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That '70s Show (TV Series 1998–2006) Poster


Episode List



9 Jan. 2001
Ice Shack
Kelso has a master plan to win back Jackie while Hyde drives Leo and his bag with illegal drugs.
10 Jan. 2001
Who Wants It More?
Lovers Eric and Donna were the perfect study partners, but he falls over his own words into dumping her over an arms race disagreement, then is easily seduced. Kelso thinks he saw an UFO, Hyde nor Fez believe him but are greatly amused by his nude pictures on the same roll Leo brings over. Red imagines being killed by neighbor Bob Pinciotti's tree-pruning and turns human to the point of throwing a party. Sex blackmail sounds as an epiphany to Midge, but Donna is relieved when Eric finally makes up.
16 Jan. 2001
Fez Gets the Girl
Donna has two tickets for a Led Zeppelin concert but Eric, who has just been made Employee of the Month, has to work the evening of the concert.
30 Jan. 2001
Dine & Dash
When his flattered grandma gives Kelso $100, he invites the kids to a lobster dinner at the restaurant where Fez's girlfriend Caroline works, but expects them all to run without paying; when the others refuse, he goes 'get his money' and runs alone; next is Fez, grudging at Caroline's ingratitude; then Jackie, last parolee Hyde, who makes it even worse for remaining Eric and Donna by calling to bring them an anniversary cake; the couple's payback is sweet and dirty... Meanwhile the parents have a cards night, which explodes when Bob learns that Red hired someone at ...
6 Feb. 2001
Radio Daze
Kelso can buy Hippie Leo's El Camino, but doesn't have the $500; Jackie lends him the money if he becomes her slave for a week. Donna gets a job at the local radio, where she is presented as 'hot Donna without a boyfriend', which Eric finds hard to swallow, till he meets the unsightly DJ Jerry Thunder. Red and Kitty are confronted with the bitterness of Earl since Red fired the no-good employee. At the last moment, Leo says he can't sell the car as he promised it to his son for his 16th birthday, but then gives it to...
13 Feb. 2001
Donna's Panties
Eric pulls down Donna's pants as a joke and reveals her granny panties underneath; Kelso discovers that Laurie is cheating on him; Fez goes on a date.
20 Feb. 2001
Romantic Weekend
Eric and Donna want to go to a hotel for a romantic weekend. Kelso has problems 'performing' when he's with Pam Macy.
27 Feb. 2001
Kitty's Birthday (That's Today?!)
Eric and Red forgot Kitty's birthday. Kelso has a plan to win Jackie back.
13 Mar. 2001
The Trials of M. Kelso
Fez is addressed after a school team pep rally by kids from rivaling Fort Anderson, who sprayed his butt; at a revenge raid spraying their locker-room, Fez, Eric and Hyde get locked in by the janitor. Jackie and Kelso are obsessed with each-other again, but at Donna's insistence, recalling how he cheated, she decides to test his maturity and suitability; when Donna tells him, he tries hard and inventively. Finding out the Pinciottis have a party but did'n invite them suits Red but infuriates Kitty, till they learn why...
27 Mar. 2001
Eric's Naughty No-no
Kitty's no-good sister comes over and the guys have seen an X-rated film.
17 Apr. 2001
Holy Craps
Kitty volunteers at the church fund raiser and obliges Red, Eric, Kelso and Hyde to help her. Jackie and Donna find out how loony Caroline is.
1 May 2001
Fez Dates Donna
Fez and Donna feign to date so Caroline will leave Fez alone.
1 May 2001
Eric's Drunken Tattoo
After sneakily reading Donna's diary, Eric thinks he's not cool enough for her and, after drinking sake, decides to get a tattoo.
8 May 2001
Canadian Road Trip
Eric, Hyde, Kelso and Fez take a road trip to Canada to buy beer, but on the trip home Fez finds he forgot his green card and the group is stopped by Mounties.
15 May 2001
Backstage Pass
When Jackie says she doesn't want to do it in the car, Kelso offers to have a romantic day, she stretches it to a week. Donna got concert tickets as a bonus at the radio station where she reads the farm report, so the whole gang goes. Hyde 'borrowed' $50 from Eric to make and sell fake fan T-shirts for the rock band's star Ted Nugent, but left the spelling to Fez, who got 'Tad' printed, and there's worse. Red and even Kitty can't remember how they met... Now he's into it, Michael loves being romantic even more then Jackie, to the point of resisting her wanting to do ...
22 May 2001
The Promise Ring
Eric gives Donna a promise ring. Donna doesn't respond the way Eric thought.
25 Sep. 2001
It's a Wonderful Life
Eric is absolutely devastated over his and Donna's break-up, and spends all day in bed wishing they never had kissed. But asleep an angel comes to show Eric, how his and the gang's lives had turned if he and Donna had never been together.
