Structure of the United States Armed Forces

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United States Armed Forces

Seal of the Department of Defense

Commander-in-Chief: President of the United States, Donald Trump
Secretary of Defense: James Mattis
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Joseph Dunford, USMC
Military budget: $582.7 billion (2016 official)
Employees: 700,000 civilian
2.8 million military (2008)

The chain of command leads from the President (as commander-in-chief) through the Secretary of Defense down to the newest recruits.[1][2] The United States armed forces are organized through the United States Department of Defense, which oversees a complex structure of joint command and control functions with many units reporting to various commanding officers. The following is an incomplete list of the various major military units, commands, and DOD offices and agencies, including civilian and military chains of command.

Department of Defense[edit]

Office of the Secretary of Defense[edit]

Organization Chart of the Office of the Secretary of Defense
  • Under Secretary of Defense Comptroller/Chief Financial Officer
    • Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
    • Director for Program Analysis and Evaluation
  • Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
    • Director of Defense Research and Engineering
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology)
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics and Material Readiness)
    • Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs)
    • Director of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition Reform)
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Advanced Systems and Concepts)
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security)
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Industrial Affairs)
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations)
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Science and Technology)
  • Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
    • Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management Policy)
    • Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)
    • Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs)
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Readiness)
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Program Integration)
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Planning)
  • Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
    • Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy)
    • Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs)
    • Assistant Secretary of Defense (Strategy and Threat Reduction)
    • Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict)
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy Support)
    • Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Technology Security Policy)
    • Defense Advisor, U.S. Mission NATO
  • Under Secretary of Defense for intel
  • Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence)
  • Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs)
  • Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs
  • General Counsel of the Department of Defense
  • Director of Operational Test and Evaluation
  • Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Intelligence Oversight)
  • Director of Administration and Management
  • Director of Net Assessment

Office of the Inspector General[edit]

Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Joint Staff[edit]

Joint Chiefs of Staff and Joint Staff Organizational Chart

Joint Staff

  • Assistant to the Chairman
  • Senior Enlisted Advisor of the Chairman
  • Director, Joint Staff
    • Manpower and Personnel (J-1)
    • Joint Staff Intelligence (J-2)
    • Operations (J-3)
    • Logistics (J-4)
    • Strategic Plans and Policy (J-5)
    • Operational Plans and Interoperability (J-7)
    • Force Structure Resources and Assessment (J-8)
    • Directorate of Management

Military Departments[edit]

Department of the Army[edit]

Chart summarizing the organization of the Department of the Army's Headquarters as of 2010
Office of the Secretary of the Army[edit]
The Army Staff[edit]

Department of the Navy[edit]

Basic Organization Chart of the United States Department of the Navy
Basic Organization Chart of the Shore Establishment of the United States Navy
Basic Organization Chart of the Operating Forces of the U.S. Navy
Organization Chart of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Organization Chart of the Office of the Secretary of the Navy
Office of the Secretary of the Navy[edit]
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[edit]
Headquarters Marine Corps[edit]
Organization of HQMC, 2006
    • Commandant of the Marine Corps
      • Counsel for the Commandant
      • Chaplain of the Marine Corps
      • Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps
      • Marine Corps Combat Development Command
      • Marine Corps Recruiting Command
      • Marine Barracks Washington, DC
      • Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps
        • Marine Corps Systems Command
        • Marine Corps National Capital Region
        • Safety Division
        • Director Marine Corps Staff
        • Deputy Commandant (DC) Manpower & Reserve Affairs
        • DC Plans, Policy & Operations
        • DC Aviation
        • DC Installations & Logistics
        • DC Combat Development
        • DC Programs & Resources
        • Command, Control, Communications & Computers
        • Health Services
        • Inspector General of the Marine Corps
        • Intelligence
        • Legislative Assistant to the Commandant
        • Public Affairs
        • Staff Judge Advocate to the Marine Corps

Department of the Air Force[edit]

Office of the Secretary of the Air Force[edit]
The Air Staff[edit]
Air Staff Organizational Chart

Combatant Commands[edit]

U.S. Africa Command[edit]

Emblem of United States Africa Command

U.S. Central Command[edit]

