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    Up to date as of February 01, 2010

    From The Vault

    Overviews per game
    Fallout skills
    Fallout 2 skills
    Fallout 3 skills
    Fallout Tactics skills
    Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel skills
    Van Buren skills

    Skills are learned abilities of your character. The skill level shows how good your character is at that skill. Skill levels can be increased by allocating skill points earned from gaining levels. Skills can also be improved by reading specific books or completing quests within the games.

    In Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, "skills" work like perks in other Fallout games. They are not listed here for this reason.


    List of skills


    Combat skills

    Skill Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout 3 Tactics Van Buren
    Big Guns yes yes yes yes no
    Energy Weapons yes yes yes yes no
    Explosives no no yes no no
    Firearms no no no no yes
    Melee Weapons yes yes yes yes yes
    Small Guns yes yes yes yes no
    Throwing yes yes no yes no
    Unarmed yes yes yes yes yes

    Active skills

    Skill Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout 3 Tactics Van Buren
    Doctor yes yes no yes no
    First Aid yes yes no yes no
    Lockpick yes yes yes yes no
    Mechanics no no no no yes
    Medic no no no no yes
    Medicine no no yes no no
    Repair yes yes yes yes no
    Science yes yes yes yes yes
    Security no no no no yes
    Sneak yes yes yes yes yes
    Steal yes yes no yes yes
    Traps yes yes no yes no

    Passive skills

    Skill Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout 3 Tactics Van Buren
    Barter yes yes yes yes yes
    Deception no no no no yes
    Gambling yes yes no yes no
    Outdoorsman yes yes no yes yes
    Persuasion no no no no yes
    Pilot no no no yes no
    Speech yes yes yes no no

    See also


    This article uses material from the "Skill" article on the Fallout wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

    Final Fantasy

    Up to date as of February 01, 2010

    From Final Fantasy Wiki

    Skill may refer to:

    This article uses material from the "Skill" article on the Final Fantasy wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

    Guild Wars

    Up to date as of February 01, 2010

    From GuildWiki

    This article is about skills in your skill bar. For the skill type "skill", see skill (skill type). For types of skills, see skill type.

    Skills are special actions carried out by characters in Guild Wars and are one of the central and most important concepts of combat. With a single campaign, every profession has access to a set of around 70-80 skills, including about 15 elite skills, that are unique to that respective profession and most of them are dependent on one of this profession's attributes.

    The following table lists counts of skills by campaign and profession with the count of elite skills within each noted in parentheses. PvE-only skills are listed after the slash. Temporary skills are excluded.

    Profession Core Prophecies Factions Nightfall Eye of the North Total
    Warrior 40 (5) 35 (11) 30 (10) / 1 25 (10) / 1 10 140 (36) / 2
    Ranger 40 (5) 35 (10) 30 (10) / 1 25 (10) / 1 10 140 (35) / 2
    Monk 40 (5) 36 (10) 30 (10) / 1 25 (10) / 1 10 141 (35) / 2
    Necromancer 40 (5) 37 (10) 30 (10) / 1 25 (10) / 1 10 142 (35) / 2
    Mesmer 40 (5) 32 (9) 30 (10) / 1 25 (10) / 1 10 137 (34) / 2
    Elementalist 40 (5) 39 (10) 30 (10) / 1 25 (10) / 1 10 144 (35) / 2
    Assassin - - 75 (15) / 1 25 (10) / 1 10 110 (25) / 2
    Ritualist - - 75 (15) / 1 25 (10) / 1 10 110 (25) / 2
    Paragon - - 0 / 1 75 (15) / 1 10 85 (15) / 2
    Dervish - - 0 / 1 75 (15) / 1 10 85 (15) / 2
    Common 1 / 1 - - 0 / 3 0 / 50 (3) 1 / 54 (3)
    Total 241 (30) / 1 214 (60) 330 (90) / 10 350 (110) / 13 100 / 50 (3) 1235 (290) / 74 (3)

    Learning skills

    A character can only learn skills of his primary and current secondary profession, changing secondary professions will temporarily hide the skills for the old secondary profession until you change back to it. Learning a skill means it is made available for this character to equip, but does not affect other characters this player has. This rule generally also applies to mobs in Guild Wars, but some mobs have multiple professions.

