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Freaks and Geeks (1999–2000)
1 January 2011
I won't drag on too much about the stars that began their careers on this show, we all know about that already. But I was absolutely thrilled to finally get a chance to watch this show all the way through on DVD.

I'd been looking for it for some time, knowing that Paul Feig and Judd Apatow had collaborated on a TV show that aired in 1999. Then I heard who was in it, the obvious names like Jason Segel, James Franco, and Seth Rogen. That was more than enough information along with zero negative feedback to make me entirely interested in this show. But when I finally got it, I was blown away, mostly, by the character's that I hadn't even bought the show for.

I loved all of the little moments in the show. They're fleeting moments between people that normally are forgotten, and this show includes those moments and causes you to recognize how related to each other people can be whether or not they know it. Certain people act certain ways around certain people, and differently around different people, it's how life is, it's how reflective personalities can be.

The relationship between Sam and his sister is as real as it can be between two people that age. The friendships that have been around and the ones being forged are depicted beautifully. The depth of these kids causes you to love them and root for them in ways that are specific to them. And we've all been there. High school... the pinnacle of pain, and the most influential and experimental time in our lives. When you make a show about a time when kids are becoming who they'll be for the rest of their lives it needs to be done in a way that allows the viewer to reflect on their own lives and think about what they've become. And that is exactly what this show does, and it does it nearly flawlessly.

I only wish I could have seen more, but what a beautiful eighteen hours of my life this show has given me. Always funny, at times heartbreaking and dare I say powerful. Most of all this show is, nearly to a fault, so achingly and wonderfully real. I'm in their world when I'm watching this show, and that's all you can ever hope for when engaging a television series.

It's a new favorite show of mine. It's truly touched me more than anything I've ever watched. A spectacular, relatable, and happy show. Wonderful.

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Black Swan (2010)
5 December 2010
I had the opportunity to see Black Swan in one of the 18 theaters that it opened up on this weekend, although I generally do not do so, I was compelled to write a review of the film.

From top to bottom, this film is at the height of what it means to be true art in cinema. The various elements of the film, the mise-en-scene, was so incredibly structured by filmmaker Darren Aronofsky that one need only sit back and admire at the fluidity of his camera movement, or the marvelous hue of colors amidst a film which has it's color scheme largely dedicated to the symbolism of black and white.

The performances where spot on, Vincent Cassel was terrific as the suspicious teacher, whose brilliance and lust for the dancers in his show are both quite reputable, one often beating out the other. And Mila Kunis truly shines in this one, bringing out a side of her many probably didn't know was possible. She is absolutely beautiful and aptly portrays the black contradiction to Natalie Portmans white, a terrific contrast of good and evil. Kunis, however, as many may assume, is not meant to be there to spark a general conflict of good vs evil, but to emphasize the side of Portman that we have not yet seen. A side that will drive her to the brink of insanity to obtain.

And therein lies the true theme of the film, obsession and physical strain over all else. Much like "The Wrestler" we have the main character dedicated to an unappreciated form of physical art. Here, it is Portman's obsession with becoming the lead of the ballet Swan Lake which drives her into madness. You enter her mind as her teacher pushes her to become perfect, pushing her to let go of her fragile White Swan and become the loose and destructive Black Swan. As you follow her through the stages of her audition leading towards a booming finale she becomes less and less aware of what around her is distortion and what is reality. As she loses grip, Aronofsky's ability to depict psychological deterioration shines through.

And make no mistake, this film belongs to Aronofsky and Portman. As stated, Aronofsky captures everything beautifully in frame, his movement of the camera is almost as fluent and beautiful as the very dancers on the screen. His use of behind the head vantage shots has been a bit of a trademark of his, allowing as to see what the character is. And his use of lighting is nothing short of extraordinary. But now comes the true star: Natalie Portman. She blew me away, from start to finish, she displayed her transformation for the sweet girl to the physically and psychologically obsessed, all the way through attempting to embody the white and black swan when necessary, literally trying to become them in her mind, driving her towards insanity in the pursuit of perfection. Words cannot describe Portman's performance here, to say it is Oscar worthy would be a vast understatement, as the depth of her character goes so deep it would nearly be worthy of playing two separate roles. So fragile at time that you fear for her life, and so corrupted at others that you hate her. Acting at it's finest, Portman deserves an Oscar.

