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Chalkbrood and Stonebrood

Chalkbrood and Stonebrood are fungal diseases of honeybees (Apis mellifera) that occur worldwide. Chalkbrood is caused by Ascosphaera apis and affects the brood.
Stonebrood is caused by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus fumigatus and affects both the brood and adult bees.

This practice describes the causes and symptoms of Chalkbrood and Stonebrood, how they spread, how to address and prevent these diseases.

Método del cultivo hidropónico simple no circulante para vegetales

El presente documento es una traducción de la versión original en inglés (http://teca.fao.org/read/8825). El cultivo hidropónico es el método más común de cultivo de plantas agrícolas sin tierra, que incluye el cultivo de plantas sobre un sustrato o en un medio acuoso con raíces desnudas. Los métodos hidropónicos no circulantes, sobre todo, no requieren electricidad ni una bomba. Con el método presentado en este documento, se puede cultivar todo el cultivo con sólo una aplicación inicial de agua y nutrientes. No se necesita agua o fertilizantes adicionales. Normalmente, el cultivo termina cuando la mayor parte de la solución nutritiva esté consumida. Este documento proporciona dos detalladas descripciones paso a paso de kits del cultivo hidropónico simple no circulante para el cultivo de hortalizas a pequeña escala, uno para vegetales de ciclo corto (por ejemplo, lechuga o kai choy) y otro para hortalizas de ciclo largo (por ejemplo, pepino o tomate).

Construction of a non-recirculation hydroponic unit for commercial lettuce production

Hydroponics is the most common method of soil-less culture (growing agricultural plants without the use of soil), which includes growing plants either on a substrate or in an aqueous medium with bare roots. Non-circulating hydroponic methods, importantly, do not require electricity or a pump. With the method presented in this document, the entire crop can be grown with only an initial application of water and nutrients. No additional water or fertilizer are needed. The crop is usually terminated when most of the nutrient solution is consumed. This document provides a detailed description of the construction of the growbeds and grow sheets used in the non-circulating hydroponic unit for commercial lettuce production.

Managing a non-recirculation hydroponic unit for commercial lettuce production

Hydroponics is the most common method of soil-less culture (growing agricultural plants without the use of soil), which includes growing plants either on a substrate or in an aqueous medium with bare roots. Non-circulating hydroponic methods, importantly, do not require electricity or a pump. With the method presented in this document, the entire crop can be grown with only an initial application of water and nutrients. No additional water or fertilizer are needed. The crop is normally terminated when most of the nutrient solution is consumed. This document provides a detailed description of how to fill and manage the non-circulating hydroponic unit for commercial lettuce production including the application of fertilizers, the seeding, transplanting, growing and harvesting.

Apicultura: confección de cajón triple

El cajón triple es una estructura que permite la optimización del espacio, de material y compartir el calor que generan las tres familias pequeñas que se encuentran dentro de este cajón adaptado para este propósito. Algunos apicultores utilizan este sistema para la generación de núcleos con pequeñas familias y también es utilizado como cajón de fecundación ya que es fácil revisarlo y requiere pocas abejas para mantener a una reina en su interior. Esta tecnología explica cómo construir un cajón triple y su uso.

Comment récolter la propolis brute d'une ruche

La propolis, parfois comparée à de la « colle d'abeille », est une mixture résineuse que les abeilles récoltent sur les bourgeons des arbres et des résines végétales. La propolis est utilisée par les abeilles dans la ruche comme un matériel de construction ainsi que pour protéger la colonie contre les maladies. Les propriétés antimicrobienne et antivirale de la propolis ont été prouvées par de nombreuses études durant les dernières années. De plus, la propolis constitue une source de revenus supplémentaires pour qui souhaite l'extraire et la valoriser dans les domaines de la santé et du bien-être. Cette technologie explique comment collecter la propolis de la ruche des abeilles.

Simple non-circulating hydroponic method for vegetables

Hydroponics is the most common method of soil-less culture (growing agricultural plants without the use of soil), which includes growing plants either on a substrate or in an aqueous medium with bare roots. Non-circulating hydroponic methods, importantly, do not require electricity or a pump.
With the method presented in this document, the entire crop can be grown with only an initial application of water and nutrients. No additional water or fertilizer are needed. The crop is normally terminated when most of the nutrient solution is consumed.
This document provides two detailed step-by-step description of simple, non-circulating hydroponic growing kits for growing vegetables at a small scale, one for short term vegetables (e.g. lettuce or kai choy) and the other for long-term vegetables (e.g. cucumber or tomato).

Comment fabriquer de l'extrait de propolis à base de propolis brute

La propolis, ou «colle d'abeille », est un mélange résineux que les abeilles récoltent sur les bourgeons des arbres et des résines végétales. La propolis est utilisée par les abeilles dans la ruche pour ses propriétés antimicrobiennes et anti-virales. Les humains peuvent également bénéficier des propriétés de la propolis. En raison de son pouvoir de guérison, la propolis devient une matière très utile (et pas chère) pour le traitement et la prévention de nombreux problèmes de santé chez les humains et d'autres animaux tels que les bovins, les chiens, les chats ou les oiseaux. La propolis peut être utilisée brute ou sous forme d'extraits. Cette technologie explique comment fabriquer des extraits de propolis à base d'alcool, d'eau ou d'huile à partir de la propolis brute.

How to collect drone larvae from the bee hive

Drones are male honey bees. Unlike the female worker bee, drones do not have a stinger and do not participate in nectar and pollen gathering. A drone's primary role is to mate with an infertile queen.
The value of drone larvae as a nutritional supplement has been proven in many studies conducted over the years and drone larvae have been used as food for thousands of years by the most ancient civilizations such as Chinese, Egyptian, Mayan, etc.  Drone larvae therefore offer the opportunity to the beekeeper to generate extra income from the extraction and processing of drone larvae and to use drone larvae for improved health and wellbeing.  This technology explains how to collect drone larvae from the hive.

How to process raw drone larvae into value added products

Drones are male honey bees and their primary role is to mate with an infertile queen. The value of drone larvae as a nutritional supplement has been already proven and drone larvae have been used as food for thousands of years by the most ancient civilizations. Drone larvae can also be used as food for animals as they are very rich in nutrients.  Drone larvae therefore offer the opportunity to the beekeeper to generate extra income from the extraction and processing of drone larvae and the consumption of drone larvae can contribute to improved health and well-being.  This technology explains how to process drone larvae into value added products.
