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Most Popular Law Student Blawgs Expanded View List View

Blogs 1 - 45 of 86
Sorted by Popularity | Sort by Name | Sort by Last Post Date
Today | This Week | This Month | All Time |

Law is Cool

Law is Cool

Law school blog and podcast from Canada.

  • Jul 13

    Can we balance work and our personal life?

    Can we balance work and our personal life?
    By: Hilary Bowser It can be extremely difficult to work in the field of law and make time for our family and friends. Many believe that to be successful in our careers we must make sacrifices in our personal life. Is there truly a way to…
  • Jul 9

    by Stephanie Hannah

    by Stephanie Hannah
  • Jul 8

    My Clio Day

    My Clio Day
    By: Hilary Bowser
Rank this Week: 126

Life of a Law Student: All Feeds

Life of a Law Student: All Feeds

Covers law foundations of Canadian Law. From McGill University's Neil Wehneman and Erin Morgan.

  • Jul 11

    Common Sense: Alcohol with Energy Drinks Is Dangerou

    Common Sense: Alcohol with Energy Drinks Is Dangerou
    I started writing this article the other day for an attorney law blog and realized how silly it sounded. I put in all of the work and then realized that probably everyone knows that sipping on that Red Bull and Vodka isn’t any good…
  • Dec 4

    Court-Appointed Ad Litem: Are They Helpful?

    Court-Appointed Ad Litem: Are They Helpful?
    A court appointed ad litem (often referred to as guardian ad litem in Raleigh) refers to a court-appointed advocate for children involved in court proceedings.  These guardian ad litem volunteers represent the best interests of the child…
  • Nov 26

    Bag the “Ag Gag” Bill

    Bag the “Ag Gag” Bill
    You’ve probably seen the shocking videos of de-beaked chickens shoved thirty to a cage at a factory farm, or rats running rampant at a food processing plant. Such things are upsetting to see- but as a member of the public, you…
Rank this Week: 137

Valpo Law Blog

Valpo Law Blog

Covers recent cases and topics before the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Authored by students at Valparaiso University Law School.

  • Apr 8

    Legal Malpractice and Violations of Professional Rules Now Have Significant Bankruptcy Consequence

    Legal Malpractice and Violations of Professional Rules Now Have Significant Bankruptcy Consequence
    Azariah Jelks Juris Doctor Candidate, 2016 Valparaiso University Law Lawyers will now have more reasons to avoid committing malpractice. In Estate of Cora v. Jahrling, the Seventh Circuit held that a lawyer filing for bankruptcy could not…
  • Feb 28

    Even a Simple Contractual Mistake Can Lead to a Disastrous Outcome for Businesse

    Even a Simple Contractual Mistake Can Lead to a Disastrous Outcome for Businesse
    Elias Awaad Juris Doctor Candidate, 2016 Valparaiso University Law It is not uncommon for a business to rely on one manufacturer to provide them with a majority or a certain amount of one product to resell to the public. Often, these…
  • Feb 24

    Seventh Circuit’s Decision Discourages the Code of Silence

    Seventh Circuit’s Decision Discourages the Code of Silence
    By: Duke Truong J.D. Candidate, 2017 Valparaiso University School of Law Who can serve as witnesses in police brutality cases? On January 28, 2016, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals provided an answer with its decision in United…
Rank this Week: 498

BYU CSO (Career Services Office)…

BYU CSO (Career Services Office) Blog

BYU's Career Services Office (CSO) offers tips on how to survive and thrive in the legal world.

  • Jun 25

    White & Case Diversity

    White & Case Diversity
    Diversity and inclusion are inherent core values of White & Case, embedded in all we do as one firm in our offices around the world. As a truly global law firm, we recruit, retain and advance people of diverse backgrounds who strengthen…
  • Jun 25

    Office of Hawaiian Affairs Internship

    Office of Hawaiian Affairs Internship
    Go to the link to read about this awesome opportunity!https://m.whitehouse.gov/administration/eop/aapi/internship
  • May 6

    U.S. Court of Federal Claims Bar Association Writing Competition

    U.S. Court of Federal Claims Bar Association Writing Competition
    The U.S. Court of Federal Claims Bar Association is pleased to announce its annual Law Student Writing Competition for the 2014-15 academic year.  The Court of Federal Claims Bar Association is a non-profit, voluntary…
Rank this Week: 508

The Blawgraphy

The Blawgraphy

By Luke Gilman at the University of Houston Law Center.

Rank this Week: 499

Public Works

Public Works

Covers public service at Virginia Law.

  • Jun 12


    The Office: Fitting Into the Culture - Amanda Yale When I first started to think about writing this issue on fitting into office culture, I did what any marginally technologically savvy person would do. I went to the internet for...
  • Jun 5


    That Intern with Initiative - Annie Kim You already know the basics of being a good intern. Being smart, eager, dependable. Turning in impeccable work. Diving into projects. Not showing up to the office in flip-flops. But what inspires a...
  • Jun 4


    Email Etiquette - Liz Averill Like practically every lawyer I know, I have seen a lot of embarrassing emails. The worst have been emails containing personal messages or confidential information that were unintentionally sent to large groups…
Rank this Week: 516

Law Weblog

Law Weblog

Features recent legal developments. By the Bournemouth and Poole College Sixth Form.