All things considered the film is nearly perfect, one of the best dramas I've ever seen, and one that is as iconic and intense as it is horrifying at times. Just to mention a few other things, Winona Ryder, in the small amount of screen time she had, was spectacular, and truly terrifying during particular scenes. And as always, when Aronofsky and Clint Mansell team up, the score is both epic and eerie, somehow simultaneously. The overcasting score of a distorted and intense version of Swan Lake itself brilliantly compliments the atmosphere throughout the film as these two artist have done before. It could nearly work as a silent film, that's how brilliant it is. If you get the opportunity once this film undoubtedly expands to other theaters see it, it's harrowing and at times difficult to watch, but that combination of beauty and horror makes it impossible to turn away.
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Avatar (2009)
Mind blowing experience at the movies
20 December 2009
Avatar grew in my expectations as its release date got closer and closer. Seeing the trailer at first I thought it would be a cool looking movie but nothing I would see. Then I found out James Cameron directed it and everything in my head changed. Suddenly all of the fantastic reviews came out and come the time I went and saw it my expectations had soared for this film. I am glad to say, I was not let down.

The story is a bit generic and the script is filled with some of Cameron's trademark corny-ness, but that doesn't take away from anything. Though the plot is generic it is still intriguing, and original in its own very special way. The acting was spectacular throughout as well.

As everyone knows however, the main reason for this movie was to push the limit on the world of special effects in Hollywood. Needless to say, Cameron got it done, this film will revolutionize film-making from this stage forth. The effects were stunning, quite simply, unlike anything I had ever seen before. And in 3D it was an even more unique and beautiful experience. Cameron has always been and remains so particular about what goes into his shot, and therefore every shot of every scene is just fantastically visually crafted to make this made up world seem real. It was shocking to see how expansive and how gracefully Cameron's world interacted with the various character's in the story, and it made for a truly one of a kind experience.

This film will mark a turning point in the genre, as most all of Cameron's movies do. I would be stunned if Cameron didn't nab another best director Oscar for this one. See it, it is an experience more than a film, you won't regret it. 9/10.
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Fantastic, by far the best movie of the year so far
25 August 2009
Inglorious Basterds was hyped as a wild ride gorefest by the legendary Tarentino. QT slipped up a bit with his last few films, but he has created what I believe is his best film since Pulp Fiction. The dialogue is not nearly as cartoon-like as Kill Bill's, it just felt uch more real, but it had that same elegance that all Tarentino films are suppose to have. And that is what makes this film, it is as elegant as it is brutal.

The opening scene was one of the most powerful scenes I've ever watched in theaters, it was extremely tense, not so riddled with jokes. The performances were all fantastic, down to the smallest characters. Of course the big name here is Brad Pitt, and he truly delivers a great performance, funny, and exciting. Eli Roth surprised me in this one, giving a good performance as the Boston native known as the Bear Jew. Even the smaller roles, Mike Myers and BJ Novak delivered in what manner they needed to as well.

The highlight is the dialogue, Tarentino truly delivered what I consider to be his most exciting and real dialogue ever. The music was fantastic also, perfect placement, from the very beginning to the end you don't even realize how long you have been in the theater due to the fact that the movie grips you so much.

All and all, what a fantastic movie from QT, he is back and I can't wait for his next on already.
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Whalah! Magic...
18 July 2008
The perfect film has finally been made. I can not express how much this film has surpassed my most dire expectations.

First off, Christopher Nolan has made four big movies, and three of those four are in the top 250 for a damn good reason. Nolan has somehow managed to create films with the intensity that one wishes to experience in any film labeled as Dark. And The Dark Knight lives up to its themed title and furthermore surpasses it due to the marvelous acting throughout the entire film.

Of course I am going to speak of Heath Ledger but let me hold off and say that every single person played their character to perfection. Gary Oldman is once again the all intensive good guy who you feel for, relate to, empathize with, and he earns the audiences support with another stunningly spectacular performance as Gordon. Replacement Maggie Gyllenhaal enhances the role of Rachel Dawes and takes it to a level that Katie Holmes did not have the capacity to reach. Aaron Eckhart steps in as the biggest surprise of this film and delivers the goods as the guest good guy gone bad as Harvey "Two Faced" Dent. Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman, what can I say they constantly deliver the goods.

