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Thunderbolts (1997) - #103
"Taking Civil Liberties, Part 1"

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Fabian Nicieza

Tom Grummett

Gary Erskine

James Brown - 'J. Brown'

Albert W. Deschesne - 'Comicraft/AD'
Richard Alan Starkings - 'RS'

Tom Brevoort
Molly Lazer
Joe Quesada

Cover Artist(s):
Tom Grummett

Rating (out of 10):
from 26 votes

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Cover Date: August 2006
Cover Price: US $ 2.99

Issue Tagline: None.

Format: Color; Standard Comic Issue; 32 pages

There are other versions of this issue in the database:
Thunderbolts (1997) #103 2nd Printing Mark Bagley Cover

Story Arc(s):    Add/remove story arcs to this issue
Civil War

Letters Column: Rap Sheet!

The Thunderbolts are asked by the goverment and Iron Man to hunt down supervillains while his team hunts down the heroes who have refused to register. Zemo as always is one step ahead with a plan of his own.

Reprinted/Collected in:
Civil War: The Complete Collection (2007) DVD-ROM
Civil War: The Underside (2011) HC
Civil War: Thunderbolts - Swimming With Sharks (2007) #1
The Mighty World of Marvel (2003) #79
Thunderbolts (1997) TPB

The character in this issue cannot be the Blob as he was depowered in House of M.

Characters:    Add/remove characters to this issue
An image for Atlas (Marvel)(03 - Erik Josten) exists Atlas (Marvel)(03 - Erik Josten)
An image for Baron Zemo (Marvel)(02 - Helmut Zemo) exists Baron Zemo (Marvel)(02 - Helmut Zemo)
An image for Batroc the Leaper (Marvel)(01 - Georges Batroc) exists Batroc the Leaper (Marvel)(01 - Georges Batroc)
An image for Beetle (Marvel)(03 - Civil War, First Costume) exists Beetle (Marvel)(03 - Civil War, First Costume)
An image for Beetle (Marvel)(04 - Civil War, Second Costume) exists Beetle (Marvel)(04 - Civil War, Second Costume)
An image for Beetle (Marvel)(05 - Civil War, Third Costume) exists Beetle (Marvel)(05 - Civil War, Third Costume)
An image for Blizzard (Marvel)(02 - Donnie Gill) exists Blizzard (Marvel)(02 - Donnie Gill)
An image for Boomerang (Marvel) exists Boomerang (Marvel)
An image for Bulldozer (Marvel)(01 - Henry Camp) exists Bulldozer (Marvel)(01 - Henry Camp)
An image for Fixer (Marvel)(02 - Paul Norbert Ebersol) exists Fixer (Marvel)(02 - Paul Norbert Ebersol)
An image for Henry Peter Gyrich (Marvel) exists Henry Peter Gyrich (Marvel)
An image for Iron Man (Marvel)(01 - Tony Stark) exists Iron Man (Marvel)(01 - Tony Stark)
An image for Joystick (Marvel) exists Joystick (Marvel)
An image for Klaw (Marvel) exists Klaw (Marvel)
An image for MACH-IV (Marvel) exists MACH-IV (Marvel)
An image for Mimic (Marvel) exists Mimic (Marvel)
An image for Mr. Fantastic (Marvel)(01 - Reed Richards) exists Mr. Fantastic (Marvel)(01 - Reed Richards)
  An image for Piledriver (Marvel) exists Piledriver (Marvel)
An image for Pretty Persuasions exists Pretty Persuasions
An image for Primus (Marvel) exists Primus (Marvel)
An image for Quicksand (Marvel) exists Quicksand (Marvel)
An image for Radioactive Man (Marvel)(01 - Chen Lu) exists Radioactive Man (Marvel)(01 - Chen Lu)
An image for Dallas Riordan (Marvel) exists Dallas Riordan (Marvel)
An image for Scarecrow (Marvel)(01 - Ebanezar Laughton) exists Scarecrow (Marvel)(01 - Ebanezar Laughton)
An image for Smiling Tiger exists Smiling Tiger
An image for Smuggler (Marvel)(02 - Conrad Josten) exists Smuggler (Marvel)(02 - Conrad Josten)
An image for Songbird (Marvel) exists Songbird (Marvel)
An image for Spider-Man (Marvel)(01 - Peter Parker) exists Spider-Man (Marvel)(01 - Peter Parker)
An image for Swordsman (Marvel)(05 - Andreas von Strucker) exists Swordsman (Marvel)(05 - Andreas von Strucker)
An image for Thunderball (Marvel) exists Thunderball (Marvel)
An image for Wrecker (Marvel)(03 - Dirk Garthwaite) exists Wrecker (Marvel)(03 - Dirk Garthwaite)
An image for X-Ray (Marvel)(01 - James Darnell) exists X-Ray (Marvel)(01 - James Darnell)
An image for Yellowjacket (Marvel)(03 - Criti Noll) exists Yellowjacket (Marvel)(03 - Criti Noll)
An image for Zaran (Marvel) exists Zaran (Marvel)

Groups:    Add/remove groups to this issue
Commission on Superhuman Activities (Marvel)
Guardsmen (Marvel)
  Thunderbolts (Marvel)(01 - Masters of Evil)

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