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WMU Cooley Law School
Western Michigan University Cooley Law School
Western Michigan University Cooley Law School

WMU Cooley Law School's posts

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Capital Punishment in Florida - Retired Officer and Professor Speaks to High School Students

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Experts Lead Discussion on Minorities in the Legal Profession

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Professor wins Cohn Prize in Law and Public Policy Scholarship

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Michigan Gov. Snyder appoints WMU-Cooley Professor to Flint Water Committee

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Students Volunteer at Bar Association Food Festival

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Edward Pappas Honored with Integrity Award

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Elizabeth Devolder named Law Student of the Year by National Jurist Magazine

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American Bar Association Honors Professor for Contributions to the Legal Field

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Student Association Delivers Water to Support Flint Residents - Encourages Others to Help

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Students hold drive to support @Selah_Freedom survivors of #humantrafficking #TampaBay
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