Emblem of the United States Central Command
  • Commander, USCENTCOM: General Joseph Votel, USMC

U.S. European Command[edit]

Emblem of the United States European Command
Order of battle[edit]

U.S. Northern Command[edit]

Emblem of United States Northern Command
  • Commander, USNORTHCOM: General Lori J. Robinson, USAF
    • Deputy Commander, USNORTHCOM: Lieutenant General Daniel R. Hokanson, USA
      • Chief of Staff: Major General Howard N. Thompson, USAF
      • Command Senior Enlisted Leader: Command Sergeant Major Robert Winzenried, USA
Order of battle[edit]

U.S. Pacific Command[edit]

Emblem of the United States Pacific Command
Order of battle[edit]

U.S. Southern Command[edit]

Emblem of the United States Southern Command
United States Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) (Fort Bragg, NC)[edit]
US Air Force Air Combat Command (Langley AFB, VA)[edit]
United States Fleet Forces Command (Norfolk NB, VA)[edit]
      • 2nd Fleet (NB Norfolk, VA)
        • Task Force 20 (2nd Fleet Battle Force)
        • Task Force 21 (2nd Fleet Patrol Reconnaissance Force) / Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet (PATRECONFORLANT) (NS Norfolk, VA)
        • Task Force 22 (2nd Fleet Amphibious Force) / Amphibious Group 2 (PHIBGRU 2) (NB Norfolk, VA)
          • Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary Strike Group 6 / Amphibious Squadron 8 (PHIBRON 8) (USS Kearsarge (LHD-3)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Deployed))
          • Saipan Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary Strike Group 4 / Amphibious Squadron 2 (PHIBRON 2) (USS Saipan (LHA-2)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Deployed))
          • Wasp Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary Strike Group 2 / Amphibious Squadron 4 (PHIBRON 4) (USS Wasp (LHD-1)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Post-Deployment))
          • Bataan Expeditionary Strike Group (USS Bataan (LHD-5)) (NAB Little Creek, VA (Intermediate Training))
          • Naval Coastal Warfare Group Two (Williamsburg, VA)
          • Tactical Air Control Group 2 (TACGRU 2) (NAB Little Creek, VA)
          • Naval Beach Group 2 (NAVBEACHGRU 2) (NB Norfolk, VA?)
        • Task Force 23 (2nd Fleet Landing Force)
        • Task Force 24 (2nd Fleet ASW Force)
        • Task Force 25 (2nd Fleet Mobile Logistics Support Force) / Combat Logistics Squadron 2 (LOGRON 2) (NB Norfolk, VA)
        • Task Force 26 (2nd Fleet Patrol Air Force) / Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet (PATRECONFORLANT) (NS Norfolk, VA)
        • Task Force 28 (2nd Fleet Caribbean Contingency Force) (NS Mayport, FL)
        • Carrier Group 4 (CARGRU 4) / Carrier Striking Force (Battle Group Training) (NB Norfolk, VA)
      • Task Force 40 / Naval Surface Force Atlantic Fleet (NAVSURFLANT) (NB Norfolk, VA)
        • Combat Logistics Squadron 2 (COMLOGRON 2) (NWS Earle, NJ)
      • Task Force 41 / Naval Air Force Atlantic Fleet (NAVAIRLANT) (NAS Oceana, VA)
        • Fighter Wing Atlantic Fleet (FITWINGLANT) (NAS Oceana, VA)
        • Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic Fleet (STRIKFIGHTWINGLANT) (NAS Oceana, VA)
        • Sea Control Wing Atlantic Fleet (SEACONWINGLANT) (NAS Jacksonville, FL)
        • Helicopter Anti-Submarine Wing Atlantic Fleet (HSWINGLANT) (NAS Jacksonville, FL)
        • Helicopter Anti-Submarine Light Wing Atlantic Fleet (HSLWINGLANT) (NS Mayport, FL)
        • Helicopter Sea Combat Wing Atlantic Fleet (HELSEACOMWINGLANT) (NAS Norfolk, VA)
          • Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron TWO (HSC-2) (NAS Norfolk, VA)
          • Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron TWENTY TWO (HSC-22) (NAS Norfolk, VA)
          • Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron TWENTY SIX (HSC-26) (NAS Norfolk, VA)
          • Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron TWENTY EIGHT (HSC-28) (NAS Norfolk, VA)
          • Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron EIGHTY FOUR (HSC-84) (NAS Norfolk, VA)
          • Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron FOURTEEN (HM-14) (NAS Norfolk, VA)
          • Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron FIFTEEN (HM-15) (NAS Corpus Christi, TX)
          • Airborne Mine Countermeasures Weapon Systems Training School (AMCMWPNSYSTRASCOL) (NAS Norfolk, VA)
          • Helicopter Sea Combat Weapons School Atlantic(HSCWEPSCOLANT) (NAS Norfolk, VA)
        • Airborne Early Warning Wing Atlantic Fleet (AEWWINGLANT) (NAS Norfolk, VA)
        • Reserve Carrier Air Wing 20 (CVWR 20) (NAS Atlanta, GA)
      • Task Force 42 / Naval Submarine Force Atlantic Fleet (NAVSUBLANT) (NB Norfolk, VA)
        • Submarine Group 2 (SUBGRU 2) (NSB New London, CT)
          • Naval Submarine Support Center (NB Norfolk, VA)
      • Task Force 43 (Training Command Atlantic Fleet?)
      • Task Force 44 (Coast Guard Force Atlantic Fleet) / Coast Guard Atlantic Area (Portsmouth, VA)
      • Task Force 45 / Fleet Marine Forces Atlantic (MARFORLANT) (Norfolk NB, VA)
      • Task Force 46 (Mine Warfare Command Atlantic Fleet (MINEWARCOM)) (USS Inchon (MCS-12)) (NS Ingleside, TX)
      • Task Force 48 (Naval Construction Battalions Atlantic Fleet) (NAB Little Creek, VA)
      • Task Force 80 (Naval Patrol and Protection of Shipping Atlantic Fleet)
      • Task Force 81 (Sea Control and Surveillance Force Atlantic Fleet) / Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet (PATRECONFORLANT) (NS Norfolk, VA)
      • Task Force 82 (Amphibious Task Force)
      • Task Force 83 (Landing Force (II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF)) (Camp Lejeune, NC)
      • Task Force 84 (ASW Force Atlantic Fleet) / Naval Submarine Force Atlantic Fleet (NAVSUBLANT) (NB Norfolk, VA)
      • Task Force 85 (Mobile Logistics Support Force Atlantic Fleet) / Combat Logistics Squadron 2 (LOGRON 2) (NB Norfolk, VA)
      • Task Force 86 (Patrol Air Force Atlantic Fleet) / Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet (PATRECONFORLANT) (NS Norfolk, VA)
        • Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 5 (PATRECONWING 5) (NAS Brunswick, ME)
        • Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 11 (PATRECONWING 11) (NAS Jacksonville, FL)
        • Reserve Patrol Wing (RESPATWING) (NAS Oceana, VA)
      • Task Force 87 (Tactical Development and Evaluation and Transit Force Atlantic Fleet)
      • Task Force 88 (Training Force Atlantic Fleet) (NB Norfolk, VA)
      • Task Force 89 (Maritime Defense Zone Atlantic Fleet) (USCGS Portsmouth, VA)
      • Task Force 125 (Naval Surface Group 2 (NAVSURFGRU 2)) (NS Mayport, FL)
      • Task Force 137 (Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic) (Naples, Italy)
      • Task Force 138 (Naval Forces South Atlantic)
      • Task Force 139 (Multilateral Special Operations Force)
      • Task Force 142 (Operational Test and Evaluation Force) (NB Norfolk, VA)
United States Marine Corps Forces Command (Norfolk NB, VA)[edit]
U.S. Forces Azores (USAFORAZ) (Lajes Field, Azores)[edit]

U.S. Special Operations Command[edit]

Emblem of the United States Special Operations Command

U.S. Strategic Command[edit]

The LeMay building
Order of battle[edit]

U.S. Transportation Command[edit]

Emblem of the United States Transportation Command

Commander, USTRANSCOM: General Paul J. Selva, USAF

Order of battle[edit]

See also[edit]


External links[edit]