On to the two main men, the men of the hour. Christian Bale returns as Batman, and gives a performance that should not be overshadowed by the truly Oscar Worthy performance of Heath Ledger. Bale's loose cannon stature as Wayne is perfectly contrasted by the hard nosed do good nature of his Dark Knight.

Now to the Oscar contender. And I say this, not because of the buzz, but because I saw the film, I am not one to be biased based on sympathy for the man, but I have never been more wrapped up in a character as I was with Heath Ledger's portrayal of the comically insane Joker. His opening scene with the mafia shows it all, you see his talent through the pencil trick, you see his humor and wit through his eerie speech, and you see his insanity. At the same time, you feel sorry for the Joker, who repeatedly, and sternly denies that he is insane. When he is called a freak, a loon, his seriousness in saying "No...I'm...not...I am not." Is frighteningly discomforting. Such terminology can describe Ledger's stellar final performance, completely and utterly... frighteningly discomforting, and darkly humorous.

From the pencil to the end, the Joker, along with all of these characters, will keep you wanting more. I can honestly say I did not want it to end, this is literally the best movie I have ever seen, there is no doubt in my mind, and it deserves its high spot in the top 250.

By the way, if you have not yet seen the movie, it should be up for more than one Oscar, easily could be a Best Picture contender in my mind, Best editing, Score, Sound, Effects, Director, Screenplay, Makeup... of course Ledger will probably be up for Best Supporting Actor, but this film should receive its high recognition for what it truly is. For it is not only Heat Ledger's final and finest performance, but the entirety of the film makes it one of the greatest cinematic achievements in history. Truly...Magic.
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Bourne to be Bourne
10 August 2007
After the release of The Bourne Idenity people started referring to the movie as the better Bond, the psychological Die Hard. When the second movie was released Bourne became an international superstar of an action hero who's name is not unknown by many. And now, with the release of the Bourne Ultimatum, it has been confirmed that Matt Damon has taken a name and turned it into an unforgettable phenomenon. The Bourne Ultimatum not only exceeds its predecessors, but it also makes an attempt to be considered the best action movie ever made. Well done on this third time around, they just keep getting better, I hope they continue up with the Bourne Legacy.
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Resistance: Fall of Man (2006 Video Game)
Should go down as the FIRST great PS3 game ever made.
23 January 2007
Resistance: Fall of Man, at the time of the PlayStation3's initial release, was the only reason to by a PS3. This game, being a FPS, brings a different style of play to the table, combining war-zone tactics with futuristic weapons so that gamers can find more exciting ways to defeat certain parts of the game. The game difficulty seems to digress as you get used to each new weapon or ability. But it is certainly no walk in the park. You won't be able to beat the game in one day either, because it is a very long game, which is just what the PS3 was made to withstand. The story is intriguing. It takes you to a time when the world of man is completely encapsulated in an apocalyptic scene. There seems to be no hope with the dawning of this new species of alien-like creatures who are really humans transformed by a quick spreading virus that soon covers the continents of Asia and Europe. You fight as Nathan Hale, an American soldier sent to Britain to help the British make a final stand. After finding out that Hale has a natural "resistance" to the virus, many begin to believe he is man's last hope.

This fictional account of the apocalypse is unlike any other in that it does not take place in the future, but in the past, in the year 1954, between the ages of WWII, and the Cold War.

Though this I'm sure will not be the best PS3 title ever made, it is certainly the best that is available now, and should, without a doubt go down as the first great game ever made for the counsel. Resistance: Fall of Man get an 8 out of 10 from me. Well done Sony.
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Terrific sequel
9 July 2006
In my eyes the third best Disney movie ever created only to Miracle and its predecessor The Curse of the Black Pearl. It's hard to make a sequel worthy of such an extraordinary work of art as the original "Pirates" was. However this movie more than does it. Everything about this movie is incredibly done. And I believe that if it were not in fact, a sequel, it would be considered even better. But don't look at this movie as a sequel, it's not really much of a follow up on the first movie except for some famous lines taken from it and a couple of cameos and familiar names that show up but I won't ruin any of the surprises. As always in this movie you never know where allegiance lies, that is why both movie will be a success.

