiers don’t fully meet all the demands that ORCID and our community have. This Task Force is co-chaired with Crossref and Datacite, and is charged with developing a plan for the operation and governance of an independent, open, non-profit organization identifier registry. See the Organization Identifier Working Group webpage for information about the membership and activities of this group.

ORCID in books workflows (August 2016-September 2017)

There is increasing demand from the community for guidelines on implementing ORCID in book publishing workflows. During 2016, publishers, including Springer Nature and Cambridge University Press, started integrating ORCID in their books systems. Representatives from those organizations and other publishers (small and large) and service providers, volunteered for an ORCID-facilitated community working group to draft a set of best practice recommendations. We are currently working with a consultant who has expertise in all aspects of book publishing and aim to complete this project in 2017. We expect to share a report with the community for comments and feedback by the end of Q2 2017.

  • Tony Alves, Aries Systems (USA)
  • Margo Bargheer, University of Goettingen (Denmark)
  • David Cox, Taylor & Francis (UK)
  • Tim Devenport, Editeur (UK)
  • Ben Denne, Taylor & Francis (UK)
  • Justin Gonder, University of California - Office of the President (USA)
  • Christina Hopperman, Springer Nature (Germany)
  • Andrew Joseph, Wits University Press (South Africa)
  • Emily Marchant, Cambridge University Press (UK)
  • Pierre Mounier, OpenEdition, OPERAS (France)
  • Martijn Roelandse, Springer Nature (Netherlands)
  • Terence Smyre, University of Minnesota Press (USA)
  • Alice Meadows, ORCID (USA)
  • Alainna Wrigley, ORCID (Hong Kong)

Displaying iDs in journal articles (July 2016 - June 2017)

We first published guidelines for displaying ORCID iDs in journal articles back in 2013. Since then, much has changed and, in mid-2016, we set up a community working group to revisit the guidelines and update them to reflect current best practices, as well as to address challenges such as displaying iDs in hyper-authored articles. Following a call for participation, a group of 14 volunteers from the community, along with two ORCID staff, have been working on this project. The ORCID Executive Committee reviewed their recommendations in December 2016, the revised guidelines were posted for public comment in February 2017, and the final guidelines were released in May 2017.


ORCID Cash Managment (January - June 2017)

A major focus of ORCID is to reach financial sustainability. The overall remit of this Task Force is to develop the organization’s cash management policy with the aim of prudent strategy for earned revenue consistent with cashflow requirements, while minimizing risk. Individuals serving on the Task Force were selected based on financial investment experience and include the ORCID Treasurer as chair and Board members and external member and non-member advisers. The Executive Director serves in an ex officio capacity and provides research support as needed.


  • Edward Wates, Chair, ORCID Treasurer, Wiley (UK)
  • Simeon Warner, Cornell University (US)
  • Daniel Hook, Digital Science (UK)
  • Richard Hewitt, PLOS (US)
  • John Tucker, Vice President, TD Bank (US)
  • Paul Verhaak, Wellcome Trust (UK)

ORCID Membership and Fees (March - July 2017)

This ad hoc task force will conduct specific research on ORCID membership and fees structures, map to projected revenues, and report its recommendations to the Board at its May 2017 meeting. The group is chaired by Linda O’Brien and will include Board members, consortium members, and members of the community. The Membership Director serves in an ex officio capacity and provides research support as needed.


  • Linda O'Brien, Griffith University (Australia)
  • Salvatore Mele, CERN (Switzerland)
  • Bernie Rous, Association for Computing Machinery (US)
  • Peter Sadorko, University of Hong Kong (HK)
  • Irina Sens, TIB (Germany)
  • Christine Stamison, NERL (US)

ORCID Technical Community

The ORCID API Users Group is open to anyone who is interested in participating in technical discussions about the ORCID Registry and APIs, as well as receiving updates about the latest developments to the ORCID API and Registry. The Technical Community is the foundation of the ORCID Open Source community.

Previous Task Forces