    There are currently six ways to learn a skill in PvE:

    • Unlocking and learning skill
    1. Gaining it from a quest (usually as the reward).
    2. Talking to a skill trainer, expending some gold and 1 skill point. Every skill you buy increases the gold cost of the next skill, to a maximum of 1 platinum (1000 gold) per skill after buying 20 skills. Skill Trainers can be found in all towns and many outposts.
    3. Talking to a hero skill trainer, expending 1 hero skill point or 1 platinum and 1 skill point (Nightfall and Eye of the North only).
    4. Changing Secondary profession unlocks few skills and character is taught them.
    5. Capturing it from a dead boss with a Signet of Capture, permanently replacing the signet with the learned skill.
    6. Learning PvE-only skill for 3000 luxon/kurzick faction.
    • Unlocking skill only
    1. Unlocking a hero will also unlock all skills of his default skill set (Nightfall and Eye of the North only).
    2. Priest of Balthazar will unlock skill for faction.
    • Learning unlocked skill
    1. Using a tome, provided that it is previously unlocked for your account.
    2. Talking to a skill trainer located in home campaign for that skill.

    Note that only way to learn elite skills, is either using Elite Tome or using Signet of Capture on high-level bosses in the Crystal Desert, the Southern Shiverpeaks, the Ring of Fire, and throughout Cantha and Elona.

    Unlocking skills

    There are two kinds of characters: roleplaying characters and PvP characters. Other than a few basic skill of each profession and the skills automatically given to PvP characters, each skill must be unlocked in order to use it on PvP characters.

    Unlocking a Skill is closely related to learning a Skill.

    • The first time a player learns a Skill with any PvE character, that skill is unlocked on that player's account for current and future PvP Characters, as well as all heroes. In PvE, unlocking a Skill happens in the same three ways as learning a Skill.
    • There are Priests of Balthazar in every arena. By redeeming Faction by speaking to these Priests, Skills can be unlocked. Unlike the other methods, PvE characters who unlock skills in this way don't learn those Skills. On the other hand, players can unlock any locked Skill this way, regardless of the character's Professions.
    • Whenever a non-elite Skill becomes unlocked (either from learning it in PvE or unlocking it with faction), it becomes available from all Skill Trainers of the corresponding continent (Prophecies skills from Tyria, Factions from Cantha, Nightfall from Elona, and Core from all) for PvE characters to purchase but only if that skill is available for that profession. Elite skills must be captured from the appropriate boss to be learned in PvE.

    Equipping skills

    Skills are equipped by opening the Skills and Attributes panel and dragging them from there to the Skill Bar while inside staging areas. Without exception, a maximum of eight skills can be equipped by a character at any time. Each skill can only be equipped once (you can't have multiple copies of a skill on your Skill Bar). Only one elite skill and up to three PvE-only skills can be equipped at a time. While in explorable areas, missions, or arenas, the Skill Bar cannot be altered.

    There are some exceptions to these rules:

    • When a character learns a skill as part of a quest reward, the player has the opportunity to replace any one of his character's current skills with the new skill, even while in a mission or explorable area.
    • The Signet of Capture can be equipped multiple times on your skill bar. To do this, you need to have purchased multiple copies of the signet from a skill trainer.
    • If an elite skill is captured with the Signet of Capture and there is already an elite skill equipped, both skills will remain equipped until the character enters another area. Only the first equipped elite skill will stay in the skill bar after changing an area.
    • When activated, certain skills, (the Signet of Capture, and the mesmer skills Echo, Arcane Echo, Arcane Mimicry, Arcane Thievery, Inspired Enchantment, and Inspired Hex) will replace themselves with another skill for the duration of the skill effect. Depending on the specific skills involved, it effectively causes one or more of the following, otherwise impossible scenarios:
      • Changing your skill bar during a mission or in an explorable area
      • Having the same skill more than once on your skill bar (only the mesmer skills or PvE skills can do this)
      • Having more than one elite skill on your skill bar.