If there were any mistakes in this movie it was trying to make Orlando Bloom funny. It's not the writers' fault, he's just not funny. He does a good acting job other than that, he becomes a bit more like a pirate as well which is good to see. Kiera Knightly is stunning and delivers the goods as usual. Her character develops more into someone who takes charge as you will see in this movie if you haven't already seen it. You'll be surprised at the incredible effect she has on this movie. And as always Mr. Depp delivers and this time he delivers coming back as the witty, drunken, ladies man, pirate, yet courageous good man Jack Sparrow. The character is a gem of a character that has never been matched before in any other movie ever created. The other thing about this movie that may anger some is you'll wish there was more of a resolved plot, it's a bit sketchy but pay attention, and it'll all make sense. The reason the plot is unresolved is because the movie is a complete set-up for the third movie.

All in all, this movie is terrific, go see it. 9/10
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Click (2006)
Fantastic in so many ways...
26 June 2006
This is a movie that is unlike any other Adam Sandler movie you will ever see. Not only is it funny, but it is something to learn from. This movie, unlike many of Sandler's, delivers a powerful message about loving the simpler things in life. The movie starts off a bit slow, but quickly picks up once you get into it. The movie is very funny, most of the situations and jokes you can very easily laugh at. Towards the end you start to see what skipping the bad things in life can really make you miss. The movie will make people realize that the bad times are worth living through because good times lie ahead. If you don't pay attention to the little things you love in life, like a daughter, or a son, or a beautiful wife, things some people take for granted, you may lose them. It makes you understand that so many people don't realize what they have until it's gone and "Click" drove this message into your head with it's almost tragic ending.

As for performances, as always, Beckensale is stunning, and delivers a good performance for the given character. Every age of son/daughter of Sandler's character Newman gives a good performance (especially his son at an older age). Walken is a little bit creepy, I've never found him to be too good of an actor, but I suppose he plays the part well. As for Sandler, surprisingly, his performance was the best in the movie, along with the Fonz...This is Sandler's best performance (along with Punch Drunk Love). He comes at the audience surprisingly, delivering the goods in his comedic, and stunningly heart-wrenching performance in "Click".

See this movie, you will be changed.

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This movie had such an opportunity...
27 May 2006
This movie had a great opportunity to be a dark, sorrowful movie that would have left fans and audiences stunned. But no, because Singer left and Ratner took over, you can just tell the difference in directing styles. Plus the screenplay was terrible. David Hayter should have never left as screenwriter, that also did a number on the film. This movie has a lot of death in it. And for a movie with so much death, there were just too many "trying-to-be-funny" moments. Maybe trying to lighten the mood and make the mood not too serious or something. But who knows what Ratner was thinking. The movies previous to this were incredible and really had a serious, personal turmoil edge to it. This film focused on the turmoil of all mutants, and honestly, there are far to many of them to think about to feel bad for any of the ones that died. Even the important ones. I tried to feel bad. I wanted to feel bad. But I couldn't feel bad because of the terrible surroundings of the movie. Had all this death occurred in one or two, forget it, everyone would be stunned. Not here. Also the movie was all packed into a short 1 hr. 40 mins. If it'd been longer, maybe it would have been better.

The positives are that the action sequences really are very cool. The final fight was great and one of the best scenes in any of the three movies. Storm has a more prominent role in this one. And again the main focus is on Wolverine.

I think (POSSIBLE SPOILER) that many of the characters were not fittingly thrown out of this movie (ie Cyclops Xavior Mystique especially...) but you'll see what happens and get to decide for yourself. You didn't get into the characters as much as you did the first two installments, this film had the opportunity to be a dark, gloomy, action thriller that left audiences stunned, but wound up an unsatisfying, unfinished, and ultimately a disappointing wannabe film.

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The Ring Two (2005)
I'm not your f***ing mommy!!!
19 November 2005

