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Dr Francis Jegede

Franc Jegede

Position: Senior Lecturer and Subject Leader – International Relations & Diplomacy (Joint Honours)

College: College of Law, Humanities and Social Sciences

Department: Humanities

Subject area: Politics

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I am a Senior Lecturer in International Relations and Diplomacy and also the Subject Leader for International Relations and Diplomacy (Joint Honours programme). I oversee the academic delivery and management of this specialist course and provide students with varied learning experience through which they develop necessary skills and training required for a career in international politics and diplomacy. I run study visits to a number of international institutions such as the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG), the European Parliament in Brussels, where students learn about key functions of international political institutions and the role these institutions play in promoting democracy, world peace, political stability and development around the world. I coordinate work-based learning for all International Relations and Diplomacy students through external opportunities for internships and vocational training.

Teaching responsibilities

I currently teach a number of core modules in International Relations and Diplomacy. These include Introduction to International Relations and Global Development, International Institutions and Diplomacy, Independent Study in International Relations and Diplomacy, Internship/Vocational module and Global Watch: International Events and the Media

Professional interests

My teaching/research interests include International Studies, Global Development and Population Studies. I am also interested in Statistical/ and Quantitative Techniques as tools to help our analysis of the real world.. I have carried out teaching/research engagements in a number of academic institutions in the UK and abroad. I originally qualified in geography up to PhD level and was a lecturer specialising in human geography in both Nigeria and the UK, specializing in development studies.

I was always interested in societal and community issues and with my background in developing countries, I helped develop a course called Third World Development for the University of Derby. This course examined issues about poverty: why some countries are rich and why some are poor and how this gap could be narrowed.  After several successful years of running this course, I began to realise that in today’s world, poverty is always related to politics, so my research branched into international relations and politics.

I completed another master’s degree in International Relations at the University of Nottingham and that eventually led to me creating the current International Relations and Diplomacy degree programme for which I currently serve as Programme Leader.

In 2001/2 I undertook a major piece of research work for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Opportunities Industrialisation Centres International (OICI).  They wanted research to be conducted on- the-ground in Nigeria, so they could understand what the country needed in terms of workforce development and aid. The project was a success and since then, I’ve done further consultancy work for other organisations including the European Regional Development funded project of Derby City Partnership.



Research interests

My current research interests include terrorism and global security. I am particularly interested in the political economy of violence with regards to the rise of state and non-state armed groups.


1998-2000: University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom – (MA International relations)

1985-1990: University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria – (PhD Geography)

1984 – 1985: University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria – (MSc Geography)

1980 -1983: University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria – (BSc Geography)

Recent publications


Chrispin, J. and Jegede, F. J. (2000): Population, Resources and Development. Second Edition, Collins Educational, London.

Chrispin, J. and Jegede, F. J. (1996): Population, Resources and Development. Collins Educational, London. (UK - Geographical Association – National Book Award Winner)

Onakomaiya, S. O., Oyesiku, O. O. and Jegede, F.J. (eds.) (1992): Ogun State In Maps. Rex Charles Publication, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Jegede, F.J. et al (eds.) (1987): Realism and Idealism in Environmental Design. Publication No. 4, Department of Geography and Regional Planning, Ogun State University, Nigeria.   

Chapters in Books

Jegede, F. (2002): "Towards an inclusive field course: a case study of the Derby University field course in the Gambia", in Herrington, M. and Dawn Simpson (eds.) Making Reasonable Adjustments with Disabled Students in Higher Education. Staff Development Materials: Case Studies and Exercises, A Collaborative HEFCE Project -ADDS 2000-2002. The University of Nottingham. Case Study No.6, pp.22-23, June 2002.

Jegede, F. J. (1994): “Elderly People’s Mobility and Use of Public Transport: A Case Study of Ten Counties in England and Wales” in Smith Jose (ed.) Transport and Welfare. Transport Geography Study Group, Institute of British Geographers, pp. 64-76.

Jegede, F.J. (1987): "Environmental Sanitation in Ogun State", in Faniran, A. et al (eds.) Rural Development in Ogun State, Publication No. 1, Department of Geography  and Regional Planning, Ogun State University, Nigeria,  pp. 274-279.

