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  • Question 1/8

    One symptom of B12 deficiency is…

  • Answer 1/8

    One symptom of B12 deficiency is…

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    EXPLANATION: Fatigue is the most common symptom of people who have low levels of vitamin B12. But fatigue by itself can be a sign of almost any health condition — or just that you haven't been sleeping enough! Other signs of B12 deficiency include confusion, cognitive impairment, unsteady gait, numbness, tingling and fatigue.

  • Answer 1/8

    Which factor(s) can increase your risk of vitamin B12 deficiency?

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    EXPLANATION: Vitamin B12 deficiencies may happen when you aren't getting the right nutrients in your diet, when your body can't absorb nutrients properly, and when you have various other problems of the digestive system.


    Since most B12 in our diets comes from animal products, vegans are at risk for B12 deficiency. Crohn's and celiac disease, weight loss surgery, and chronic alcoholism can all interfere with a person's ability to absorb enough of the nutrients they need. Seniors have more problems with nutrient absorption and malnutrition as well.

  • Answer 1/8

    What happens when you don't get enough B12?

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    EXPLANATION: Vitamin B12 is a critical nutrient that helps your body make healthy red blood cells. If you have a chronic lack of B12, your body can't make the amount of red blood cells that it needs, which can lead to anemia.

  • Question 1/8

    If you have extremely low levels of B12 in your body, what could happen?

  • Answer 1/8

    If you have extremely low levels of B12 in your body, what could happen?

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    EXPLANATION: Most people with vitamin B12 deficiencies have a mild problem. But in some cases, vitamin B12 deficiency can have serious consequences. You can develop mental problems, including confused thinking, memory loss, and dementia, which in some serious cases can be irreversible. Low levels of B12 can also cause nerve damage and anemia and weaken your bones.

  • Question 1/8

    Which food has the most vitamin B12?

  • Answer 1/8

    Which food has the most vitamin B12?

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    EXPLANATION: Animal products like meat, poultry, and seafood, and dairy foods like milk, eggs, yogurt, and cheese are the best sources of vitamin B12. Honey, vegetables, and fruits are not really sources of vitamin B12, which is why people who follow a vegan diet may not get enough of it. If you're a vegan, think about eating a breakfast cereal fortified with B12. You can also take a B12 supplement, which is recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers who are vegans or even strict vegetarians.


    Sometimes B12 deficiency is caused by conditions other than diet. If your body can't absorb B12 properly, you'll need a doctor's help to boost your B12 to safe levels.

  • Answer 1/8

    How can you tell if you have a true B12 deficiency?

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    EXPLANATION: Describing your symptoms to your doctor may give him a clue that you could have low levels of vitamin B12. But you'll need blood tests to confirm it. Some people can easily fix low levels of B12 by simply changing their diet, while others will need a doctor's help.

  • Question 1/8

    What medications can make it hard for your body to absorb vitamin B12?

  • Answer 1/8

    What medications can make it hard for your body to absorb vitamin B12?

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    EXPLANATION: All of these drugs can interfere with your body's ability to break down vitamin B12 from food.

  • Answer 1/8

    How can you treat a B12 deficiency?

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    EXPLANATION: For some people, taking a vitamin supplement or eating more animal products (or both) can help boost their B12 levels back to where they should be. But other people may have a severe deficiency or may have an underlying health condition that causes their B12 to drop.


    Doctors can treat a B12 deficiency in several ways. If your symptoms are mild or moderate, you may start with an oral B12 supplement, which you take once a day; a vitamin B12 nasal spray used weekly; or vitamin B12 injections, which you need less frequently.

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    Results: Impressive! You know plenty about vitamin B12. Sometimes a B12 deficiency can be corrected by making adjustments to your diet, such as eating B12-fortified foods, or by taking a supplement. In more serious cases, you may need a doctor's care. Be sure to get plenty of B12 by eating a well-balanced diet. Sources of B12 include seafood, yogurt, cheese, and eggs.


    Results: You already know a little about vitamin B12! If you think you might have symptoms of a B12 deficiency, you should talk to your doctor about this condition. If your body lacks B12, you might feel tired, have stomach upset or intestinal issues, or have numbness or tingling of the hands and feet. People who are at risk for a B12 deficiency include the elderly, those with Crohn's or celiac disease, and vegans (who eat no animal products).


    Results: Maybe you learned more about vitamin B12 in this quiz. This vitamin comes from the animal sources that we eat, like meat and dairy products. People usually get enough B12 in their diets. But sometimes diet alone doesn't provide you with enough B12, or your body can't absorb the B12 that you take in. Lack of B12 can make you feel tired and weak and can lead to serious health problems if untreated.

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Sources | Reviewed by Neha Pathak, MD on February 28, 2017 Medically Reviewed on February 28, 2017

Reviewed by Neha Pathak, MD on
February 28, 2017


      Peter Cade / Stone



      National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: "What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Pernicious Anemia?"

      Medline Plus: "Anemia - B12 Deficiency."

      Oh, R. American Family Physician , March 1, 2003; vol 67(5): pp 979-986.

      National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: "What Is Pernicious Anemia?"

      Epocrates Online: "Vitamin B12 Deficiency."

      National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements: "Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin B12."

      USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference: "Honey."

      National Heart Lung and Blood Institute: "Who is at Risk for Pernicious Anemia?"

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