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    CreditLeslye Davis/The New York Times

    Yearning for New Physics at CERN, in a Post-Higgs Way

    Physicists monitoring the Large Hadron Collider are seeking clues to a theory that will answer deeper questions about the cosmos. But the silence from the frontier has been ominous.

  2. Trilobites

    CreditKarl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

    Sun Showers and the Science Behind This Weather Paradox

    Let’s take a moment to appreciate what causes the phenomenon of rain falling at the same time that the sun is shining.


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    Can You Pick a Bedbug Out of a Lineup?

    In a survey, scientists found many travelers could not distinguish bedbugs from other pests, which could have implications for hotels and the travel industry.