  • Dec 19

    John Hart of Pepper v Hart (HL) died this year age 75

    John Hart of Pepper v Hart (HL) died this year age 75
    John HART John Hart, who has died aged 75, was as a party in the House of Lords case Pepper v Hart he was also the first man to win Mastermind.
  • Nov 23

    Supreme Court court changes rules on legal dre

    Supreme Court court changes rules on legal dre
    The end of legal dress in Supreme Court Lawyers appearing in the Supreme Court will no longer have to wear the traditional wig and gown. Supreme Court president Lord Phillips said it was “in line with the court’s goal” to make its work…
  • Oct 28

    Change in Human Rights law is certain after next month.

    Change in Human Rights law is certain after next month.
    ECHR Britain will take the chairmanship of the Council of Europe, the court’s governing body, and ministers hope to use this to push through major reforms.
Rank this Week: 552

Law and Letters

Law and Letters

  • Aug 6

    Destroying Public Education in California

    Destroying Public Education in California
    So let's say you're in charge of one of the most successful university systems in the country. Your state is in a budget crisis, held hostage by a small but strategically vocal minority that are so against taxation (while their "free market"…
  • Jun 23

    Finally back!

    Finally back!
    I went to visit my parents for a week to attend my nephew's high school graduation and to be exploited for free child care. For some reason, the entire week I could not access Blogger. I could access blogspot blogs, but not the "create a…
  • Jun 15

    Things that make you feel old.

    Things that make you feel old.
    My nephew is graduating from high school on Wednesday.
Rank this Week: 468

Law Actually

Law Actually

Blog of a LL.M law student in the UK.

  • Mar 31

    Blogger’s new templates: Contempo, Soho, Emporio and Notable

    Blogger’s new templates: Contempo, Soho, Emporio and Notable
      For a while now, I’ve been increasingly conscious that the design of Law Actually has become a bit long in the tooth. I’ve occasionally tinkered with the look and feel of my blog over the last few years, but there’s…
  • Mar 16

    When is close of business?

    When is close of business?
    Ah – ‘close of business’. What a phrase. At least it’s not quite as bad as ‘close of play’. These curious expressions which are frequently bandied about in offices throughout the western world are…
  • Mar 5

    All aboard the booger bu

    All aboard the booger bu
    Yep – it’s all a-happening down in Bristol. From the Bristol Post 27/02/17: A woman [called Sian, it seems] claims she was physically sick in the street after a passenger on a First Bus wiped a bogey on her leg. Shocked and…
Rank this Week: 722

Culture Forum Blog

Culture Forum Blog

From the Forum on Law, Culture & Society at Fordham Law.

  • Oct 14

    FOLCS Remembers Jack Greenberg

    FOLCS Remembers Jack Greenberg
    FOLCS Remembers Jack Greenberg FOLCS acknowledges the death of one of our former Film Series guests, the legendary civil rights attorney, Jack Greenberg, who passed away on October 12, 2016, at age 91. Greenberg argued 40 cases before the…
  • Aug 3

    The 6 types of lawyer movies (by Thane Rosenbaum)

    The 6 types of lawyer movies (by Thane Rosenbaum)
    When it comes to films about the legal system, spoiler alerts aren’t necessary. For the most part, there’s little ambiguity about where a law film is going—no real surprises, few cliffhangers and not much in the way of…
  • Jul 5

    FOLCS’ Remembers Auschwitz Survivor and Holocaust Hero Elie Wiesel

    FOLCS’ Remembers Auschwitz Survivor and Holocaust Hero Elie Wiesel
    FOLCS is deeply saddened to hear that Elie Wiesel passed away on July 2, 2016 at age 87. Wiesel was an inspirational Holocaust hero, Auschwitz survivor, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and remarkable novelist. Wiesel was born in Sighet,…
Rank this Week: 710

Law School Labyrinth Blog

Law School Labyrinth Blog

Covers the study and practice of law for pre-law and law school students.

  • Aug 1


    Somebody once asked the rhetorical question: "Why do people form cliques?"The rhetorical answer was: "To keep other people out."We see them in all aspects of our lives: country clubs, at work, even churches; you name it. Cliques start early…
  • Aug 21

    Socrates and Freddy Krueger

    Socrates and Freddy Krueger
    I’ll never forget the first time I was called on in class.         “Mr. Sedberry, do you think that a party who has sent a purchase order for goods to another party should be required to…
  • Aug 15

    The Secret That's Not A Secret

    The Secret That's Not A Secret
    If you are a freshman or sophomore in college, then close your browser and immediately get back to your studies.  Invest every minute of your available time in achieving the highest possible GPA before worrying about the law…
Rank this Week: 902



By a full-time legal secretary attending law school part-time at night.

