Reporting Civil Rights: American journalism, 1941-1963

Front Cover
Library of America, 2003 - History - 996 pages
1 Review
From A. Philip Randolph's defiant call in 1941 for African Americans to march on Washington to Alice Walker in 1973, Reporting Civil Rights presents firsthand accounts of the revolutionary events that overthrew segregation in the United States. This two-volume anthology brings together for the first time nearly 200 newspaper and magazine reports and book excerpts, and features 151 writers, including James Baldwin, Robert Penn Warren, David Halberstam, Lillian Smith, Gordon Parks, Murray Kempton, Ted Poston, Claude Sitton, and Anne Moody. A newly researched chronology of the movement, a 32-page insert of rare journalist photographs, and original biographical profiles are included in each volume

Roi Ottley and Sterling Brown record African American anger during World War II; Carl Rowan examines school segregation; Dan Wakefield and William Bradford Huie describe Emmett Till's savage murder; and Ted Poston provides a fascinating early portrait of Martin Luther King, Jr. In the early 1960s, John Steinbeck witnesses the intense hatred of anti-integration protesters in New Orleans; Charlayne Hunter recounts the hostility she faced at the University of Georgia; Raymond Coffey records the determination of jailed children in Birmingham; Russell Baker and Michael Thelwell cover the March on Washington; John Hersey and Alice Lake witness fear and bravery in Mississippi, while James Baldwin and Norman Podhoretz explore northern race relations.

Singly or together, Reporting Civil Rights captures firsthand the impassioned struggle for freedom and equality that transformed America.

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Reporting civil rights

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These new editions cover the American Civil Rights Movement from 1941 through 1973. In the tradition of the publisher's superb Reporting Vietnam: American Journalism, 1959-1975, the volumes present ... Read full review

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My fiance, my mother and I have been falsely charged and arrested in the city of milwaukee county. They took my daughter on 09/16/2013 and the DA manipulated & threaten my 13 year daughter to testify against my fiance with false allegations.  Now my daughter is alone without her brothers and sisters and me. They put my daughter in four different group homes and then gave her to a foster parent without my concent nor was I informed of this. My fiance is currently being held illegally at Fox Lake Correctional institution without no conviction. My mother is being illegally held in the Milwaukee County Jail and CPS still holding my daughter hostage. I have all the evidence e.g. (Both the original police report and the draft police report that was used against us in court) which says we haven't done anything wrong. In addition to the evidence I have, I also got all the originals and all the falsified drafts that were used however the courts have been trying to retrieve this information from me with threatening letters mailed to me. These letters states that if I don't admit to these false charges I would be held in contempt etc. I have recieved emails from the Public Defender that was appointed to this case stating if I wanted say/or act like this never happened. I've stop working and lost my house due to the constant threats with letters and in court. I had two paid attorneys and two public defenders and still haven't been resolved/dismissed due to this great conspiracy.  I've already filed complaints with Internal Affairs which they gave me a confirmation number and admitted to their wrongs however the courts ignoring it and still moving forward to purposely convict us. I've also filed complaints with the office of lawyer regulation, the supreme court and the attorney general. They charged us with felony charges. They've have put extra misleading charges on our record and said that if council hired, be without resonable defense on our behalf. There are no transcripts because nothing was recorded. Please help us as we really need it now. My fiance name is Glen Artheus Beal d.o.b 10/26/1986, my mom Vanessa Renee Strong 08/27/1962 , my daughter Jonisha Galatas 02/04/2000 and my name is Aretha M. Strong 03/23/1979. Please give me a call at 1872-210-7473 or1773-425-8828  


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About the author (2003)

The advisory board for Reporting Civil Rights includes Clayborne Carson, senior editor, The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.; David J. Garrow, Presidential Distinguished Professor, Emory University; William Kovach, chairman, Committee of Concerned Journalists; and Carol Polsgrove, professor of journalism, Indiana University.