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Atlanta, GA
Unit: maig de 2010


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  1. Tuit fixat
    22 maig

    Did you know chlorine doesn’t kill all diarrhea germs instantly? Learn more this Healthy & Safe Swimming Week.

  2. fa 10 hores

    You can't stop a , but you can take steps now to protect yourself and your family.

  3. fa 13 hores

    Become a future for public health! Apply now thru July 17 for .

  4. fa 14 hores

    Enjoy the outdoors this Awareness Month! Outdoor physical activity is good for you – just be sun smart:

  5. fa 15 hores

    Empty flower pot saucers, buckets, & items that hold water to get rid of places where mosquitoes lay eggs.

  6. 23 maig

    How did deadly burgers make food safer? Watch “We Were There” on Facebook live on Thursday, 5/25 at 1pm ET.

  7. 22 maig

    New education course w/ free CE on Hand Hygiene, Glove Use, & Preventing Transmission of :

  8. 22 maig

    Join our next Twitter chat w/ and -- : Wed, May 24 at 12PM ET.

  9. 22 maig

    Thanks so much to for cohosting today’s chat!

  10. 22 maig

    The Model Aquatic Health Code helps health depts & pool staff prevent illness & injury.

  11. 22 maig

    We have lots of free downloads & some printed materials! Posters, fact sheets, etc.

  12. 22 maig

    Our Healthy Swimming website is a one-stop shop for info.

  13. 22 maig

    T4: After swimming, dry ears with a towel to help prevent infection.

  14. 22 maig

    T4: Keep an eye on kids at all times. Drowning can occur in seconds and in silence.

  15. 22 maig

    T4: Use sunscreen (at least SPF 15) & make sure young kids wear well-fitting life vests to keep them above the water.

  16. 22 maig

    T4: Swimmers can find more tips on healthy and safe swimming on our website.

  17. 22 maig

    T4: You can test the strips at home to help learn how to use and read them.

  18. 22 maig

    T4: Test strips are available at most superstores and pool supply stores.

  19. 22 maig

    T4: Most diarrhea germs are killed more quickly in pools with enough disinfectant.

  20. 22 maig

    T4: Rinsing off for just 1 minute before swimming helps get rid of germs before you get in the water.

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