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Civil War (2006) - #7
"Civil War, Part Seven of Seven"

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Mark Millar

Steve McNiven

John Dell III
Tim Townsend
Dexter Vines

Morry Jay Hollowell - 'MO!'

Chris Eliopoulos - '(principally a letterer)'

Tom Brevoort
Molly Lazer
Joe Quesada
Aubrey Sitterson

Cover Artist(s):
Morry Jay Hollowell - 'MO!'
Steve McNiven
Dexter Vines

Rating (out of 10):
from 107 votes

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Cover Date: January 2007
Cover Price: US $ 2.99

Issue Tagline: None.

Format: Color; Standard Comic Issue; 38 pages

There are other versions of this issue in the database:
Civil War (2006) #7 Michael Turner Cover
Civil War (2006) #7 Michael Turner Sketch Cover

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Civil War

It all ends here! The startling battle that will determine the future of the Marvel Universe!

Reprinted/Collected in:
Avengers Unconquered (2009) #7
Civil War (2006) HC
Civil War (2006) HC (Michael Turner Variant Cover)
Civil War (2006) HC (Second Edition Movie Cover)
Civil War (2006) TPB
Civil War (2006) TPB (Panini (2nd Edition))
Civil War Chronicles (2007) #10
Civil War: The Complete Collection (2007) DVD-ROM
Hämähäkkimies / Spider-Man (1980) 2007-12
Marvel Deluxe - Civil War (2010) #2
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 / Civil War (2009) #1
Marvel, la colección definitiva de novelas gráficas (2014) #42
The Ultimate Graphic Novel Collection (2011) HC vol. 50 (39)