And I'm glad i'm not her mommy either, because i would have to spank her after i saw this awful film. Not only was there no need to make a sequel but there was also no need for there to even be one. I mean sure it was OK a maybe one point, but they changed the "I'm a mean little girl who drown in a f***ing well so I'm going to kill your ass!" to "Will you be my mommy?". Um no bitch! What they should have done is given her a weapon like a chainsaw so she could cut people up. And then the little boy, how retarded can you get? "Hey I'm going to look around BY MYSELF after i just got over being attacked by a gay little girl", i would never leave my mothers side. Oh and his way of doing something when the little girl was coming towards him in the bathroom is to take her picture, "smile for the camera". I would have at least made an attempt to do something. And heres another one of his brilliant ideas. When the water is surrounding him and the girls coming through the TV he suddenly becomes afraid of water and turns his back to the TV. How the f*** can you be afraid or a centimeter of water on your floor? I'd be like who's taking a leak on the floor again? And if my mother was Naomi Watts and she asked me if I wanted her to come into the bathtub with me... uh, answer's yeah.My final vision of retardation is when the lady goes down the cellar and is reading the book and all the while someone is continually turning off lights, and she doesn't notice.I wonder who it could be, because if it was the little girl then you would have seen her turn off the light over the lady, so that only leaves one possibility...field mice.


right so this movies freaking retarded, lets start with the water... OK, I've heard of hydrophobia, and its a real thing, but how is it that hes like "omg water on the floor" but hes in the bathroom and the water's defying the laws of physics to float in the air and hes just sitting their in the bath "...mommy....?" AND WHO THE F*** TAKES A BATH WEARING PANTS? she pulled him out of the bathtub i was like "I NEED AN ADULT" but he was wearing pants so i was like "Father Kenedy, false alarm" ANOTHER stupid thing... OK picture this scenario... beautiful day, sun's shining, your out for a nice drive with your sun, you decide to take a scenic detour to explore the beauty of nature... oh look son, there's some nice flowers... and the trees are beautiful... and look at all the wildlife---BAM! oh s*** a deer hit us. oh, OK, wait OK, hold on... its just one little deer, oh, no... wait, there's like 3 more coming, son tell me what to do "mom back up and go" why son? "no mom i can see visions in my head and if you don't back up and make these deer roadkill, we're going to die" OK, hole on let me take a minute to pull the deer out of my window, I'm not gonna bother getting the windshield fixed either, ill leave it through the rest of the movie. OK (VROOM!) road rage YEAHHHH!


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That '70s Show (1998–2006)
Best sitcom, funniest sitcom, ever.
22 September 2005
This show has come so far. At first EVERYONE in the cast from Eric to Fez, they were all new actors and actresses, fresh faces, and just look what they accomplished. They stuck with the show and it was a success. Its one of the best shows ever made and its probably the funniest sitcom I've ever seen in my life. It will be sad to see it end but if they end this show, I hope to God that the series finale goes out with one of the biggest bangs that any season finale has ever had. I don't care if the whole season sucks because they save all the fuel for the final episode. Go down swinging, get one last punch in. The show deserves it, the fans deserve it, if they go, let everyone know its going to end, like on Friends, and let the finale be huge. I say get Donna and Eric married, I say have Hyde and Kelso fight and become friends again, I say have something interesting happen between Fez and Jackie because Fez has been trying for so long, but of course it wont work out for him. JUST CLOSE OUT THE SERIES BIG TIME GUYS!

That 70s Show will always be the best in my eyes. Eric, Kelso, Donna, Jackie, Fez, Hyde, I wish I had you guys as friends. You are the best!

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Family Guy (1999– )
Funniest show on television!
22 September 2005
FAMILY GUY IS THE FRIGGIN BEST SHOW ON TELEVISION, THE WHOLE THING IS PERFECT! Seth MacFarlane is one of the greatest minds to hit television, and I'm so glad he did. He took funny to a new level, knowing full well that he was not limited by the laws of human nature with an animated series. He knew EXACTLY what it meant to have an animated serious. It meant he could do ANYTHING he wanted to with it. The show is quick witted, fast as lightening, jokes come from everywhere and they are all so perfectly timed and well organized. Some people say this show is dirty, filthy, blasphemous and racist...well you're damn right it is but there is not ONE thing that these guys left out to make fun of. They tackle every race, every religion, every celebrity, every potty joke, every sex joke, they get it all, so I think that by being SO racist as to make fun of everyone, they aren't really racist...see where I'm going? huh? It's OK, you don't have to. This show is the best. Laugh at yourself to you're bound to feel insulted in some way. Funniest show ever.
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24 (2001–2010)
There are shows you watch flicking through channels...and shows you force yourself to keep up with...
22 September 2005
This is one of those shows that you don't even have to force yourself to keep up with. It is by far one of the best dramas on television to date. "24" is original, thrilling, emotional, action packed, everything a good drama series needs. It is among my top five favorite shows of all time. Season 1 was the best by far, 2 and 3 are close, and 4, though still very good, was the worst. This show has great acting throughout the entire cast, from Sutherland to the extras they need, they are all spectacular. The story never fails, no matter what its about, and every twist that they throw at you makes your jaw literally drop. The show is full of surprises and everything else it should be full of. A great show, definitely recommended. 8/10
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Head Cases (2005)
Very funny and entertaining surprise from Fox
22 September 2005
This show is great, I saw the previews for it and decided to watch it cause it seemed like my kind of show. If you're into the mystery, solve the case kind of thing, its not entirely for you, I think the show is more towards being humorous than mysterious. However it is a show that you can sit down and say "I wonder who the culprit is." The show does have some drama, but it seems to be canceled out by the performance of Adam Goldberg. Both he and Chris O'Donnel give amazing performances in this show and their chemistry is great.

