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  • 21 hours ago

    Need advise

    I visited ophthalmologist for regular routine eye checkup. Doctor conducted several scans and mentioned he suspects glucoma and mentioned diagnosis code in the records as " H40.013(ICD-10)-Open angle with borderline findings, low risk, bilateral". Can some one explain about the Issue?
  • 2 days ago

    AION and cataract surgery

    I have NAION in both eyes, including 2 events in my right eye. I now have cataracts that are further diminishing my sight. The Opthomalogist said they are ready when I am ready for surgery. I am concerned that the surgery could cause another episode of AION. I have read that cataract surgery could cause AION, but no where can I find if you already have AION if it could get worse after cataract surgery.
  • 9 days ago

    I have a bent optic nerve

    I recently went to my eye doctor about having slight double vision(not major double vision, but slight, like a ghost image going vertical). He ran several scans on me, and he told me a few possibilities that could be causing it. Like I have a subvert astigmatism. But, he also mentioned that I have a bent optic nerve, he seemed a bit concerned, so he told me to get an MRI. Should I be worried? What could be causing it.
  • 9 days ago

    i don't have money for the rental detachment operation

    so basically my father had teary eye he is 61 years old he went to a doctor and doctor told him that his vitreous was floaty or you know when it rains what do you call a lake or river or sea? anyway i don't know how to say that word and dr said that operation would be necessary. Now the problem is that my father had rectal cancer and our family spend quite a lot of money to cure him and thing is that we live in a developing small country. my family isnt poor but not rich by any means and we cant....
  • 12 days ago

    What would happen if I pluck out my own eye (seriously)?

    I believe in God and the bible. Jesus told me that if my eye causes me to sin I should pluck out my own eye. Please understand this is not a joke and I really want to know what would happen if I pulled one of my eyes out willingly. Why? because I have watched pornography and I am afraid God might decide to send me to hell. The bible says if I judge myself I will not be judged so I am SERIOUSLY considering doing this thing although I am hesitant to lose my depth perception. I cannot afford to attend....
  • 12 days ago

    Vision "blinking" without physically blinking

    My 5 year old's vision suddenly started turning on and off in both eyes two weeks ago. It's as if he's blinking, but he's not. He can even tell it's happening with eyes closed, because the darkness gets darker (no more light filtering in through eyelids). It is constant; it's never stopped over the course of the 2 weeks. The speed changes, but never seems to be less than about 1/sec. He's a very reliable reporter, and although he doesn't like it, he's just calmly....
  • Blind pupil

    Eye Dr found a growth from my right eye to my brain, and pupIL is blind. What would the growth be?
  • 20 days ago

    Visual acuity seems to switch between eyes

    I'm 72 years old. I noticed a decline in visual acuity. Visited the Ophthalmologist. Appeared the decline was in the L eye due to cataracts. I have scheduled surgery for that L eye. Now, I notice that if I cover first the L then the R eye, I see better out of the Left! I'm sure that in the exam, the L eye was the weaker eye. I have no idea what's going on. Any insights?
  • 20 days ago

    My wife gets styes and flu symptoms

    This year, my wife has twice gotten bad styes on the inside, left lower eyelid--however, the first time it started on the upper eyelid (photo attached), then moved to the lower. We've been together for 7 years and this has never been an issue until the past 6 months. While we could just chalk it up to being a typical stye caused by a clogged eyelid gland (as we've read is fairly common and rarely serious), the odd part is that she simultaneously comes down with flu-like symptoms, completely....

  • 22 days ago

    Unknown Particles in Eye

    I had shingles and viral meningitis 1 1/2 yrs ago. The shingles attacked the 5th and 6th cranial nerves and it left me blind in my right eye. I have been on eye drops, eye gels, and antiviral meds. For about 2-3 months I have noticed particles on my cheek just below my eye and few times from the eye(usually on the eyelids). The particles are black on one side and shiny, like glass, on the other side. My doctors don't know what the particles are, I had cataract surgery years ago. Could the particles....