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Settlers by the long grey trail, some pioneers to old Augusta county, Virginia, Preview this item
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Settlers by the long grey trail, some pioneers to old Augusta county, Virginia,

Author: J Houston Harrison
Publisher: Dayton, Va., Joseph K. Ruebush Co., 1935.
Edition/Format:   Print book : EnglishView all editions and formats

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Genre/Form: Genealogy
Named Person: Harrison family.; Harrison family.
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: J Houston Harrison
OCLC Number: 3512772
Notes: At head of title: A contribution to the history and genealogy of colonial families of Rockingham county, Virginia.
Rockingham county was formed from Augusta county.
Description: xii, 665, [1] pages frontispiece (color coat of arms) plates, map, facsimiles, 26 cm
Contents: Other family names: Chrisman, Cravens (Craven), Ewing, Herring, Mauzy, Moore, Newman, Price, Smith, Walton, Watson, and Yancey.
Responsibility: and their descendants, of the family of Harrison and allied lines, by J. Houston Harrison.


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