    Note that, upon zoning, your skill bar will be reset to what it was before you last left town, except for the ones acquired by Signet of Capture, which are permanently in your skill inventory now. If you have more than one elite skill on your bar because of a recent capture, however, all but the right-most one will be removed from the bar upon zoning.

    Using skills

    To use a skill, all of the following conditions have to be met:

    • The skill must be on the Skill Bar.
    • The character must be in a mission, explorable area, or arena.
    • The character must have a sufficient Energy or adrenaline to activate the skill.
    • The skill has to be recharged.
    • There must be a valid target selected if one is required.
    • You must have the valid weapon type wielded if one is required.

    Targets are invalid if they are the wrong type (foe, ally, fleshy creature, minion, corpse, spirit), or protected by some effects (Spell Breaker, Obsidian Flesh). Some skills don't require targets (Lava Font).

    The skill need not be from one of the character's professions. In practice, characters are usually restricted to skills of their own Profession. However, the mesmer skills Arcane Mimicry, Arcane Thievery, Arcane Larceny, Simple Thievery, Inspired Enchantment, Revealed Enchantment, Inspired Hex and Revealed Hex allow other skills to be used. If the mesmer "borrows" a skill that does not match his current professions, it will be used with an attribute rank of zero, unless the mesmer first uses the elite skill Signet of Illusions, which applies the attribute points in Illusion Magic to the next 1-3 borrowed skills used.

    Core skills and campaign skills

    Currently, all skills can be classified as belonging to a campaign or being "core":

    • Core skills are available across all campaigns.
    • Prophecies skills are available only to the owners of the original Guild Wars.
    • Factions skills are available only to owners of Guild Wars Factions.
    • Nightfall skills are available only to owners of Guild Wars Nightfall.

    Skill overlap and duplicate skills

    For the main article, see duplicate skill.

    Some skills between the Prophecies and Factions campaigns are duplicates. For example, Prophecies' Heal Area and the Factions' Karei's Healing Circle differ only in their names and icons. For players with access to both campaigns, these duplicate skills allow you to make builds that can effectively use the same skill twice. Touch rangers make effective use of duplicates; by using both Vampiric Touch and Vampiric Bite, the ranger can "double" the use of the duplicated skill.

    Skill use timeline

    Activating a skill follows a certain timeline. T is short for time, the time difference between now and the time when activating the skill:

    1. T < 0
      Once a player clicks on the skill in the Skill Bar or presses the corresponding hotkey, the skill will be put in the action queue. The character will usually move until he is in range to activate the skill. A few skills, notably corpse affecting skills, will not cause the player to move into range; the player must do this manually. Skills without targets are automatically in range.
    2. T = 0
      The character is in range to activate the skill. If the target is invalid, the skill will not start, otherwise activation starts and the skill's cost must be paid.
    3. 0 < T < casting time
      The skill is being activated. The target may move out of range from this phase on. The skill can be interrupted or cancelled.
    4. T = casting time
      The activation is complete. If the target or skill has become invalid during the last phase (target dies, or is no longer dead, Spell Breaker was cast, player is hit by Blackout, etc.), the skill will fail. (Area of effect skills will cast successfully on dead targets.) If it resolves, all instantaneous and duration-based effects start now. The recharge time starts.
    5. Casting time < T < casting time + recharge time
      The skill is recharging and cannot be used. The recharge time for this skill instance can no longer be modified, except by effects that recharge this skill immediately.
    6. T >= casting time + recharge time
      The skill is recharged and ready to be used again.
    < 0
    = 0
    < Casting time
    Casting time
    < Casting time + recharge time
    Casting time + recharge time
    > Casting time + recharge time
    Effects Waiting for player to activate the skills In range to activate The skills is being activated The Casting is complete Recharging
    Recharged and ready for re-use

    Skill anatomy

    A skill can be identified by a number of characteristics:

    Name and icon

    A skill's name is a unique identifier for each skill, and an Icon has a purely aesthetic value. There are currently no game mechanics that depend on a skill's name or icon. However all skills follow a color scheme depending on the profession and some skill types follow specific patterns. For example all Item Spells have the character whose ashes the item spell represents between two curtains.