Jegede, F.J., and Oyesanwen, G. A., (1987) "Ogun State in Brief", in Faniran, A: et al (eds.) Rural Development in Ogun State, Publication No. 1, Department of Geography and Regional Planning, Ogun State University, Nigeria, pp. 2-9.

Jegede, F.J. and Badejo, B. A. (1987) "Transportation and Communication Systems in Ago-Iwoye", in Faniran, A. et al  (eds.) Ago-Iwoye Region. Publication No. 2, Department of Geography and Regional  Planning, Ogun State University, Nigeria, pp. 66-73.

Papers in Refereed Journals

Jegede, F. and Stubbs, J. (1998): ‘The Demographic Transition in eastern and western Europe: A Comparative Analysis’. Demograhie aktuell. Vortrage – Aufsatze – Forschungsberichte. Nr. 13., pp. 41- 70.

Stubbs, J. and Jegede, F. (1998): The Integration of Rail and Air Transport in Britain. Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 6 No. 1, March 1998, pp. 53 – 67.

Jegede, F.J. and Filani, M. O. (1992): "Inter-Settlement Information Flows Pattern and Nodal Structures of a Developing Area - Case Study of Ogun State, Nigeria". NETCOM, Journal of Networks and Communication Studies (IGU), Vol. 6, No. 1 January 1992, pp. 243-271.

Jegede, F.J., (1988): "Spatio-temporal Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents in Oyo State, Nigeria."  Accident Analysis and  Prevention. An International Journal of  Road Safety, Vol. 20, No. 3 pp. 227-243.

Refereed Conference Papers

Jegede, F. Bampton, K. and Todd, M. (2015): State vs Non-state Armed Groups – A Political Economy of Violence. Paper accepted for presentation at the 5th Annual International Conference on Political Science, Sociology and International Relations (PSSIR 2015), Bangkok, scheduled for September 2015.

Jegede, F. (2002): Globalisation & the North-South Divide.  presented at the 6th Form Conference on Globalisation, "Constructive Dialogue on Globalisation Issues" held at The Butchers' Hall, London, on Monday 8th July 2002. Organised by Worldaware, Echo House, Coulsdon, Surrey.

Jegede, F. J. (2001): Globalisation – The New Order or Disorder? Consequences for Individuals, Nation-States and Society. Paper presented at the 1st international Conference of the Global Studies Association, ‘Networks and Transformations’, Manchester Metropolitan university, Manchester, UK., 2-4 July 2001.

Jegede, F. J. and Stubbs, J. (1998): The Role of Public Transport in Inner City Regeneration Schemes in Great Britain: A Study of Derby City Challenge Area. Paper presented at the 8th World Conference on Transport Research, University of Antwerp – UFSIA, Antwerp, Belgium, July 1998.

Jegede, F. J. and Stubbs, J. (1997): The Demographic Transition in Eastern and Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis’. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of the German Association of Demography (DGBw), April 24-25, 1997 at Rathaus Berlin-Schoneberg, 10820 Berlin.

Jegede, F. (1995): ‘Poverty for the Masses, Riches for the few: A view of World Development’ -Collins Educational Guest Lecture presented at the Geographical Association Annual Conference, held at Lancaster University, Lancaster, April  9 - 12, 1995.

Jegede, F.J. (1995a): Elderly persons’ mobility situation and use of public transport in England and Wales - A logistic regression analysis. Paper Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, April 6 - 8, 1995.

Jegede, F.J.(1992): "National Development and Environmental Pollution- A Focus on Solid  Wastes Disposal in Nigeria". Paper presented at the 27th Congress of the International Geographical Union and Assembly, IGU, Washington DC., USA, August 9-14, 1992.

Research Reports

Jegede, F. and Stubbs, J. (2004): Access & Use of Public Transport in Normanton, City of Derby.Research commissioned by Derby City Partnership. Part-financed by the European Union under Urban II Community Initiative and the Government's Single Regeneration Budget. Research conducted at the Division of Geographical Sciences, School of Education, Health & Sciences, University of Derby, Kedleston Road, Derby DE22 1GB.

Jegede, F. (2002): Workforce Development and Civil Society Strengthening Initiative (WDCSSI). Baseline Survey Report. Volume 2 (Results & Findings). Report Presented to Opportunities Indistrialization Centres International (OICI), Philadelphia, and United States Agency for International Development (USAID/Nigeria), February 2002.