  • Jun 27

    Safest Cities for a Mom To Practice Law in California

    Safest Cities for a Mom To Practice Law in California
    It is already hard enough to be a lawyer but being a mom makes it even harder. We often get asked a lot of questions about where is the safest place to practice law. People obviously want to be able…
  • Jun 11

    Time Management

    Time Management
    In todays world the most important thing that we never have enough of is time. When you are prepping for the Bar Test and taking care of your family the days seem to fly by and you never can fit…
  • Jun 11

    The Not So Fun Bar Test

    The Not So Fun Bar Test
    So normally most people think Bar and associate that word with good times but for a select few it has a completely different meaning. In 2015 we have hit an all time low for passing this incredibly challenging law test.…
Rank this Week: 909



Explores the intersection of law and economics. By Joshua Sturtevant.

  • Nov 5

    The Problem with Libertarianism

    The Problem with Libertarianism
    Libertarianism has created some excitement among the American masses recently in lock-step with the perception that government interference in citizens' lives is on the rise. However, opponents like to point out that libertarianism…
  • Nov 4

    Obamacare Proving My Point Better Than I Ever Could

    Obamacare Proving My Point Better Than I Ever Could
    I have spoken unfavorably about Obamacare many times on this page. While I didn't like the voting process related to it, the forced coverage language or the taxes and the rising costs that would necessarily be associated…
  • Nov 2

    The Price of Liberty...

    The Price of Liberty...
    I had to make a quick stop into the office this morning. Unfortunately, part of the Metro system I would have taken was closed. Fear not dear readers - this was due to weekend track work, not a lesser-reported government…
Rank this Week: 669

Mac Law Students

Mac Law Students

Macintosh + Law School.

  • May 20

    Official List of States that will Support ExamSoft’s SofTest Mac

    Official List of States that will Support ExamSoft’s SofTest Mac
    Here is the official list of states supporting the Mac version of ExamSoft’s test software: Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut,  Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas,…
  • May 18

    Update on ExamSoft: Bars to use ExamSoft’s SofTest Mac

    Update on ExamSoft: Bars to use ExamSoft’s SofTest Mac
    Looks like most of the State Bar Examiners will allow the use of ExamSoft’s SofTest Mac. Dear Administrator, We’re very excited with the response we’ve received from Mac users at your school and we’d like to request your assistance in…
  • Feb 17

    “It’s wonderful to have a beginner’s mind.”

    “It’s wonderful to have a beginner’s mind.”
    In 1996, Wired interviewed Steve Jobs. I gave that interview another look last night, and was startled (not for the first time) at how much he got right, and how much of the interview telegraphed things to come from Apple. “It’s wonderful…
Rank this Week: 781

Before the Bar Blog - ABA For Law…

Before the Bar Blog - ABA For Law Students

Before the Bar brings together a diversity of opinions, experiences and voices associated with the law – from students to attorneys and judges to members of the legal education field. Its purpose is to connect law students to the future of law.

Rank this Week: 1583

Law, Technology & Arts Blog

Law, Technology & Arts Blog

Covers emerging legal issues in IP, technology, commerce, and the arts. From the Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts.

Rank this Week: 1496



Covers bar exams. By BARBRI.

  • Jun 2

    Long Days of Bar Prep – and Some Fun

    Long Days of Bar Prep – and Some Fun
    Long Days of Bar Prep – and Some Fun GUEST BLOG Ruth Carter, Esq.  |  Of Counsel – Venjuris, P.C. Owner/Attorney – Carter Law Firm, PLLC I’ve never said that I was graceful or eloquent, and it…
  • Jun 1

    #BarPrepLife: Creatures of Habit

    #BarPrepLife: Creatures of Habit
    #BarPrepLife Creatures of Habit GUEST BLOG Lauren Rose, Graduate of the University of Detroit Mercy This was a good experience because, much like what I expect to happen during the bar exam, I was working near strangers in a room that I had…
  • May 25


    THOROUGHLY REVIEW THE EXPLANATORY ANSWERS 50 Years, 100 Bar Exams: Our Exclusive, Expert Tips By Everett Chambers, BARBRI Vice President of Institutional Programs BARBRI’s explanatory answers are comprehensive, relevant and accurate to…
Rank this Week: 1304

Written Description

Written Description

Reviews recent scholarship in patent law, intellectual property theory, and innovation. By Christopher Suarez, Sarah Tran, and Tan Mau Wu.

  • May 30

    Licensing in the Shadow of Impression Product

    Licensing in the Shadow of Impression Product
    Daniel Hemel and Lisa Larrimore OuelletteCross-posted at Whatever Source DerivedJudging by the media coverage, the Supreme Court’s decision today in Impression Products, Inc. v. Lexmark Inc. will have dramatic implications for producers…
  • Apr 28

    Major Issues in Trade Secret Law: Part 1

    Major Issues in Trade Secret Law: Part 1
    I was thrilled to attend The New Era of Trade Secret Law: The DTSA and other Developments, hosted by the IP Institute at Mitchell/Hamline School of Law and its Director, Sharon Sandeen, Robins Kaplan Distinguished Professor of Law.…
  • Apr 25

    Biosimilars at the Supreme Court: Argument Preview

    Biosimilars at the Supreme Court: Argument Preview
    This is a guest post by Katie Mladinich, a J.D. student at Stanford Law School. She received her Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.The Supreme Court will hear arguments this morning in its first cases…
Rank this Week: 1497

An Associate's Mind

An Associate's Mind

Covers how associates should approach the practice of law. By Keith Lee.