    Cost of using a skill

    Skill costs have to be paid as soon as a skill is activated. The caster is charged the cost immediately upon activation regardless of whether the skill is succesfully performed or not. There aren't any skills that cost both energy and adrenaline.


    A skill's effects resolve as soon as the skill's activation time is over and the skill resolves. At resolution, every effect is checked individually whether or not the target is valid for this effect.


    Almost all linked skills have one or more effect variables in their description, which are colored green for easy recognition. In the game, each variable is of the form x...y, where x is the variable's value at 0 rank of the linked attribute, and y is the value at 12 rank. The value progresses linearly (before rounding) with respect to the linked attribute level, and always have integer values (before rounding) at rank 0 and 15. The formula is

    VL = round(V0+L*(V15-V0)/15)

    where VL is the value at rank L. Round to the nearest integer.

    Related articles

    Facts about SkillRDF feed

    This article uses material from the "Skill" article on the Guild Wars wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.


    Up to date as of February 08, 2010
    (Redirected to Skill (Halo 3) article)

    From Halopedia, the Halo Wiki

    (18 votes)

    Skill is awarded to players of Halo 3’s Matchmaking, along with experience points. This can only be obtained on ranked playlists, such as Lone Wolves or Team Slayer.


    Gaining Skill

    There is no set process to gain skill, but that your skill is akin and relative to other players currently playing Halo 3 in Matchmaking. You do not gain skill unless you become appreciably and significantly better. If you develop a greater headshot ability, your skill level should rise noticeably, unlike with EXP, which only changes if you win a match, it takes longer to continually increase your skill level.[1] Though skill is earned much quicker by winning free for all games, than by playing team games, you still must be able to get better at your game. It may become harder the more skill you earn, yet there is always something to improve on. You can practice on only killing with headshots, or trying to get five assassinations per game. No matter what you try to improve on, your skill should increase the more you excel.  

    Skill Guide

    • 1-10: Lone Wolves - All you have to do is get in the top 3 to get EXP and a skill point. Many people who play this playlist aren't very good at it, so this should be a breeze with moderate skill.
    • 10-20: Lone Wolves/Team Slayer - Lone Wolves, once again. It is quite easy to advance up until about skill 25, where you may be pitted against experts. Team Slayer is also good if you have a group of friends you can play with, though making sure you stay in contact with each other via headsets is the key.
    • 30-40: Lone Wolves, however this requires a greater amount of skill. If not, then play Team Slayer.
    • 40-50: Same as 30-40.

    Alternate Method

    • 1-20: Team Slayer - Play Team Slayer by yourself(No Party) until you reach 20 skill. This should be quite easy to achieve.
    • 20-30: Team Slayer - Now you will start to face more skilled players; to easily increase skill points, find a friend with a skill of more than 10 and lower than yours. Make sure that he or she has a poor kill/death ratio (under 1.00) and a win/loss ratio of less than 0.5. This will make the game try to balance out your skills and find players in between. This will allow you to play against players with less skill than you.
    • 30-40: Team Slayer - You can either take the advice given for levels 1-20, or you can get a group of friends. To easily increase in skill, find friends a skill level at least ten levels higher than yours, but make sure that you can still fight the more skilled players. You may be able to gain a skill point every game or two depending on your kill\death spread and your points.
    • 40-50: Team Slayer - To get your 50 you will need 3 friends within the 40-50 range and you must be very organized. Each player must have a headset, as communication can win or lose a match. You can also use the method given for levels 20-30, but make sure to find players with a skill level between 20 and 30. This will match you against players with about Skill 30.

    Note: If you plan on bringing lower skill players such as skill 20-30 and 40-50 make sure they have a lower kill death ratio and win ration(Both can be view on Bungie.net) Also be sure that they are able to fight the better players. I would suggest that they maintain a -3 to +3 Kill Death Spread to avoid them from leveling up too quickly requiring you to find another low ranked player.