26 Sep. 2001
Eric's Depression
Eric is depressed about Donna and Kitty orders Red to talk to him. Hyde, Fez, Kelso and Jackie go to Funland.
2 Oct. 2001
Pinciotti vs. Forman
Now Donna is his ex, Eric doesn't want her in the basement any longer; Jackie leaves as an act of solidarity. In order to steal his friends, Donna offers them cable TV and corn dogs- it works; just for saying it's not right on Eric, Jackie gives Michael the silent treatment. Pastor Dave calls by, just to invite Red, to Kitty's delighted surprise; she's disappointed the men don't really talk, which neither wants to do. Eric convinces Bob the gang likes his lame humor which amuses only Fez, so he drives them all back, even Jackie. After some more bids, an alternating ...
9 Oct. 2001
Hyde Gets the Girl
Fez and Eric organize a party with lots of girls, so eternal bachelor Hyde can finally find the woman of his dreams.
16 Oct. 2001
Bye Bye Basement
Hyde moves back with the Formans. Without telling why, Kitty decides to redo the basement, and hires Leo and his cousin Theo as contractors. Meanwhile, Eric and Donna break into an argument about redoing the basement, and the promise ring.
6 Nov. 2001
The Relapse
When Midge Pinciotti finally leaves her worthless husband Bob, he goes in denial and starts doing put-off jobs in house and garden 'for when she comes back'. Kitty is determined to help Bob and Donna, the Forman-men prefer to avoid the house of tears. The boys reminisce how well Midge filled sweaters; Kelso and Fez set out chasing for older housewives 'who are so experienced, willing and grateful', for lack of a tennis court at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store, but are surprised when Kelso pinches a pair of buttocks. As Bob proves too tactile, Kitty sends over still ...
13 Nov. 2001
Uncomfortable Ball Stuff
Eric and Donna go to the annual Pricemart Ball together while Fez gets a job at Leo's Photohut.
20 Nov. 2001
Donna's Story
Donna writes a nasty story in the school paper, obviously taking the mickey out of Eric albeit under fake names and playing in the Victorian age, so when schoolgirls see trough the pseudonyms and scold him as cat-killer, he tries to write his own version... Red is startled that Bob has found a new lady friend -bossy Joanne, who picked him up shopping- and furious as she insists on doing the grilling, in Red's view at the very core of manhood. Kelso hasn't bought a dress for Jackie but half of the pinball machine in the diner, hoping for a 50% profit even each time he ...
21 Nov. 2001
The Forgotten Son
Eric feels rejected by both parents. Kitty goes lunching out with Donna, and they become friends, baking cookies together, according to Jackie ample reason for jealousy. When Red gets to make a training video for Pricemart, he chooses to star photogenic Michael Kelso as stock-boy, although that's Eric's real job; he intends to play the 'character' in John Travolta style... Leo the hippie says he inherited $1,000,000 from his Uncle Eddy, and generously takes Fez and Hyde shopping.
27 Nov. 2001
Red and Stacey
Fez is dating Big Rhonda, who just returned from Mississippi and gets Donna and Jackie to give her feminine advice to become more desirable, but he still prefers her as she was. Red is charmed by assertive new Pricemart cash register clerk Stacey, so he tries to set her up with Eric, but she is more interested in- Forman Senior, who was already wrestling with intimacy with Kitty on the clock .
11 Dec. 2001
The Third Wheel
Eric convinces the guys to spend a girls-free night bowling, but Hyde scores an instant-kissing chick on the alley, Jill, which kills the plan. Red and pastor Dave have such fun as basketball supporters that it takes Kitty some insisting to remind the clergyman that mass is his Sunday priority, only to hear Red inspired him to resign! Donna is shocked Bob already sleeps with his new girlfriend Joanne, so her ma Midge is completely out of the picture. Jackie is jealous to find Rhonda is already more in the loop and even has a key to the basement and gets challenged to ...
18 Dec. 2001
An Eric Forman Christmas
The gang grumbles Christmas isn't real fun any more, like when they were little kids, except Kelso who looks forward to the traditional X-mas children's specials, but Jackie won't let him watch. Kitty gets them to volunteer for pastor Dave's church pageant, with Eric as director, who has an all too hard time stopping everyone for modernizing their parts most un-biblically. When Dave tries to take over directing and the lead, he is irreverently tied up, enough for Leo to give the sacrilegers heaps. Meanwhile Red is so angry at Bob's seasonal 'noise' that he hides his ...

« 2000 |  2001  2002  »

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