Hilda Bastian


Scientist, blogger, cartoonist. Leads PubMed Health, PubMed Commons. Blogs Absolutely Maybe (PLOS Blogs), Statistically Funny, . Tweets personal

Washington DC
Geregistreerd in oktober 2010


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  1. 12 uur geleden
  2. 12 uur geleden

    Another important aspect of that ⬆️ analysis: it tallies how many 10s of 1000s of people participated in those unpublished trials.

  3. 12 uur geleden

    Important analysis! 👀 Drugs stalled at FDA far more likely to have unpublished trials than licensed ones: 46% vs 10%

  4. 13 uur geleden

    New post: with pioneering chemist, civil engineer, physician, geologist & more!

  5. heeft geretweet
    9 mei

    As you care for the sick, villains appear to try to stop you. Slip past unnoticed, defeat them, or enlist them. Make sure they fail.

  6. heeft geretweet
    10 mei

    What is intention-to-treat analysis & why does it matter so much?

  7. 10 mei
  8. 10 mei

    Already have favorite bit of a methods section for the day! Study on magazine impact on body image around pregnancy

  9. 10 mei

    Hm. Wonder how representative: parenting blog comments. Could the fervently anti-vaccine have lost a lot of steam?

  10. 10 mei
  11. 10 mei

    "...who is there now who remembers me?" 1924 survey of alumnae from the University of Michigan

  12. heeft geretweet
    9 mei

    Listen to what from has to say about the research reproducibility issue facing science.

  13. heeft geretweet
    8 mei

    "Fishing for boots" is a great alternative name for HARKing.

  14. 9 mei

    The biological clock ticking & social clock ticking in the post-"IVF" world: really interesting study & paper

  15. 9 mei

    Political rumors on Twitter in the 2012 presidential election: retweeted like mad, debunking got little traction

  16. 9 mei

    Glossy cover images for non-specialists make journals literally glam;authors who provide them get citation advantage

  17. 8 mei

    Everyone in Switzerland can get access to journals from 4 publishers to 2011 or 2015 & HT

  18. heeft geretweet
    7 mei

    Meet Alma Levant Hayden, NIH chemist, likely 1st African-American FDA scientist: exposed quack cancer treatment

  19. 8 mei

    The decline of Wakefield's impact on anti-vaccine fears in England (Vaccination rate increased across that time too)

  20. 8 mei

Het laden lijkt wat langer te duren.

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