UNFORTUNATELY its on Fox. Which has its ups and downs, but for a show, more or less, it has its downs. One could make the argument that if this show was not on Fox it would not be known to an audience, however the shows on Fox are: ALWAYS CANCELED. They even canceled Family Guy...until they realized how stupid they were for doing so at least. That's when I realized that they have no idea what they're doing...well, they do, but you get my drift, I hope the show stays on the air for at least a whole season, its a great show. Watch it folks. I give it a 7.5/10
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A new version of American Pie with the age twist, making it funnier.
30 August 2005
I'm probably not smart in comparing this to American Pie because really they are two different types of movies, American Pie is about teens trying to lose their virginity before high school ends. The 40 Year Old Virgin is about a man (Steve Carrel) who has long past graduated from high school, and college. I don't think I'm spoiling anything by saying that he's a 40 year old virgin. Is the movie funny? Absolutely. Have I seen funnier? Yes.

The performances in this movie are what really kept it going. Steve Carrel is I think, one of the funniest men in the business as of now. He was good in Bruce Almighty, and probably to most a favorite character in Anchorman, and now his biggest role, in the 40 Year Old Virgin will be talked about as a symbol of his comedic genius. Really just a funny funny movie with a great all around vibe.

P.S. This movie has to make EVERYONE feel foolish, either that or you have a really big head to carry on your shoulders. You gotta laugh at it and yourself.

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The Ring (2002)
A terrific and intriguing white-knuckler that will keep you thinking...
29 August 2005
Horror movies in this century are staying at the PG-13 level, I've expressed this before but this one is terrifying. The images in this movie are gruesome and haunting, they will stay in your head for a while. The little girl Sumara, oh my God she's creepy looking. She glitches every once in a while and that scared me. The acting is good, Hayden, the little boy, I did not like him, but this movie is compared so much to the sixth sense, and he doesn't quite match Osment's performance in The Sixth Sense, but that's because Osment's role in the Sixth Sense had a greater depth. But still Hayden's part is played quite well. Naomi Watts has always been a good actress and she was a good choice for the part. All in all, a good scary movie. 8/10
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The best horror movie of a decade famous for bloody, gory, and terrifying horror movies.
22 August 2005
I saw this movie for the first time when I was all by myself one night and it came on an HBO channel. I remembered hearing it was a good scary movie. Holy ****! Okay, if anyone has not seen this movie, try doing what I did. I was probably 13 when this happened. Try to get this movie, wait til its about 11:30 at night when everyone else in the house is asleep, shut off all the lights except for maybe one in the next room so it creates a creepy floor shadow...and turn this movie on. Needless to say I didn't want to go to sleep after watching this movie because I didn't think I was gonna wake up without those claws jutting out of my stomach. After watching this film that really made Wes Craven, I was horrified. This is by far one of the greatest horror movies ever. Made in the decade of some of the best horror films ever made. Made in the era of blood and gore. This movie perfected every little thing the 1980's were all about. I was afraid for 2 weeks after watching this movie. I had to watch it again just to try to convince myself it could never happened. It didn't work but eventually I got it out of my system. One thing I didn't like...the ending...because it lead to Freddy's Revenge (sucked)...leading to Dream Warriors (not bad)...leading to Drewam Master (bad)...leading to Dream Child (WORST)...leading to Final Nightmare (at least its over? nope)...leading to New Nightmare (good)...basically any movie with Nacy as the main character and Wes Craven as either Director or Screenplay is decent horror...everything else tries to hard to be comedy..."A Nightmare on Elm Street" TERRIFYING THRILLER FROM WES CRAVEN! 9/10 P.S.-If you want untraditional Wes Craven, but still a good movie...go see Red-Eye
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White Noise (I) (2005)
A Chilling subject gone to waste...
22 August 2005
"White Noise" had potential to be one of the most talked about movies since "The Exorcist" I think. Seeing as EVP is supposedly true it really had an easy passage to be a feared true fact. Not many movies come along that really instill fear into the minds of people. Like I said this movie could have, but did not. The movie degraded itself to a low class PG-13 scary movie. Nothing compared to "The Ring" or "The Sixth Sense" by any means. Someone really needs to just take charge in the horror movie industry and just make a movie that not only makes us think, but it makes us jump, scream, everything a horror movie should do. I'm honestly sick of the PG-13 Horror Genre, because its becoming a genre of its own. We need the old days back, the blood and gore days, the Freddy Kruger, the Jason, The Mike Myers days. Few movies can pull off a think about this mentality being so NOT scary. So why try to pull it off? A few good jumps in this movie amount to nothing but one of the stupidest endings in movie history with no resolution at all...don't waste your money on this movie.
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Red Eye (2005)
What a ride! Finally a thriller that has a realistic edge to it!
21 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I went to the movie theaters, honestly not expecting much out of this movie. But I was surprised. Wes Craven redeems himself, but not by going back to the magic of the original Nightmare on Elm Street, but this time by installing a realistic edge to the thrill.

