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Why Did a U.S. Destroyer Fail
to Dodge a Cargo Ship?

  • Lookouts and radar operators on the Fitzgerald should have spotted the freighter it collided with, and the captain should have been alerted.
  • But none of that happened, and seven sailors died in the most lethal Navy accident in years.

Landslide Destroys Chinese Village; Scores Feared Dead

Rescue workers searched for survivors after a landslide in the southwestern province of Sichuan, a region of brittle, unstable mountains, but said their chances were slim.

An Ordinary Day, a Routine Stop, and Then He Was Dead

When Diamond Reynolds’s boyfriend, Philando Castile, was fatally shot by a police officer in Minnesota, the events were captured by police and security cameras, and even her own smartphone.

Evan Wexler for The New York Times. Technology by Samsung.

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The fire raced up Grenfell Tower in London, forcing residents to decide: Wait for rescuers or try to get out?

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Immigrants Look Back to Make Sense of U.S. Politics

As immigrants in Houston follow Washington’s political turmoil, some find ominous echoes from their homelands. Others find a reminder they are lucky to be here.

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Conjuring the Ghost of Leonard Bernstein

Larry Milstein, 22, and his sister Toby, 24, live in an apartment in the Dakota once occupied by the composer. And they hold séances for a modern set of spiritualists.

Emma Straub:
By the Book

The author of “Modern Lovers” keeps her youth on a shelf: “There are books I loved in my teens and 20s that I would not love now, but it’s still nice to see them there.”

Men Can Be So Hormonal

High levels of testosterone can make them overconfident, even when they’re wrong.

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