  • May 12

    Ask LawyerSlack: What Were Your Naive Expectations in Law School?

    Ask LawyerSlack: What Were Your Naive Expectations in Law School?
    It’s time for another round of “Ask LawyerSlack!” I get a question from you, dear reader, and throw it to the wolves share it with the denizens in LawyerSlack. The folks in LawyerSlack then ridicule the question provide…
  • Apr 26

    Emotional Distress Tweet (Assault with a Deadly Twitter Part VII)

    Emotional Distress Tweet (Assault with a Deadly Twitter Part VII)
    This is Part VII of the ongoing coverage of Assault With A Deadly Twitter. Previous entries: Can You Sue Someone For A Tweet That Induces Epilepsy? (Part I) Can Kurt Eichenwald Get Pre-suit Discovery From Twitter? (Part II) Can You…
  • Apr 19

    Ask LawyerSlack: How Do You Handle The Stress Of Being A Lawyer?

    Ask LawyerSlack: How Do You Handle The Stress Of Being A Lawyer?
    It’s time for another round of “Ask LawyerSlack!” I get a question from you, dear reader, and throw it to the wolves share it with the denizens in LawyerSlack. The folks in LawyerSlack then ridicule the question provide…
Rank this Week: 916



Musings of a computer scientist turned law student. By T. Greg Doucette.

  • Apr 23

    Navigating a Path Forward

    Navigating a Path Forward
    One of the big challenges I suspect a lot of us have is figuring out just what exactly we’re supposed to do in life. Not necessarily with the super-small stuff of course. We wake up every day, eat breakfast, bathe, etc etc etc. And not…
  • Mar 13

    ::taps mic:: “Is this thing on?”

    ::taps mic:: “Is this thing on?”
    If any of my older readers are still checking this blog occasionally, (1) I love you but (2) you probably need to seek therapy 😉 It’s been over a year since I wrote anything here at law:/dev/null. Officially the longest hiatus…
  • Nov 27

    How to Feel Like an Underachiever

    How to Feel Like an Underachiever
    QuietStorm and I worked with this guy when we were all in the Student Senate at NC State. And now he’s in the New York Times: How to Prosecute Abusive Prosecutors By BRANDON BUSKEY | NOV. 27, 2015 WHEN it comes to poor people arrested…
Rank this Week: 1494

Law Library & Technology Blog

Law Library & Technology Blog

From the George Mason University School of Law.

  • Nov 18

    Online Services Registration Information

    Online Services Registration Information
    A quick mid-year reminder about database access — Bloomberg Law If you have lost or forgotten your username or password for Bloomberg Law, you can retrieve them by using the “Forgot your Password?” and/or “Forgot your…
  • Nov 18

    Online Services Registration Information

    Online Services Registration Information
    A quick mid-year reminder about database access — Bloomberg Law If you have lost or forgotten your username or password for Bloomberg Law, you can retrieve them by using the “Forgot your Password?” and/or “Forgot your…
  • Sep 13

    West Academic Study Aids — they aren’t just for exams!

    West Academic Study Aids — they aren’t just for exams!
    The West Study Aids package is available online to all students. It includes nutshells, hornbooks, Gilbert’s outlines, and much much more. Content isn’t limited to academic subjects — prepping for an interview? There…
Rank this Week: 1701

Instructional Technology

Instructional Technology

A blawg by Darlene Cardillo, an Instructional Technologist at Albany Law School, dedicated to issues related to instructional technology in general and especially as it relates to legal education.

  • Feb 1

    Lecture Capture Anyone?

    Lecture Capture Anyone?
    After several years of using portable audio recorders to record classes for students and Adobe Presenter to add narration to PowerPoint Presentations, Albany Law School has moved to the Panopto lecture capture system for these…
  • Jan 29

    They’re Not Paying Attention! What Can We Do?

    They’re Not Paying Attention! What Can We Do?
    According to a recent study published in the Journal of Media Education, university students are not paying attention in class. They spend 20% of their time in class doing things on their digital devices that have nothing to do…
  • Oct 2

    Who Likes What?

    Who Likes What?
    Recently, Campus Technology polled hundreds of education professionals to ask them which products they think are truly the best. So here’s what they said (in Campus Technology’s first-ever higher education…
Rank this Week: 1848

Legal Geekery

Legal Geekery

Covers the shenanigans of some geeks stuck in law school.

  • Mar 30

    Legal Mind Hacks: Choose Metaphors Wisely—One Word Matters More Than You Think #legalmindhack

    Legal Mind Hacks: Choose Metaphors Wisely—One Word Matters More Than You Think #legalmindhack
    As a PhD student one of my everyday tasks was to read and summarize social and cognitive psychology literature in preparation for my classes. Since I had already practiced as an attorney at the time, I was constantly noting research with…
  • Sep 10

    Fastcase Public Links to Cases on Haiku Decisis Are Here!