Characters:    Add/remove characters to this issue
An image for Armadillo (Marvel) exists Armadillo (Marvel)
An image for Avona exists Avona
An image for Battlestar (Marvel) exists Battlestar (Marvel)
An image for Beta Ray Bill (Marvel) exists Beta Ray Bill (Marvel)
An image for Bishop (Marvel)(03 - Lucas Bishop) exists Bishop (Marvel)(03 - Lucas Bishop)
An image for Black Crow exists Black Crow
An image for Black Panther (Marvel)(01 - T'Challa) exists Black Panther (Marvel)(01 - T'Challa)
An image for Black Widow (Marvel)(02 - Natalia Romanova) exists Black Widow (Marvel)(02 - Natalia Romanova)
An image for Blizzard (Marvel)(02 - Donnie Gill) exists Blizzard (Marvel)(02 - Donnie Gill)
An image for Bullseye (Marvel) exists Bullseye (Marvel)
An image for George Walker Bush exists George Walker Bush
An image for Luke Cage (Marvel) exists Luke Cage (Marvel)
An image for Calamity exists Calamity
An image for Captain America (Marvel)(01 - Steve Rogers) exists Captain America (Marvel)(01 - Steve Rogers)
An image for Captain Marvel (Marvel)(06 - Khn'nr) exists Captain Marvel (Marvel)(06 - Khn'nr)
An image for Captain Ultra (Marvel) exists Captain Ultra (Marvel)
An image for Cloak (Marvel) exists Cloak (Marvel)
An image for Corona (Marvel) exists Corona (Marvel)
An image for Dagger (Marvel) exists Dagger (Marvel)
An image for Daredevil (Marvel)(02 - Danny Rand) exists Daredevil (Marvel)(02 - Danny Rand)
An image for Doc Samson (Marvel) exists Doc Samson (Marvel)
An image for Doctor Strange (Marvel)(02 - Stephen Strange) exists Doctor Strange (Marvel)(02 - Stephen Strange)
An image for Falcon (Marvel)(02 - Sam Wilson) exists Falcon (Marvel)(02 - Sam Wilson)
An image for Firebird (Marvel) exists Firebird (Marvel)
An image for Gladiatrix (Marvel) exists Gladiatrix (Marvel)
An image for Hawkeye (Marvel)(02 - Kate Bishop) exists Hawkeye (Marvel)(02 - Kate Bishop)
An image for Heavy (Marvel)(01 - Dennis Murray) exists Heavy (Marvel)(01 - Dennis Murray)
An image for Hercules (Marvel) exists Hercules (Marvel)
An image for Maria Hill (Marvel) exists Maria Hill (Marvel)
An image for Hulkling (Marvel) exists Hulkling (Marvel)
An image for Human Torch (Marvel)(02 - Johnny Storm) exists Human Torch (Marvel)(02 - Johnny Storm)
An image for Invisible Woman (Marvel) exists Invisible Woman (Marvel)
An image for Iron Man (Marvel)(01 - Tony Stark) exists Iron Man (Marvel)(01 - Tony Stark)
An image for Justice (Marvel) exists Justice (Marvel)
An image for Lady Deathstrike (Marvel) exists Lady Deathstrike (Marvel)
An image for Lectronn exists Lectronn
  An image for Lightbright exists Lightbright
An image for Mr. Fantastic (Marvel)(01 - Reed Richards) exists Mr. Fantastic (Marvel)(01 - Reed Richards)
An image for Ms. Marvel (Marvel)(01 - Carol Danvers) exists Ms. Marvel (Marvel)(01 - Carol Danvers)
An image for Namor the Sub-Mariner (Marvel) exists Namor the Sub-Mariner (Marvel)
An image for Nighthawk (Marvel)(01 - Kyle Richmond) exists Nighthawk (Marvel)(01 - Kyle Richmond)
An image for Patriot (Marvel)(02 - Elijah Bradley) exists Patriot (Marvel)(02 - Elijah Bradley)
An image for Phantom Rider (Marvel)(05 - Hamilton Slade) exists Phantom Rider (Marvel)(05 - Hamilton Slade)
An image for Pierce (Marvel) exists Pierce (Marvel)
An image for Prodigy (Marvel)(03 - Ritchie Gilmore) exists Prodigy (Marvel)(03 - Ritchie Gilmore)
An image for Punisher (Marvel) exists Punisher (Marvel)
An image for Radioactive Man (Marvel)(01 - Chen Lu) exists Radioactive Man (Marvel)(01 - Chen Lu)
An image for Ragnarok (Marvel) exists Ragnarok (Marvel)
An image for Red Wolf (03 - William Talltrees) exists Red Wolf (03 - William Talltrees)
An image for Franklin Benjamin Richards (Marvel) exists Franklin Benjamin Richards (Marvel)
An image for Valeria Meghan Richards (Marvel) exists Valeria Meghan Richards (Marvel)
An image for Sentry (Marvel)(02 - Robert Reynolds) exists Sentry (Marvel)(02 - Robert Reynolds)
An image for Miriam Sharpe exists Miriam Sharpe
An image for She-Hulk (Marvel)(01 - Jennifer Walters) exists She-Hulk (Marvel)(01 - Jennifer Walters)
An image for Shooting Star exists Shooting Star
An image for Solo (Marvel) exists Solo (Marvel)
An image for Songbird (Marvel) exists Songbird (Marvel)
An image for Spider-Man (Marvel)(01 - Peter Parker) exists Spider-Man (Marvel)(01 - Peter Parker)
An image for Spider-Woman (Marvel)(05 - Veranke) exists Spider-Woman (Marvel)(05 - Veranke)
An image for Stature (Marvel) exists Stature (Marvel)
An image for Talisman (Marvel)(02 - Elizabeth Twoyoungmen) exists Talisman (Marvel)(02 - Elizabeth Twoyoungmen)
An image for Taskmaster (Marvel) exists Taskmaster (Marvel)
An image for Texas Twister (Marvel) exists Texas Twister (Marvel)
An image for Thing (Marvel)(01 - Ben Grimm) exists Thing (Marvel)(01 - Ben Grimm)
An image for U.S.Agent (Marvel) exists U.S.Agent (Marvel)
An image for Venom (Marvel)(03 - Mac Gargan) exists Venom (Marvel)(03 - Mac Gargan)
An image for Vision (Marvel)(03 - Jonas) exists Vision (Marvel)(03 - Jonas)
An image for Wasp (Marvel)(01 - Janet Van Dyne) exists Wasp (Marvel)(01 - Janet Van Dyne)
An image for Wiccan (Marvel) exists Wiccan (Marvel)
An image for Wonder Man (Marvel) exists Wonder Man (Marvel)
An image for Yellowjacket (Marvel)(03 - Criti Noll) exists Yellowjacket (Marvel)(03 - Criti Noll)

Groups:    Add/remove groups to this issue
Atlanteans (Marvel)
Avengers (Marvel)(02 - New Avengers)
Avengers (Marvel)(03 - Initiative)
Fantastic Four (Marvel)
N.Y.P.D. (Marvel)
Omega Flight (Marvel)(03 - Initiative)
  The Order (Marvel)
Rangers (Marvel)
S.H.I.E.L.D. (Marvel)
Thunderbolts (Marvel)(02 - Initiative)
Young Avengers (Marvel)

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