First off: Performances.

Rachel McAdams is making quite a name for herself. First it was Mean Girls that showed she had good screen presence. Then came The Notebook with her amazing performance showing that she could really act. More recently, of course, Wedding Crashers, showed that she could act and be funny. Now Red-Eye...She gives such a good performance in this movie. She finally gathers herself together and realizes that she can be strong and overcome this obstacle. She's also very attractive.

Cillian Murphy plays such a great role as the villain. Calm and cool, until finally Lisa snaps out of it. He also realizes that Lisa can overcome the obstacle if he doesn't do something. Great Poremance that drove this movie along side McAdams' performance.

Okay, so aside from performance the movie actually, as I mentioned has a realistic edge to it, and I will explain what I mean by that now. The character of Lisa always tries her best to give clues to other passengers on board the plane that Jackson is up to something. However she fails, all she really accomplishes in flight is getting the attention of a little girl. As the plane is landing we find out that our villain, for once, unlike most other thrillers, is NOT Superman. By that I mean he can actually be beaten. I won't say what happens but what she did when the plane landed had the crowd clapping for her and everything, there were whistles going, the crowd got into it. That's when she really took charge and started doing things her own way, she ran from the airport, got to where her father's killer would be, got him too, another crowd pleaser. And then came the jumpy mind of Craven. Look for the scene when Lisa gets to her father's house, it's a jumpy one. Good ending where the heroin wins. Oh yeah, and humor not left short, look for the performance of newcomer Jayma Mays. She does a good job as a kind of clueless, but trust-worthy character.
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Part 3...Good finish
24 July 2005
Okay, I can see why people would dislike this movie. Because I agree, it doesn't live up to the first or second. However my style of approach on movie is to watch a movie for the movie you're watch, not for others. For example, Ocean's Eleven, the remake. I personally didn't think it lived up to the old one, but I based my vote on the movie. If you take this movie and watch it as if its the first of the series, like there was no other Matrix movie, you would probably like it. It is a bit slow at times, and the acting is just OKAY. But all in all a good, dramatic, and conclusive ending to the Matrix Trilogy. It's almost sad. I fitting end to what will be a legendary Sci-fi trilogy. We'll certainly miss the Matrix. Congratulations to the Wachowski brothers for creating a legacy.
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More action...Less story...And that's just fine
24 July 2005
Basically this movie has so much action it's incredible. The FX are even better in this sequel and so is the action. The story isn't as good as the first but I think the reason for that is that the first one sets the stage so well that all this movie has to contribute to the story is a little bit of development. This movie does a good job, it's unlike the original but I believe it does justice to it. The acting again is pretty good, but Keanu Reeves doesn't do as well as he did in the first one, which I think was his best movie. He looses some steam in this one but other performances do as well, so it doesn't really show. Another good Matrix movie. 9/10
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The Matrix (1999)
The Matrix...An achievement like no other
24 July 2005
This movie is one of the most complex and interesting science fiction films to date. This movie is slick, sexy, and has so much style its amazing. Guns, leather, blood and gore, slow motion, flips and all that cool stuff that everyone wants in an action movie. The reason this movie is such an achievement is because it achieves all the cool things that people want to see in movies, but at the same time, is NOT mindless. The story behind this action packed thrill ride is one of the best ever told. Job well done to the directors, cast, and Special FX team.

