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Abraham Lincoln : the prairie years Aperçu de cet ouvrage
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Abraham Lincoln : the prairie years

Auteur : Carl Sandburg
Éditeur: New York, N.Y. : Harcourt, Brace & Company, ©1926.
Édition/format:   Livre imprimé : Biographie : AnglaisVoir toutes les éditions et tous les formats
Base de données:WorldCat
"For thirty years and more I planned to make a certain portrait of Abraham Lincoln. It would sketch the country lawyer and prairie politician who was intimate with the settlers of the Knox County neighborhood where I grew up as a boy, and where I heard the talk of men and women who had eaten with Lincoln, given him a bed overnight, heard his jokes and lingo, remembered his silences and his mobile face."--Preface.

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Genre/forme: Biographies
Format – détails additionnels: Online version:
Sandburg, Carl, 1878-1967.
Abraham Lincoln.
New York, Harcourt, Brace & Co. [©1926]
Personne nommée: Abraham Lincoln; Abraham Lincoln; Abraham Lincoln; Abraham Lincoln; Abraham Lincoln
Type d’ouvrage: Biographie
Type de document: Livre
Tous les auteurs / collaborateurs: Carl Sandburg
Numéro OCLC: 6579822
Notes: "The first edition of Abraham Lincoln; the prairie years, is limited to 260 copies on imported Dutch charcoal rag paper, numbered and signed by the author, of which 250 copies are for sale."
" ... with 105 illustrations from photographs, and many cartoons, sketches, maps, and letters ..."
Includes index.
Description: 2 volumes : frontispieces, illustrations (including maps) plates, portraits, facsimiles ; 25 cm
Contenu: Vol. 1-2, The prairie years--Vol. 3-6, The war years.
Responsabilité: by Carl Sandburg.


"For thirty years and more I planned to make a certain portrait of Abraham Lincoln. It would sketch the country lawyer and prairie politician who was intimate with the settlers of the Knox County neighborhood where I grew up as a boy, and where I heard the talk of men and women who had eaten with Lincoln, given him a bed overnight, heard his jokes and lingo, remembered his silences and his mobile face."--Preface.


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Primary Entity

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