    Fastcase Public Links to Cases on Haiku Decisis Are Here!
    It was always my intention to include links to the cases referenced on Haiku Decisis, and finally that day is today. We introduced a feature at Fastcase about two months ago allowing any Fastcase subscriber to generate a public link to any…
  • Aug 19

    Haikus Straight from SCOTUS

    Haikus Straight from SCOTUS
    Announcing Haiku Decisis. A few weeks ago, for reasons I still don’t completely understand, I began to wonder how often the Supreme Court inadvertently creates a haiku in its opinions. These are the kinds of conversations we tend to…
Rank this Week: 1422

Nuts & Boalts

Nuts & Boalts

Stories from the fruits and nuts of the University of California, Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall).

  • Aug 8

    Hanging By An OCI Thread

    Hanging By An OCI Thread
    Next Friday will mark 10 years to the day that I created this blog as a way of chronicling my experience in law school.  It has served well beyond its initial, humble purpose.  But with my very limited time these days, and more…
  • Jan 30

    John Yoo for Dean? WTF?

    John Yoo for Dean? WTF?
    Last week, students at Berkeley Law received a series of emails from the Berkeley Law Dean Search Committee announcing four candidate visits to campus in the coming days.This afternoon students received an email from a "Berkeley Law Dean…
  • Jan 23

    Who wants to be...Dean?

    Who wants to be...Dean?
    And then there were four. Today all students received an email announcing the Dean Search Committee (including representatives from the faculty, main campus and a student) has selected four candidates, who will visit campus in February, to…
Rank this Week: 1442

Cybercrime Review

Cybercrime Review

Explores new technology, recent legal developments, and interesting arguments at the intersection of computers and the law. By Jeffrey Brown.

  • Jul 9

    Va. police may seek to photograph erection of teenage boy accused of manufacturing child pornography

    Va. police may seek to photograph erection of teenage boy accused of manufacturing child pornography
    The Washington Post reports that police in Manassas, Virginia may seek to photograph the erection of a teenage boy accused of possession and manufacturing child pornography. The teenager sent a video of himself to his girlfriend, and her…
  • Jun 26

    Initial Reactions to Riley v. California

    Initial Reactions to Riley v. California
    Yesterday, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that police must obtain a warrant prior to searching the cell phones of the people they arrest in Riley v. California. In an opinion widely heralded as a resounding victory for privacy in the…
  • Jun 26

    Initial Reactions to Riley v. California

    Initial Reactions to Riley v. California
    Yesterday, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that police must obtain a warrant prior to searching the cell phones of the people they arrest in Riley v. California. In an opinion widely heralded as a resounding victory for privacy in the…
Rank this Week: 1785

The 'Shipping News

The 'Shipping News

Covers clerkship advice and information. By the University of Virginia School of Law.

  • Oct 14

    Robert E. Wone Annual Judicial Clerkship & Internship Conference - last RSVP date

    Robert E. Wone Annual Judicial Clerkship & Internship Conference - last RSVP date
    Tomorrow is the last day to RSVP for the Robert E. Wone Annual Judicial Clerkship & Internship Conference. The conference will be held at the University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law 4340 Connecticut Ave., N.W.…
  • Sep 3

    Judicial Intern and Clerkship Conference

    Judicial Intern and Clerkship Conference
    Want an opportunity to learn about judicial clerkships and internships from the judges themselves? If so, make your way to Washington D.C. on Saturday, October 19, 2013, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm for the Robert E. Wone Annual Minority Judicial…
  • Jul 25

    Virginia Trial Court

    Virginia Trial Court
    A clerkship in a Virginia Circuit Court can be an excellent opportunity, particularly for those who wish to pursue careers in prosecution, public defense, legal aid or a more regional firm. While not every court hires term clerks, most of the…
Rank this Week: 1687

Law Space Match Blog

Law Space Match Blog

Provides information for lawyers on space sharing arrangements.

  • Jan 14

    Commercial Real Estate Recovery Boosted in Atlanta

    Commercial Real Estate Recovery Boosted in Atlanta
    According to Douglas Sams, Commercial Real Estate Editor of the Atlanta Business Chronicle, referencing commercial real estate brokerage Jones Lang LaSalle, says Atlanta's economy is rebounding! According to Sams, the region's second-largest…
  • Jan 8

    LawSpaceMatch: A Sponsor for the Run for Justice

    LawSpaceMatch: A Sponsor for the Run for Justice
    As a sponsor for Run for Justice facilitated by Atlanta Legal Aid Society, LawSpaceMatch was a part of the 1,200 participants raising $25,000 for the general operating fund of the Atlanta Legal Aid Society. The run was on November 10, 2012,…
  • May 1

    Creative Attorney Space Sharing Arrangement

    Creative Attorney Space Sharing Arrangement
    With the road paved for sharing office space, attorneys seek options for finding suitable space with great amenities and a place for exchanging expertise with other like-minded professionals.
Rank this Week: 1669

Trickum Legis

Trickum Legis

Covers the quirks and quibbles in the law.

