Album Reviews

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Father John Misty – ‘Pure Comedy’ Review

From sombre singer-songwriter through to perky freak-folk wanderer, and now a sassy amalgam of US shock-comic Louis CK and singer Warren Zevon in a silk smoking jacket – or, in…

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Mastodon – ‘Emperor of Sand’ Review

Metal needed this album. It needed a record that’s doomy, heavy and magnificently multilayered, and Mastodon’s seventh album is exactly that. “‘Emperor Of Sand’ is like the Grim Reaper,” says…

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Lydia Ainsworth – ‘Darling Of The Afterglow’ Review

As the clanging keyboard chords that open ‘The Road’ ring out like sinister church bells, it’s clear that Canadian composer and songwriter Lydia Ainsworth’s second album is going to be…

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The Shins – ‘Heartworms’ Review

‘Heartworms’ feels like a pretty accurate way to describe a collection of Shins songs: sweet, indie-folk numbers that burrow inside you, find their way to your vital organ and prod…

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Hurray For The Riff Raff – ‘The Navigator’ Review

Hurray For The Riff Raff are one of those bands who’ve gone about being quietly spectacular for the past decade or so, never quite troubling the mainstream but ploughing on…

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The Moonlandingz – ‘Interplanetary Class Classics’ Review

If The Moonlandingz sometimes seem so ludicrous it feels like they’ve stepped from of the pages of a particularly surreal story, it’s because they have. Starting life in the imagination…

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Formation – ‘Look At The Powerful People’ Review

“I don’t think we’re a political band, but if someone’s gonna start bringing bulls**t you’ve got to stand up for yourselves,” Will Ritson, frontman of south London dance-punk agitators Formation,…

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Creeper – ‘Eternity, In Your Arms’ Review

It’s not unfair to say that rock, as a genre, has been slightly uninspired for the last couple of years. Even its brightest stars – Bring Me The Horizon, Twin…

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Spoon – ‘Hot Thoughts’ Review

Austin, Texas, veterans Spoon operate in a strange world, enjoying non-stop critical acclaim while being a thousand miles from actual stardom. Metacritic’s most well-reviewed band of the ’00s (ahead of…

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Zara Larsson – ‘So Good’ Review

Zara Larsson matters because she’s a new pop star with an exciting voice, both literally and figuratively. When she sings, the 19-year-old Swede sounds youthful but not too pure –…

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Circa Waves – ‘Different Creatures’ Review

Anyone who heard Circa Waves’ 2015 debut album ‘Young Chasers’ probably wouldn’t expect them to return with an awful lot to say about the world’s big issues. It was perfectly…

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Methyl Ethel – ‘Everything Is Forgotten’ Review

Oh look, a psychedelic rock band from Perth who began life as their frontman’s home recording project before being fleshed out into a live outfit and making waves on the…

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