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  1. a retweeté

    President now claiming federal authorities saved the city from being "burned and beaten to the ground." Which isn't true, the city wasn't and isn't in danger of any of those things happening.

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  2. a retweeté

    After my discussions with VP Pence and others, the federal government has agreed to withdraw federal officers from Portland. They have acted as an occupying force & brought violence. Starting tomorrow, all Customs and Border Protection & ICE officers will leave downtown Portland.

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  3. a retweeté
    28 juil.

    Well, this was remarkable.

  4. a retweeté
    28 juil.

    You might think: How bad is it for journalists covering Portland that a judge had to step in? Very bad, and we have the data to prove it.

  5. a retweeté
    28 juil.

    Anyone else tired of the "tHE pROTeST iSN't aBOuT bLacK liVES aNYMorE!" takes? 🙄 Yes, it is. Black Lives Matter so much that our majority white city is fed up with the injustice and they're literally putting their bodies on the line for the movement. This is a turning point!

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  6. a retweeté
    27 juil.

    National Geographic videographer, Trip Jennings, was shot in the face by an impact munition in Portland. The round went through the eye of his gas mask, causing eye lacerations, and he was pepper sprayed so bad that the doctor had to wear a respirator. His account posted on FB:

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  7. a retweeté
    27 juil.

    An absolutely horrifying moment last night in Portland. During an arrest last night, the feds hold the arrestee down *in the gas* unchecked, for a totally unnecessary period of time.

  8. a retweeté
    27 juil.
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  9. a retweeté
    24 juil.

    This from the caucus terrified by a quorum call

  10. a retweeté
    25 juil.

    Another huge crowd tonight in Portland, including a new "wall" on the front lines: a Wall of Vets. Here's a look at the line of military veterans getting set up here in front of the federal courthouse. Behind them, the Wall of Moms and the Wall of Dads are arriving.

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  11. a retweeté
    25 juil.

    Is Portland a test case for President Trump’s special task force of federal officers? Protests in the city ran for weeks before the officers showed up on July 4. Our video shows how their arrival turned unrest into chaos.

  12. a retweeté
    24 juil.

    “They’re not out on the street,” said Billy Williams, US Attorney for Oregon.

  13. a retweeté
    25 juil.

    Stunned by this decision that the state has no standing to protect its people from the feds. As asks, "If the state of Oregon does not have standing to prevent this unconstitutional conduct by unidentified federal agents running roughshod over her citizens, who does?"

  14. a retweeté
    23 juil.

    This morning, I joined 44 Oregon legislators in demanding the withdrawal of federal troops from Portland. We refuse to allow our streets to be a playground for political theatrics intended to deflect attention from the president’s failure to control a deadly pandemic.

  15. a retweeté
    23 juil.

    In Portland when you're actually on the ground, you see a huge range of protesters. The majority are peaceful, e.g. moms linking arms. Yes, a minority are violent e.g. throwing water bottles. But the greatest violence, injury and escalation comes from Trump's federal troops.

  16. a retweeté
    22 juil.

    This, times a million. I’ve written column upon column about how the only solution to Chicago violence is comprehensive change that helps repair communities broken by decades of neglect. Federal agents won’t solve a thing. Unless they plan on rebuilding communities. (They don’t.)

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  17. a retweeté
    22 juil.

    "Portland Police were not present during any of the activity described." Not only does journalists' video last night dispute this PPB release, how extensively is PPB coordinating with these unidentified, unmarked federal officers to get this supposed detailed timeline of events?

  18. a retweeté
    22 juil.

    Federal officers pushed back moms in helmets using batons and tear gas, assault rifles being carried for crowd control

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  19. a retweeté
    21 juil.

    My full statement:👉The right to peacefully assemble is one of the core foundations of our democracy. I have been inspired by the people of Oregon's response to the death of George Floyd. Protests in solidarity with Black Lives Matter have sprung up in every corner of our state,

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  20. a retweeté
    21 juil.

    Oregon Gov. Brown: "This was about scoring political points with his base. When the Secretary came into Portland he brought a Fox News team with him for a photo opportunity ... it's about political theater, it's clearly not about public safety nor about problem solving."


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