  • Dec 4

    UCC Buyer Flowchart

    UCC Buyer Flowchart
    I made this flowchart when I was studying the UCC for a class in law school. I don’t use it anymore, but I am sure those of you who are studying for it may find it useful! (Warning it is only as current as 2011). Download the UCC Buyer…
  • Dec 4

    UCC Buyer Flowchart

    UCC Buyer Flowchart
    I made this flowchart when I was studying the UCC for a class in law school. I don’t use it anymore, but I am sure those of you who are studying for it may find it useful! (Warning it is only as current as 2011). Download the UCC Buyer…
  • Dec 4

    UCC Seller Flowchart

    UCC Seller Flowchart
    I made this flowchart when I was studying the UCC for a class in law school. I don’t use it anymore, but I am sure those of you who are studying for it may find it useful! (Warning it is only as current as 2011). Download the UCC Seller…
Rank this Week: 1078

The MTTLR Blog

The MTTLR Blog

By the Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review.

  • Nov 21

    Old Regulations, New Technology

    Old Regulations, New Technology
    California’s Bay Area is moving towards a new means of transportation, but not if the state government can have its way. SideCar is a San Francisco-based startup that offers real-time ridesharing to a community of smartphone users who need…
  • Nov 14

    YouTube Updates its Content ID Dispute Process, but is it Enough?

    YouTube Updates its Content ID Dispute Process, but is it Enough?
    On October 3, 2012, YouTube announced a change in its content ID dispute process, as updated on its blog. What does this update really mean and why does it matter? A short story might help clarify the situation.
  • Nov 12

    Are Your E-mail Communications Protected by the Stored Communications Act?

    Are Your E-mail Communications Protected by the Stored Communications Act?
    Last month, the Supreme Court of South Carolina ruled that the Stored Communications Act (“SCA”) did not protect e-mails contained in a user’s webmail account. Jennings v. Jennings, No. 27177 2012 WL 4808545 (S.C. Oct. 10, 2012). The…
Rank this Week: 960

Law Partners Organization

Law Partners Organization

A resource for spouses and families of Brigham Young University (BYU) Law School students

  • Sep 6

    Opening Social - September 7th!

    Opening Social - September 7th!
    Please join us on September 7th at Rock Canyon Park from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. You and your family are invited to attend! If your law spouse isn't around, still come, there will be many of us there alone!Dinner and dessert will be provided,…
  • Apr 2

    Activities this Week

    Activities this Week
    LP Closing Social
  • Mar 26

    Activities this Week: 3/26-3/31

    Activities this Week: 3/26-3/31
    3/27 Tuesday Children's Hour: California Pizza Kitchen Tour 12:00 (noon)This is a really fun tour.  The kids will get to make and eat their very own pizza!
Rank this Week: 1553



Collective blog for the University of Colorado School of Law.

  • Mar 31

    Career Service

    Career Service
    With Dean Harris stepping down, we now have had complete turnover in the Career Services office in two years. It's in pretty bad shape right now, in my view. Use this as an open thread on career prospects.
  • Feb 9

    Friday Classes--coming soon to CU Law

    Friday Classes--coming soon to CU Law
    Apparently the Deans plan to vastly increase the numbert of Friday courses next year. Word is that if a course meets three times/week, it will amost certainly meet on Fridays. What say you, CU Law community?
  • Dec 2

    A Little Jobs Humor...

    A Little Jobs Humor...
Rank this Week: 1172

Persuasive Authorities

Persuasive Authorities

Covers law, politics, and foreign policy by legal teachers, scholars, fellows and researchers.

  • Mar 30


    Persuasive Authorities is officially signing off. On behalf of our entire roster of contributors, I thank our readers for visiting us and interacting with us in this group blog. It has been fun, fruitful, and productive.We look forward to…
  • Feb 18

    New Law School Ranking

    New Law School Ranking
    (from Malcolm Gladwell.) The full list is available here (subscription required), but you can get a quick glimpse of them here.
  • Feb 14

    Women’s quota in major enterprise

    Women’s quota in major enterprise
    These days, in Germany there is a lively discussion about women’s quota in major enterprises. The facts are clear: in most German businesses, especially in leadership positions, women are still underrepresented. Only 13 percent of the…
Rank this Week: 1007

Texas Coastal Law Society

Texas Coastal Law Society

From the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, Texas.

Rank this Week: 1293

The Mature Law Student

The Mature Law Student

For those going into law as a second career for ages 40 and up. By Sam Bruner.