Jegede, F. (2001): Workforce Development and Civil Society Strengthening Initiative (WDCSSI). Baseline Survey Report. Volume 1 (Fieldwork Phase). Report Presented to Opportunities Indistrialization Centres International (OICI), Philadelphia, and United States Agency for International Development (USAID/Nigeria), October 2001.

Jegede, F. J. (2000): The Politics of Exclusion. A Political Analysis of Inequalities and Social Exclusion in 21st Century Great Britain. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of MA in International Relations, School of Politics, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Nottingham.

Jegede, F. J. and Stubbs, J. (1995): Transport Provision & The Inner City - A Survey of Transport Provision and Requirements for the Residents of Derby City Challenge Area. Report on a research project funded by Derby Pride Ltd., and conducted at the School of Environmental & Applied Sciences, Division of Geography, University of Derby.

Jegede, F.J. (1993): Transport for Elderly Persons: Mobility Surveys of Ten Counties In England and Wales. Report on Survey on Transport Problems of the Elderly in United Kingdom. (Research reported in the Age Concern - England' s Bulletin, November 1993).

Other Publications

Jegede, F. (2007): Organising Field Courses for Students of International Studies – Issues, Debates & reflections. British International Studies Association (BISA News), January 2007pp 7-11.

Jegede, F. (1997): Learning & Students Support Services Survey- University of Derby. Report Presented to the Student Opinion Survey Group, University of Derby, May 1997.

Jegede, F. J (1996a): Statistics in Human Geography. Student Handbook on Data Handling Techniques in Geography. Department of Geography, University of Derby.

Jegede, F. J. (1996b): Students’ Guide to Project Work in Geography/Development Studies. Department of Geography, University of Derby.

Jegede, F. J. (1995a): Measuring Development. Student Handbook on Data handling Techniques in Development Studies. Department of Geography, University of Derby.

Jegede, F. J. (1995): Smoking Among University Students: A Study of Derby University. (An Exercise in Questionnaire Survey & Data Handling). Department of Geography, University of Derby.

Jegede, F. J. (1994): Academic & Extra-curricular Activities in the University of Derby - A Survey of Students’ Perceptions. (An Exercise in Questionnaire Survey and Data Handling). Department of Geography, University of Derby).

Book Review

Urban Development in Nigeria. Robert W. Taylor (Ed.), 1991. Aldershot: Avebury. Review in Urban Studies, An International Journal for Research in Urban and Regional Studies, Vol. 31, Number 1, February 1994.

‘Towards a New Map of Africa’ edited by Ben Wisner, Camilla Toulmin & Rutendo Chitiga, Earthscan, 2005 – Book review for The Geographical Journal - Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers).

Recent conferences

5th Annual International Conference on Political Science, Sociology and International Relations (PSSIR 2015), Bangkok, Thailand - scheduled for September 2015.

(In)security in a Global Age Conference, Graduate Conference Committee of Sociology at Cambridge University – scheduled for September 2015.

Additional interests and activities

In my spare time, I teach dance as a hobby as a way of promoting community relations and social well being through physical exercise. People from all walks of life come together to dance, learn about Afro-Latin cultures and enjoy themselves at these events held once a month in Derbyshire.


Experience in industry

My knowledge of international institutions and my educational training in different social science subjects together with contacts I have developed over the years with international organisations have given me the opportunity to approach international relations and politics from an inter-disciplinary perspective.

International experience

I have developed academic links with a number of international organisations including United Nations Office (UNOG) in Geneva, Switzerland where I currently run annual field trips for my students.

Prior joining Derby University, I have held a number of academic/administrative positions at Ogun State University, Nigeria – including membership of Curriculum Development Committee (1985-1991) and Sub-Dean, Faculty of Social & Management Sciences (1990-91).

Through study visits relating to students field courses or in connection with my research and scholarly activities, I have visited and developed links with a number of countries, including  - Nigeria, Morocco, Tunisia, USA, Belgium, Gambia, Switzerland, Germany, Sri-Lanka, Tanzania Malaysia and India.



In the media

Media article on Greece’s Economic Crisis – ‘Continue to reach across the globe and ther will be rewards for all’ Derby Evening Telegraph (Business Weekly), 17th April 2013, pp 12.


Dance4 Google Conversation No. 6 on Immigration  - how dance and arts are used to explore pressing social issues.


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