    However, there are complications to getting up the ranks:

    • One is that when you have played a lot of matches, the game will be able to work out what your "win:loss" or "kill:death" ratio is, and if you start to change the percentage, this will help you go up the ladder and ranking scheme, but if it stays the same, it can make this very difficult.
    • The hardest way to rank up is in Squad Battle as it is usually a 50/50 gamble when you enter the pregame lobby.

    Skill and Experience

    Skill Level and Experience are measured in the Matchmaking system. Players will be rewarded with experience Rating Points (RP) earned for winning a game in Halo 3 Matchmaking. Progress from recruit to officer is a reward for many wins and another way for games to be evenly matched.

    Experience Rating Points and their associated rank status (Sergeant, for example) will give other players an instant feel for how long you’ve been playing and how that compares to your relative skill level in a given playlist. A player with many RPs and a low Matchmaking skill level might be new to that specific matchmaking playlist. Knowing that is the key to knowing an enemy or teammate.


    1. http://www.bungie.net/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12901

    This article uses material from the "Skill (Halo 3)" article on the Halo wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.


    Up to date as of February 07, 2010
    (Redirected to Skills article)

    From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScape

    A player gaining a Level in a Skill.
    The current stats menu, stretched to show all the currently available skills.

    Skills are a player's abilities that may be developed throughout the game. Skills are trained by various actions which use that skill, which give experience in the skill, until enough experience is earned for the next level. Some skills allow players to cook, chop down trees, make fires, use magic, make runes, and so on. Some skills support each other. For example, logs obtained from Woodcutting can be used for Firemaking, and fires from Firemaking can be used for Cooking food, and food can be used to replenish hitpoints to help in Combat. The higher your levels are the more of the skill you will have access to.

    There are currently 24 skills in RuneScape. Members have access to all 24, while free-to-play can only advance in 15 of them, with less advantages.

    A player using the Fishing skill.

    All skills but Hitpoints start out at level 1. Hitpoints start out at level 10. Players can advance a skill to level 99; after that, they can increase their experience up to 200,000,000 - but gain no more levels for doing so. A player's combat level begins at 3, because of 10 Hitpoints. The maximum combat level a member can reach is 138. Non-members can reach up to level 126, this is because a non-member can't train the Summoning skill. See the hiscores for the relative rankings of the different skills.

    If a knowledgeable player were to start a new character, with certain assumptions for efficiency in activities like training combat and summoning with slayer, it would take approximately 3600 hours to go from all level 1 skills to all level 99 skills.

    Skills can be temporarily boosted or lowered by using certain items or equipment, such as Capes of Accomplishment, beer, potions, and pies.

    If a player is in the top 2,000,000 players in a skill, and is of level 30 or greater in that skill, they will appear on the hiscores.

    It has also been confirmed by Mod MMG that a new skill will be introduced to RuneScape sometime during 2010. Which skill this is, however, has not been announced. On Monday the 25th of January Mod SteveW responded to a comment on the Runescape Channel saying that the new skill would be released in a month with 28 days. The next day, Tuesday the 26th of Jauary, Mod Crow posted on the YouTube Runescape Channel the following: "Hi all, just thought I would quickly clear up something. It appears no one really got Mod SteveW's attempt at humour when he said it will be in a month with 28 days in it. ALL month's have 28 days in them! It was a cheeky way of saying 'No sneak information' from the Steveanator." This seems to be a confirmation that the skill will be released in Febuary, however, all months in fact have at least 28 days, so Jagex likely did not want to set any sort of date for the release.

    We’ll also be casting a critical eye over our existing skills, searching for holes, and filling them with new training activities and rewards. That’s before we even mention the new skill that is coming in 2010!
    — Andrew, Mark Gerhard and Mod Fetzki
    Confirmation that a new skill is coming out.
    Listen to audio.
    Level up fireworks (link)
    Plays when you level up in any skill


    Free to play skills

    Free players have access to 15 skills.