  • Aug 7

    The First Semester - Getting Started

    The First Semester - Getting Started
    My son was entering his junior year in high school. Before school starts my wife goes to Target for all his supplies. Now she led both of us. My son was the expert here. He advised me on the type of book bag that would look cool and the…
  • Jun 13

    He Not Being Born Is Busy Dying Or Why Should I Attend Law School In My Fiftie

    He Not Being Born Is Busy Dying Or Why Should I Attend Law School In My Fiftie
    My reasons for deciding on law school may be different from others. I am writing this post because I have been asked by EVERYONE who knows I am attending school, including many professors, why I am going at this time in life. When I say…
  • Jun 5

    The Most Common Questions and Reactions From Friends and Relative

    The Most Common Questions and Reactions From Friends and Relative
    I will address the question of "why I wanted to go to law school" in another posting. Let's just accept the notion that I did not wake up one day and say, "hey, I think I'll go to law school now that I'm 52!" Something had to be missing in…
Rank this Week: 1009

Florida Law Review

Florida Law Review

From the University of Florida Levin College of Law.

  • Feb 22

    More publicity for the Review

    More publicity for the Review
    Over the weekend, one of our alums got some positive coverage of his Note. David Karp (class of 2009) was interviewed by Tony Mauro of the National Law Journal for a piece entitled “Does Thomas’ Silence Thwart Advocacy?”. David’s…
  • Feb 14

    Webcast of Dunwody lecture on Tuesday (02/16) at 11a

    Webcast of Dunwody lecture on Tuesday (02/16) at 11a
    Want to see our Dunwody lecture but can’t be in Gainesville on Tuesday? Watch it at www.floridalawreview.com! Dean John C. Jeffries, Jr., former dean of UVA Law School, will be on campus giving a lecture entitled “Rationalizing Qualified…
  • Jan 8

    Sneak Peek at our July 2010 book

    Sneak Peek at our July 2010 book
    In our July 2010 book, we will publish an Article by Professor Martin Redish which discusses class action lawsuits and the cy pres doctrine.  Professor Redish explains the premise of his Article and discusses his findings in this video. …
Rank this Week: 1321

Grace Case

Grace Case

Covers the U.S. v. W.R. Grace criminal prosecution. By the University of Montana School of Law and the School of Journalism.

  • May 28

    Week 2 Wrap-Up

    Week 2 Wrap-Up
    This week, both the U.S. Government and Defense counsel for W.R. Grace and individual defendents layed out their case in opening statements. EPA On-Site Coordinator Paul Peronard was introduced, examined and cross-exaimined after Molloy…
  • May 19

    UM students from Libby split on verdict

    UM students from Libby split on verdict
    MISSOULA (May 18, 2009) –  Not guilty. To Danielle Bundrock, a University of Montana senior, the verdicts sounded a lot like, “No justice.”
  • May 19

    Verdict is justice deferred for many Libby resident

    Verdict is justice deferred for many Libby resident
    LIBBY (May 10, 2009) — The environmental criminal inquiry into the most sprawling industrial disaster in U.S. history ended in the failed prosecution of a company charged with poisoning a small Montana town. Some residents of the town say…
Rank this Week: 1181



Canadian law student blog.

  • Apr 29

    Case Rested

    Case Rested
    Last post! Except for graduation in three weeks, I have four months without thinking, writing, or agonizing over the law. Thankfully, though we've spent the last three years studying inside the crumbling edifice that is the Curtis Building…
  • Apr 27

    I can vouch for your user experience

    I can vouch for your user experience
    Some law school purists may have questioned my insistence that films can be an amazing study guide. Well, maybe now film purists can find out the same. Lawyerlike, meet IMDb!
  • Apr 26

    L to the L to the B

    L to the L to the B
    It's not a couplet, but it's close. The last sentence I wrote on my Admin final, my last final, summing up a question where I was asked to offer advice on the likelihood of a successful immigration appeal for a Mr. and Mrs. Singh, was not…
Rank this Week: 1421

Best Practice for Legal Education

Best Practice for Legal Education

A blawg by Albany Law School Professor Mary Lynch designed to be a useful web-based source of information on current reforms in legal education, and to create a place where people interested in the future of legal education can freely exchange ideas, concerns, and opinions.

  • Jun 4

    Professor Merritt’s Blog post on attorney discipline and bar exam WORTH A READ!

    Professor Merritt’s Blog post on attorney discipline and bar exam WORTH A READ!
    Our blog has often posted about many issues related to licensing lawyers, experiential requirements for admission, the monopolizing power of the NCBE and the pros and cons of the UBE.  Thus, I recommend to our readers an excellent post…
  • May 24

    Clinical Education in Tumultuous time

    Clinical Education in Tumultuous time
    Having recently returned from the AALS Clinical Conference, which was focused on engaging in clinical legal education during tumultuous times, I’ve had a thought percolating, one about which there was little occasion to…
  • May 24

    Call for Papers – The Ethics of Legal Education

    Call for Papers – The Ethics of Legal Education
    Call for Papers The Ethics of Legal Education AALS Section on Professional Responsibility 2018 AALS Annual Meeting San Diego, CA January 3-6, 2018   The Section on Professional Responsibility is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for…
Rank this Week: 3521

Diversity at Albany Law School

Diversity at Albany Law School

A blawg from Albany Law School's Diversity Office to engage all students, faculty and staff to create a community of inclusion and to have an open forum to address issues facing all of us.

