Contact Government by Topic

Find contact information for government programs, listed by topic.


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Children and Education

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Consumer Products and Safety

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Fraud, Law Enforcement, and Crime

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Government Officials

Congressional contacts:

Federal contacts:

State and local contacts:

  • Governors – Find email, telephone, and postal contact information by clicking on your state governor's website.
  • Local Governments – Locate websites for the cities, counties, towns, and local communities in your state.

Judicial contacts:

  • Federal Courts – Learn about the work of the federal courts in assigning jury duty, ruling on important cases, and overseeing naturalization ceremonies.
  • Supreme Court – Call or write the Supreme Court, and call for visitor information.

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Home, Community, and Work

  • Accessibility  – File a complaint about accessibility barriers at a building or facility.
  • Affordable Housing  – Contact Ginnie Mae about affordable housing.
  • Census  – Email the Census Bureau questions and comments about the Census.
  • Discriminatory Mortgage Lending  – File an official complaint, if you feel that you have been discriminated against based on your race, color, national origin, religion, sex, family status, or disability.
  • Employment and Training  – Find state contacts for unemployment, welfare-to-work, adult and Native American training programs, and more.
  • Employment Discrimination  – File an employment discrimination complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
  • Environmental Programs  – Email a question or comment to the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Environmental Violations – Report Online  – Email a report of possible environmental violation to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Health Benefits  – Employee Benefits Security Administration regional offices will inform you of your rights and help you claim your benefits.
  • Housing Counselors  – Talk to a federally-approved housing counselor about buying a home, renting, default, avoiding foreclosure, credit issues, or reverse mortgages.
  • Housing Discrimination Complaints  – Email, call or mail complaints about housing discrimination when renting or buying a home.
  • Land Sale Complaints  – If you believe you have been a victim of fraud and abuse when buying or leasing land from developers, you can file a complaint.
  • Librarians  – Chat with or email a government librarian
  • Mine Emergency Numbers - Notify Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) of a mine accident or emergency, report hazardous conditions and get general contact information. 
  • Mine Safety - Email your questions regarding regulations, inspections, data, policy, and other topics to Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). 
  • National Runaway Safeline to Call for Help  – Call 1-800-RUNAWAY if you are a teenager thinking of running from home, if you have a friend who has run and is looking for help, or if you are a runaway ready to go home.
  • Pension Benefits  – Employee Benefits Security Administration regional offices will inform you of your rights and help you claim your benefits.
  • Radon  – Call the hotline to learn about radon and indoor air quality in your home.
  • Veterans Employment and Training  –  Key contacts for grants and employment and training assistance for veterans.
  • Worker Issues  – Email or mail the Department of Labor.
  • Workplace Safety  – Email a complaint to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).

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Military and Veterans

  • Air Force Contacts – Check the Air Force's frequently asked questions, or email your question or comment to the U.S. Air Force. 
  • Army Contacts – Email your question or comment to the U.S. Army.
  • Coast Guard Contacts – View the U.S. Coast Guard's frequently asked questions, or send an email to the Coast Guard.
  • Department of Defense  – Browse the DoD's frequently asked questions or call the DoD Public Affairs Office for information.
  • Department of Veterans Affairs  – Email, call, fax or mail questions, comments or complaints.
  • Locate Service Members – Locate a current member of the U.S. Armed Forces.
  • Marines Contacts  – Email your question to the U.S. Marine Corps.
  • Military Health System – Email your question concerning Military Medical Facilities and TRICARE Management.
  • Navy Contacts – Find key contacts and an email form for the U.S. Navy.
  • Recruiting – Find web sites and phone numbers for recruiters for each branch of service.
  • TRICARE - Find key contacts and an email form for TRICARE, the Military's Health Care Insurance and Benefits program.
  • Troops  – Find a list of organizations to help you send letters and messages to troops. 
  • Veterans Employment and Training  –  Key contacts for grants and employment and training assistance for veterans.

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Money and Business

  • Antitrust and Competition  – Email the Federal Trade Commission with a question or comment on an antitrust matter.
  • Antitrust Violations  – Email, call, or mail a report of a possible antitrust violation or potential anti-competitive activity, whether civil or criminal, to the Department of Justice.
  • Bank Complaints  – File a complaint about a bank or other financial institution with the Federal Reserve.
  • Bankruptcy Fraud  – Report suspected bankruptcy fraud to the U.S. Trustee Program of the Department of Justice.
  • Business and Electronic Commerce Practices  – Email complaints (stores, finance companies, auto dealers, mortgage companies, credit bureaus, spam email, etc.) to the Federal Trade Commission.
  • Charities  – Email complaints to the Federal Trade Commission.
  • Credit Union – Email or call with questions or comments, or report fraud to the National Credit Union Administration.
  • Deposit Insurance  – Email for assistance from the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission.
  • Economic and Humanitarian Assistance Activities Overseas  – Email, call or write comments or questions to the U.S. Agency for International Development.
  • File Paper Tax Return - Find out where to file your paper tax return - with or without a payment - with the IRS. 
  • Investors  – Email, fax or mail concerns and problems of individual investors to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
  • IRS (Internal Revenue Service) Reform  – Email an idea, issue or suggestion to the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel.
  • IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service  – The Taxpayer Advocate Service helps individuals and small businesses resolve problems with the IRS.
  • Patents and Trademarks  –  Email, call or mail questions about patents and trademarks.
  • Securities and Exchange Commission  – Contact the SEC's Office of Investor Education and Advocacy for individual assistance at
  • Statistics  – Contacts to assist with locating and using Bureau of Labor Statistics data, publications, and services.
  • Tax Help  – Email or call with comments and feedback.
  • Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Application  – Volunteer for this unique opportunity to influence how the IRS delivers services to the public by becoming a member of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP).
  • Tax Refund Status  –  Check your federal tax refund status online.
  • Trade Barriers  – Call to receive assistance in resolving problems.
  • Workplace Safety  – Email a complaint to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).

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Travel and Transportation

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Last Updated: March 29, 2017

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