    Attack Allows players using melee weapons more accuracy per hit and increases their average damage per second. Generally, players with higher attack levels hit more often than players with lower attack levels. A higher attack level also allows you to wield better weapons.
    Strength Allows players to deal more damage and equip certain weapons. It also gives access to several agility shortcuts. (members)
    Defence Allows players to wear stronger armour and decrease their chance of being hit (a common misconception is that high Defence reduces an opponent's maximum damage).
    Ranged Allows players to fight with missiles and projectiles from a distance. It, in conjunction with Strength, also gives access to various agility shortcuts. (members)
    Prayer Allows players to pray for assistance, such as combat ability boosts. Effects last until the player runs out of prayer points, or turns their prayers off.
    Magic Allows players to cast spells, including teleportation. Reduces chance for magic-based attacks to hit you.
    Runecrafting Allows players to make runes in special altars using tiaras or talismans, either for magic, experience or money making
    Hitpoints Allows players to sustain more damage without dying. The Hitpoints is skill is basically your 'Health' limit.
    Crafting Allows players to craft items from raw materials, such as pottery, ranged armour, jewellery etc.
    Mining Allows players to obtain ores and gems from rocks found in some specific places.
    Smithing Allows players to smelt ores into bars and smith bars into armour, weapons, and other useful materials.
    Fishing Allows players to catch certain fish. The fish can then be sold or cooked and eaten.
    Cooking Allows players to cook food. The food can then be consumed to heal a player's Hitpoints. Some foods have special effects (for example, various members-only pies).
    Firemaking Allows players to light fires on logs, lanterns, etc. Players can cook on these fires.
    Woodcutting Allows players to cut down trees for logs, and to carve out canoes for transportation (members). The logs can then be sold or used in Firemaking or Fletching.

    Member skills

    Members have access to 9 additional skills:

    Agility Allows players to use shortcuts and increases the rate at which energy recharges. Certain equipment such as the Crystal bow also requires certain agility levels to wear.
    Herblore Allows players to clean grimy herbs and to make potions which can be used to boost/restore skills.
    Thieving Allows players to steal from market stalls and chests and to pickpocket non-player characters.
    Fletching Allows players to create projectiles (arrows, bolts) and bows/crossbows which can be used for Ranged.
    Slayer Allows players to kill certain monsters using tactics not used in normal combat. Useful in raising combat skills.
    Farming Allows players to grow plants (fruits, vegetables, herbs, trees, etc.) in certain patches across the world of RuneScape.
    Construction Allows players to build a house and its contents such as chairs, tables, workshops, dungeon, etc.
    Hunter Allows players to track, net, deadfall, snare, and trap animals, which may give useful materials for many other skills (Ranged, etc.).
    Summoning Allows players to summon familiars and pets to enhance gameplay in both combat and non-combat skills.

    Skills types

    There are four types of skills in RuneScape: Combat, Resource, Production, and Character Development.

    Combat: - These skills involve fighting in Combat.

    Attack, Defence, Strength, Magic*, Ranged, Summoning**, Slayer***, Prayer, and Hitpoints

    Resource: - These skills involve regular spawns.

    Woodcutting, Mining, Fishing, Farming, and Hunter

    Production: - These skills involve creating Resource items into other, generally more useful, items.

    Smithing, Cooking, Fletching, Firemaking, Crafting, Herblore, Runecrafting, and Construction.

    Character Development: - These skills help with travel and making money.

    Agility and Thieving.

    *Magic could be a Production Skill because of Enchantment, Superheat Item and Lunar Spells. It could also be a Character Development Skill because of Teleport Spells (a commonly used method of travel) and Alchemy Spells.

    **Summoning familiars have a wide variety of abilities. Although most are designed to help with combat, several have gathering based abilities (not considered Resource because you don't take anything from the environment), others Production abilities, and others help with traveling, making them have Character Development abilities.

    ***While Slayer is related to combat, it does not contribute to combat level .


    Main article: Experience


    The equation below calculates exactly the minimum experience needed for a given level:

    Experience Required math , where L = skill level

    The above equation can be approximated with minimal rounding error as:

    Approximate Experience Required math , where L = skill level

    This approximation can then be used to find the maximum additional experience required to level up:

    Additional Experience Required to Level Up math , where L = current level

    You want to find the experience that it would take to level up from 28 Strength to 29 Strength:

    Additional Experience Required to Level Up math

    It takes 83 experience points to get from level 1 to 2 in any skill. Thus, it would take a maximum of 1207 experience points to get from level 28 to level 29.