  • May 23

    Albany Law School celebrates its 166th Commencement.

    Albany Law School celebrates its 166th Commencement.
    For Albany Law School’s Class of 2017, it was a day of inspiration and celebration. Before crossing the stage Friday, …Continue reading →
  • May 17

    CONGRATULATIONS! to members of the Class of 2017

    CONGRATULATIONS! to members of the Class of 2017
      YOU DID IT! We look forward to seeing you walk across the stage on Friday, May 19th. For a live video of …Continue reading →
  • May 16

    Albany Law School: Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter, Issue 1

    Albany Law School: Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter, Issue 1
    Published by members of the Law School’s Faculty Diversity Committee. Website: http://www.albanylaw.edu/diversity  Filed under: Alumni in the news, Blogroll, Careers, Diversity Internships on …Continue reading…
Rank this Week: 3524

LegalEase on CKUT 90.3 FM

LegalEase on CKUT 90.3 FM

Covers law-related topics. By the law students at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec.

Rank this Week: 5097

Boalt Bulletin Board

Boalt Bulletin Board

An online forum for non-event announcements. From Berkeley Law.

  • Jan 17

    Public Health Course 214: Eat.Think.Design.

    Public Health Course 214: Eat.Think.Design.
    This course is accepting Law students: Eat.Think.Design. is the only course in the country that teaches systematic innovation and human-centered design in a public health context. Student teams work on design projects for real clients at the…
  • Jan 11

    Public Health Course Open to Law Student

    Public Health Course Open to Law Student
    US Food and Drug Administration, Drug Development, Public Health and Health Policy PB HLTH 236**CN#32627**2 Units**Spring Semester**Thursday 6:30-8:30 PM** Instructors: Veronica Miller PhD; Jur Strobos MD JD [veronicam@berkeley.edu] SYNOPSIS…
  • Dec 5

    University College Dublin Law Review Seeks Submission

    University College Dublin Law Review Seeks Submission
    THE UCD LAW REVIEW IS CURRENTLY SEEKING SUBMISSIONS The deadline for submission to Volume 17 is the 24 March 2017 The UCD Law Review is Ireland’s leading student-run legal journal. The Review is published on an annual basis, with…
Rank this Week: 4837



Chapman's Journal of Law and Public Policy

  • Jan 10

    How to Choose a Law School

    How to Choose a Law School
    How to Choose a Law School So by now you’ve wrapped up your undergrad and passed your LSAT. Now it’s time to find a law school, which in and of itself is a daunting task. Everyone and their mother is still clawing their way to an…
  • Jan 10

    The Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court
    The Supreme Court…
  • Jan 10

    All about Law School

    All about Law School
    Here is where I will be writing all about law school.
Rank this Week: 3439

e-Lessons Learned

e-Lessons Learned

Covers e-discovery issues by focusing on mistakes made by counsel, employers and employees.

Rank this Week: 4241

JD Nation

JD Nation

Provides advice for blocked, bored or burned out JDs. By Annie Little.

  • Feb 22

    Why I Left the Law Despite Wanting to Be a Lawyer

    Why I Left the Law Despite Wanting to Be a Lawyer
    The first time I stumbled across my life coach’s website and saw her latest program on career change I remember thinking: Why the hell would I change careers? I want to be a lawyer. Fast forward a few years to me enrolling in her…
  • Sep 16

    What Lawyers Can Learn from Summer Camp

    What Lawyers Can Learn from Summer Camp
    I was a counselor at summer camp last month. Sounds banal enough. But what would you say if I told you some of my campers were older than me? I went to summer camp for grown-ass women, and it was even more than I hoped it’d be. I…
  • Apr 9

    Networking for Lawyers Redux

    Networking for Lawyers Redux
    We’re having a vet behaviorist come to our house. Yep. We’re those people. But we used to be waaaaaaay further out on the ridiculous end of the spectrum before we had a baby. We flew our (then only) dog to Vegas to be the flower…
Rank this Week: 2693

Law Student Land

Law Student Land

Featuring articles written by law students from across the United States.

  • Aug 18

    Robotics and the Law

    Robotics and the Law
    By Sean Hartlieb, William S. Boyd School of Law, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Class of 2017August 4, 2015Robots that function to serve around the household will one day become available on the open market for such domestic use as the…
  • Apr 15

    Caddy Bibs Subject Of Multi-million Class Action Lawsuit Against PGA Tour

    Caddy Bibs Subject Of Multi-million Class Action Lawsuit Against PGA Tour
    By: Josh Nightingale, Villanova University School of Law Class of 2016April 15, 2015In February, professional caddies filed a federal lawsuit in California against the PGA Tour, seeking millions of dollars in damages on antitrust, breach of…
  • Apr 7

    Batson and Religion

    Batson and Religion
    By Raina J. Wallace, Indiana University Maurer School of Law Class of 2016April 8, 2015While the Supreme Court has decided to remain silent on the matter, courts differ on whether to extend Batson v. Kentucky to peremptory strikes on the…
Rank this Week: 2725