roasted turkey
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The traditional Thanksgiving bird has the protein building-block tryptophan, which your body uses to make serotonin. That's a brain chemical that plays a key role in depression, researchers say. In fact, some antidepressant drugs work by targeting the way your brain uses serotonin. You can get the same mood-boosting effect from chicken and soybeans.

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brazil nuts
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Brazil Nuts

This snack is rich in selenium, which helps protect your body from tiny, damaging particles called free radicals. One study found that young people who didn’t have enough of this nutrient in their diets were more likely to be depressed. The researchers couldn’t say that low selenium caused depression, though. Just one Brazil nut has almost half your daily requirement of the mineral so be careful to limit how many you eat. Other foods with this mineral include brown rice, lean beef, sunflower seeds, and seafood.

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They’re full of beta-carotene, which you can also get from pumpkin, spinach, sweet potatoes, and cantaloupe. Studies have linked this nutrient to lower levels of depression. There’s not enough evidence to say that it can prevent the disorder, but it can’t hurt to get more in your diet.

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Clams and Mussels

These seafood favorites are a good source of B-12. Some studies say that people with low levels of the vitamin are more likely to have depression. It may be that a lack of it causes a shortage of a substance called s-adenosylmethionine (SAM), which your brain needs to process other chemicals that affect your mood. If you’re looking for other B-12 foods, try lean beef, milk, and eggs.

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A jolt of caffeine can be a pick-me-up that helps you feel more motivated. But if you have postpartum depression or panic disorder, some studies suggest that it might make your symptoms worse. Other researchers say a cup of joe can lower your risk of getting depression, though they’re not sure why.

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leafy greens
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Leafy Greens

They’re packed with folate, which your brain cells need to work well and which may help protect against depression. Food manufacturers in the U.S. add this vitamin, also known as B9, to enriched grains like pasta and rice. You can also get it from lentils, lima beans, and asparagus.

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raw salmon
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This and other fish like herring and tuna are high in polyunsaturated fats. Researchers think those can help you fight depression. One type of these fats, called omega-3 fatty acids, may help brain cells use chemicals that can affect your mood. A few small studies show that people who weren’t depressed had higher levels of omega-3s than those with the mood disorder.

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glass of milk
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It’s a good source of vitamin D. If you have very low levels of this nutrient in your body, that can sometimes cause depression. One Norwegian study found that people who took a vitamin D supplement were less depressed a year later than those who didn’t. Don’t like milk? Boost the D in your diet with enriched cereals and juices, and canned fish.

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Caution: Alcohol

It might seem like just the thing to take the edge off your worries or make you feel more social. But most of the time, it’s best if you drink wine, beer, and mixed drinks only in moderation. You might feel better in the moment, but heavy drinking can make depression symptoms worse over time, because alcohol makes your brain less active. It also can make antidepressant medications less effective.

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chips, candy, pretzels
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Caution: Junk Food

It may be fast and filling, but these processed foods can be bad news for your mood. Scientists have studied how diets high in sugar, simple carbohydrates, and fatty foods affect how you feel. Many found some link between these unhealthy eats and depression. Your best bet: a well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.

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Sources | Medically Reviewed on 10/22/2015 Reviewed by Joseph Goldberg, MD on October 22, 2015


1) Getty Images

2) Getty Images

3) Getty Images

4) Getty Images

5) Getty Images

6) Getty Images

7) Getty Images

8) Getty Images

9) Getty Images

10) Getty Images

11) Getty Images

12) Getty Images



U.S. Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database.

Owens, MJ. Clinical Chemistry, February 1994.

National Alliance on Mental Illness: "Mental Health Medications."

Hulsken, S. Nutrition Research Reviews, published online Oct. 18, 2013.

Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center.

Conner, TS. The Journal of Nutrition, published online Nov. 5, 2014.

NIH: “What is selenium and what does it do?”

Beydoun, MA. British Journal of Nutrition, published online July 31, 2012.

Rusconi, AC. Rivisti di Psichiatria, July-August 2014.

Wang, L. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, published online Sept. 2, 2015.

Qureshi, NA. Journal of Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, published online May 14, 2013.

Lin, PY. Biological Psychiatry, July 15, 2010.

Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, November 2002.

Jorde, R. Journal of Internal Medicine, December, 2008.

Massachusetts Institutes of Technology Medical: "FAQs – Mental Health." "Alcohol."

Akbaraly TN. The British Journal of Psychiatry, November 2009.

Selhub, E. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, published online January 2014.

Gangwisch, J. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 2015.

Reviewed by Joseph Goldberg, MD on October 22, 2015

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