    Combat skills

    To calculate the experience gain for combat skills, a simple equation can be used:

    Experience earned = 4 x d
    where d = damage dealt to an opponent

    Using sacred clay weapons and armour enables the player to gain double experience for a certain period of time.

    When you use controlled mode the experience gained is divided between all three of Attack, Defence and Strength.


    To calculate the experience gain for Hitpoints, another simple equation can be used

    Experience earned = 4/3 x d = 1.33 x d
    where d = damage dealt to an opponent

    Experience Boosters:

    For certain skills, you can use Stealing Creation equipment to double your xp gained.

    These skills are:

    • Smithing/Construction - Sacred Clay Hammer
    • Crafting - Sacred Clay Needle
    • Melee/hitpoints - Sacred Clay Melee Armour
    • Magic/hitpoints* - Sacred Clay Mage Armour
    • Range/hitpoints - Sacred Clay Range Armour
    • Woodcutting - Sacred Clay Hatchet
    • Fletching - Sacred Clay Knife
    • Hunting** - Sacred Clay Butterfly Net
    • Mining - Sacred Clay Pickaxe
    • Fishing - Sacred Clay Harpoon

    *The Magic boost only works with combat-related spells.

    **The Hunting boost only works with implings and butterflies.

    ***The Combat boost works while using armour not related to the specific combat type. (ex. using Melee Sacred Clay Legs will give an experience boost to range while the player is ranging.)

    For certain skills, you can use the Penance horn from Barbarian Assault to double your xp gained.

    These skills are:

    • Firemaking with logs
    • Mining ores
    • Completing agility courses (not including Werewolf Skullball or the Agility Pyramid)

    Skill release timeline

    Skill Release date Notes
    Summoning 15 January 2008 Originally envisioned to be an extension to the Magic skill. (Existed in DeviousMUD.)
    Hunter 21 November 2006
    Construction 31 May 2006 Originally planned to be called Carpentry.
    Farming 11 July 2005 Originally planned to be released along with Carpentry
    Slayer 26 January 2005
    Runecrafting 29 March 2004 Released alongside RuneScape 2.
    Agility 12 December 2002
    Thieving 30 April 2002
    Fletching 25 March 2002
    Herblore 21 February 2002 Was named Herblaw in RuneScape Classic.
    Fishing 11 June 2001
    Prayer 24 May 2001 Known as Necromancy at time of release.
    Crafting 8 May 2001 Known as Tailoring at time of release.
    Magic 17 March 2001 This original skill was initially divided into good magics and evil magics.

    New skill

    Future update This article or section contains information about a scheduled future release or update.
    As such, the information found in this article should consist only of facts said in official Jagex® releases, but NOT speculation.
    Remember: The RuneScape Wiki is NOT a crystal ball.
    • In the February Q&A it was confirmed the new skill would not be a money skill.
    • It is definite that there is a new skill coming to RuneScape in 2010.
    • In the first question of a Q&A with Mark Gerhard in a Developer's Blog dated 6 August 2009, he confirmed that the new skill was available for all players, as since he was instated as CEO, he would give more updates to the free-version of the game, reiterating that the free-version is not a demo.
    We are working hard on a new skill, which will be available to free-to-play and members and which shows our continued commitment to the free game.
    — Mark Gerhard

    The image shows Mod MMG (Mark Gerhard, CEO) confirming that Sailing would not be a skill in the time of his career as CEO, but during a live Q&A session with Mark Gerhard (Mod MMG), he claims he was only joking, but lead belief that the new skill is less likely to be Sailing.

    Quote from MMG in the live Q&A session on 6 July 2009:

    Q) In your CC you allegedly said that Sailing will not become a skill while you're CEO, true? Thanks for taking the time to read
    — Karou
    A) Hi Kaoru

    I was only joking around about sailing, maybe there will be sailing maybe there won't be?

    — MMG

    Jagex has also mentioned that the skill will be open to free players as well as members. Currently, very little is known about this unreleased skill.

