Local Registration


Local Register Office
Street address: Hatanpään valtatie 24
Tel: 029 553 9431
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-16:15

Finnish Personal Identity Code

All new exchange and degree students will need a Finnish personal identity code for UTA’s student register and for the national data warehouse in higher education. Non-European students should apply for it along with their residence permit application. While in Finland it can be obtained from the Local Register Office. Once you have been granted the personal identity code, you have to present the document stating it along with your passport/identity card at UTA Registrar’s Office, preferably upon your registration with the university.

In addition to the UTA student register, the Finnish personal identity code will be needed as a means of identification in a variety of situations, for example at banks and hospitals.

Municipality of Residence

When registering with the Local Register Office, students with at least two years of right to study can be granted a Municipality of Residence which entitles them to various municipal services. For more information, please see the website of the Local Register Office.

Notification of a Change of Address

All people moving to, from or within Finland are required to submit a notification of change of address (muuttoilmoitus). The form is available from the post offices or the Local Register Office. If you have access to Finnish online banking services, you can also submit the notification online. Those registered with the Local Register Office must submit a notification of a change of address every time they move to, from or within the country. By law, the notification should be submitted no later than one week after moving. In post offices you can also find specific postcards you can send free of charge (in Finland) to inform your friends of your new address. Please also remember to update your contact information in Student's Desktop.