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publication  2005149 Image Title 2005-149 NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
Pub ID 2005149
Program NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Description The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards provides a concise source of general industrial hygiene information for workers, employers, and occupational health professionals. The Pocket Guide presents key information and data in abbreviated tabular form for 677 chemicals or substance groupings commonly found in the work environment (e.g., manganese compounds, tellurium compounds, inorganic tin compounds, etc.).
Language English
Material Type Guide
    Limit: 50
publication  222320 Image Title 2009-108d & 2009-109d DVD | 2009-108d Take Pride in Your Job: Fall Protection & 2009-109d Take Pride in Your Job: Seat Belts
Pub ID 222320
Program NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Description 2009-108d & 2009-109d DVD | he Take Pride in Your Job: Fall Protection video encourages oil and gas extraction workers to use fall protection and never be “un-clipped” and thus vulnerable when at height. The video features oil and gas extraction workers talking about their use of fall protection and sharing their personal stories about why fall protection should always be worn when working at height. The Take Pride in Your Job: Seat Belts video encourages oil and gas extraction workers to wear a seat belt whenever in a moving motor vehicle. The video features oil and gas extraction workers describing their use of seat belts and sharing their personal stories about why seat belts should be worn all the time - every time.
Language English
Material Type CD/DVD
    Limit: 10
publication  220059 Image Title 2010-114 Fast Facts: Protecting Yourself from Heat Stress Fact Card
Pub ID 220059
Program NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Description Fact card. Heat stress, from exertion or hot environments, places workers at risk for illnesses such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or heat cramps.
Language English
Material Type Card
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publication  220902 Image Title 2010-114Sp Datos Breves de NIOSH: Protéjase del estrés por calor | Spanish Fact card
Pub ID 220902
Program NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Description Spanish fact card. El estrés por calor, originado por esfuerzos intensos o ambientes calientes, puede ser para los trabajadores un riesgo de enfermarse por golpe de calor, agotamiento por calor y calambres por calor.
Language Spanish
Material Type Card
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publication  220060 Image Title 2010-115 Fast Facts: Protecting Yourself from Cold Stress Fact Card
Pub ID 220060
Program NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Description Fact card. Workers who are exposed to extreme cold or work in cold environments may be at risk of cold stress. Extremely cold or wet weather is a dangerous situation that can cause occupational illness and injuries such as hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot, and chilblains.
Language English
Material Type Card
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publication  221167 Image Title 2010-115Sp Datos Breves de NIOSH: Protéjase del estrés por frío | Spanish Fact Card
Pub ID 221167
Program NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Description Spanish fact card. Los trabajadores que están expuestos al frío extremo o que trabajan en ambientes fríos, pueden correr riesgo de sufrir enfermedades causadas por el frío. Las temperaturas extremadamente frías o húmedas son peligrosas porque pueden causar enfermedades ocupacionales y lesiones como hipotermia, congelamiento, pie de trinchera y sabañones.
Language Spanish
Material Type Card
    Limit: 50
publication  220061 Image Title 2010-116 Fast Facts: Protecting Yourself from Sun Exposure Fact Card
Pub ID 220061
Program NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Description Fact card. Anyone working outdoors is exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, even on cloudy days. UV rays are a part of sunlight that is an invisible form of radiation. There are three types of UV rays. UVA is believed to damage connective tissue and increase the risk for developing skin cancer. UVB penetrates less deeply into the skin, but can still cause some types of skin cancer. Natural UVC is absorbed by the atmosphere and does not pose a risk.
Language English
Material Type Card
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publication  220903 Image Title 2010-116Sp Datos Breves de NIOSH: Protéjase de la exposición al sol | Spanish Fact Card
Pub ID 220903
Program NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Description Spanish fact card. Toda persona que trabaje al aire libre está expuesta a los rayos ultravioletas del sol, incluso en días nublados. Los rayos ultravioletas (UV) son una parte de la radiación invisible de la luz solar. Existen tres tipos de rayos UV: Los rayos UVA que se cree que causan daños en los tejidos conjuntivos y aumentan el riesgo de contraer cáncer de piel.
Language Spanish
Material Type Card
    Limit: 50
publication  220062 Image Title 2010-117 Fast Facts: Protecting Yourself from Stinging Insects Fact Card
Pub ID 220062
Program NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Description Fact card. Outdoor workers are at risk of being stung by flying insects (bees, wasps, and hornets) and fire ants. While most stings cause only mild discomfort, some may result in severe allergic reactions that require immediate medical care and may cause death.
Language English
Material Type Card
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publication  221168 Image Title 2010-117Sp Datos Breves de NIOSH: Protéjase de los insectos que pican | Spanish Fact Card
Pub ID 221168
Program NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
Description Spanish fact card. Las personas que trabajan al aire libre corren riesgo de sufrir picaduras de insectos voladores (abejas, avispas y avispones) y de hormigas rojas. Aunque la mayoría de las picaduras solo causan una molestia leve, algunas pueden provocar reacciones alérgicas graves que requieren de atención médica de urgencia y hasta pueden causar la muerte.
Language Spanish
Material Type Card
    Limit: 50

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