    • Also in the latest Q & A with Jagex a new question came out regarding the new skill of 2010:

    Q) "Probably a question you saw coming - Can you shine anymore light on the new skill that's coming?"

    A)Mod Mark: "Honestly, it’s not the Sailing skill. That was a crazy rumour based on a picture of a mage on a dock, who apparently is sailing a ship. He isn’t, and there is no Sailing skill. Interestingly, several of the team here at Jagex love sailing, so it did give us some cool ideas for the future. Oh, and the new skill is far better than sailing."

    • Also, in the first Q&A of 2010 a player asked:

    "Without giving away the new skill, could you briefly describe the awesomeness of said skill?"

    Mod MMG replied:

    "Haha, I really can't without giving bits of it away. All I can say is that I personally found it unique, inventive and thoroughly enjoyable. I certainly hope the players will feel the same way. What I can say is that it’s not too far away now so you will be able to make your own mind up soon."

    It is also revealed on the RuneScape official youtube channel, Mod Paul M gave a hint at the new skill. The only hint was that it started with a 'B'. However, there has also been a hint that the "B" was just a red herring. [2]

    • Excl made the joke that the new skill will be queuing (line forming) but obviously this IS NOT the new skill as it doesn't make sense. His clues however may point to a new skill, but they may be Red Herrings set up by Jagex or Excl himself or simply part of the joke.
    • It is speculated that it could have something to do with the Assassin who returns in The Temple at Senntisten and says that he will "keep his eye on you". This would be similar to the way that summoning started. He may be your mentor. And on the forums, players have suggested an alternative melee combat style. However, there is a problem with this theory, the assassin is a members only character, but Jagex has stated that the new skill will be both Members and Free-to-play. [3]
    • Mod Mark recently discounted the idea of adding mounts, stating that they would impossible to implement right now (perhaps due to the limitations of their RuneScript coding language). [4]

    Mod arko on the french forums, february '09:

    "Je suis désolée mais les développeurs ne sont pas intéressés par de nouvelles compétences pour le moment."

    Translated: "I'm sorry, but our gamecreators are not interested in new skills at the moment."

    This means that they were already busy on a new skill.


    Back in RuneScape Classic, people caught botting would be stat-swiped, meaning all their skills would be taken back to 1, including Hitpoints, making a Combat Level of 1. The only active player known to have been stat-swiped back in RuneScape Classic and is continuing to play now is Life Hated.

    See also

    This article uses material from the "Skills" article on the Runescape wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

    SWG Wiki

    Up to date as of February 04, 2010

    From SWG Wiki

    Skill is a classification of abilities granted to professions at various levels.

    Trader skills

    Trader (Engineering)

    • Engineering Fundamentals I-VI
    • Engineering Essentials I-VI
    • Engineering Expertise I-VI
    • Engineering Mastery I-VI

    This article uses material from the "Skill" article on the SWG Wiki wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.


    Up to date as of February 05, 2010
    (Redirected to Skills article)

    From TibiaWiki

    Skills measure one's proficiency in a certain ability. Skills include:

    All skills, except Magic Level start at level 10, but you can increase them by training. The rate at which the skill increases depends on the player's vocation. For example, a knight's melee skills increases faster than any other vocation. The same goes for paladins' distance skills, and for druids and sorcerer's magic level. The shielding skills of both Knights and Paladins increase at the same speed, and fishing advances at the same rate for all vocations. Also note that Axe Fighting, Club Fighting, Sword Fighting and Fist Fighting can be increased by X amount of skill points depending on the Ring.

    The higher the skill, the better you are at a given ability. Higher weapon skills (Distance, Club, Sword, and Axe Fighting) yield higher damage and accuracy. Higher shielding skills make you more likely to block an attack with your shield. Higher magic level allows you to cause more damage with Attack Runes and Spells, or heal more hitpoints with Healing Runes and Spells. Higher fishing skill gives you a better chance of catching fish.

    The highest skills are organized in a rank. Each game server has its own statistics, and you can see them arranged by the skill of your choice. The fight for the first place on the skill rank tables has lead to a wave of power gaming.

    This article uses material from the "Skills" article on the Tibia wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.


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