10/10...one of the best
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Constantine (2005)
Very interesting idea that could have used development - A good comic book adaption.
23 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was very interesting I thought. The plot is very confusing but if you pay very close attention then you can understand it. Basically what this movie is about is Heaven and Hell. John Constantine had visions of demons as a child and soon tried to commit suicide, which is considered a mortal sin. However after the attempt doctors revived him. He was dead for 2 minutes and he spent those two minutes in Hell, and basically after seeing how horrible Hell was he never wanted to go back. So in a desperate attempt to buy his way into Heaven, he fights off the demons that are trying to cross over into the real world. The story tells us that there is a demon in every bad man and an angel in every good one. So when the demons attempt to come through, Constantine kills them off. But this still isn't good enough to get into Heaven. In the beginning an angel named Gabriel tells John that he can't buy his way into Heaven. John asks what he can do and Gabriel said self sacrifice. And then she tells him he's f***** which I found funny because she's an angel. But anyway...In the end just before the spawn of Satan is release, Constantine meets the devil. (Quick reminder that Hell wants him) The girl he's been with, Angela, has a sister who did the same thing that John did, committed suicide because of the visions she had. Constantine said that as long as she can go to Heaven instead of Hell, he'll go to Hell with him. However that is considered a self sacrifice and before the Devil can take him, He dies and goes to Heaven...briefly. Satan revives him, say that he's going to keep Constantine on the earth until he shows that he belongs in Hell. Cliffhanger, No?

OK well I enjoyed this movie. There could have been more action but it actually was much more a suspenseful movie than it was action or horror. However if that is what Hell is really like I'm afraid to go there too. No folks this is no "Little Nicky" Hell. This is a terrifying portrait of Hell. It creeped me out at least.


CONSTANTINE: The acting is okay. Keanu Reeves, although I honestly think he could use some acting lessons, is the perfect person to play the part of Constantine. He's not tormented by the things he sees, he almost sees them as playmates. Just more fun. And he does portray that well. 8/10

ANGELA: Rachel Weisz does an okay job in this movie. To be honest I appreciated her role in the mummy more than in Constantine. In the end she just had no effect on me. I wouldn't have care if she died. But she did an okay job in showing how much she cared for her sister, and how much she really wished she could have helped her. 5/10

CHAS: Shia LaBeouf is going to be a big star when he gets older. He becomes a bigger part of this movie towards the end and he didn't really have much to portray, but he plays his part perfectly. An eager kid wanting to be like John Constantine. "If you're sitting on the bench you gotta be ready to play, right?" -Best quote in the movie. I was like "YES! Shia's gonna play a bigger part." 9/10 So all in all, good movie that could have used development around the plot points. 7.5/10
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How funny can a movie get?
19 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is my new favorite comedy, it used to be There's Something About Mary. this movie kills that movie. Wedding Crashers just has it all. Its very raunchy at times but there's a lot of situational comedy where you're like "oh my God, that's so funny, I could never have thought of that" Some very good twist took place. Don't go based on the previews, Vince's girl is no virgin, I was shocked, she's actually a sex hound and a half. I could not stop laughing at this movie. And hey for all you ladies out there, there's a good love story to it. And I'm currently single ;)

Owen and Vince's chemistry is incredible, perfect, they were great together, definitely the best comedic couple in movies in a while. AND I'm SO GLAD that they did not pick some hot-shot big and famous actress to play the part of Claire, who is Wilson's "lover". For once there's no Kirsten Dunst, Cameron Diaz, Jen Aniston, whoever else is big as far as real hot/famous actresses go. Job well done to the casting crew, I think in this case they were the most important factor in the making of this movie.

Overall...Absolutely Hysterical...10/10
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