Our head office is expanding!

So many exciting things are happening at STEM Camp. First of all, our head office is expanding due to the overwhelming enrollment expansion we experience each year. As well, with our expansion from 23 locations in the summer of 2016 to 46 locations for the summer of 2017, we need more staff to assist our […]

Something Every Parent Should Consider

We Need More Girls in STEM Because you have expressed interest in STEM Camp, I know you are passionate about the role that science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) can play in your child’s life today and in the future. You know that STEM experiences are positive drivers of your child’s development. When STEM subjects […]

Sarnia Summer Camps

Sarnia Summer Camps will include STEM Camp for the first time in the Sarnia area. We wish to extend our appreciation to the following groups and individuals in Vaughan: The Cathcart Blvd. Public School has been selected as our host site for six weeks and is a wonderful venue for our Sarnia Summer Camps initiative with dedicated indoor space and tons of […]

Sarnia Summer Camps

STEM Camp’s Community Involvement

Good Morning STEM Families, we want to inform everyone about STEM Camp’s Community Involvement initiatives! As we gear up for summer there are lots of things happening here at the STEM Camp head office. We are working diligently to ensure that you will have the best summer ever at camp with us! Summer is just […]

Vaughan Summer Camps

Vaughan Summer Camps will include STEM Camp for the first time in the Vaughan area. We wish to extend our appreciation to the following groups and individuals in Vaughan: The Kortright Conservation Centre on Pine Valley Drive has been selected as our host site for six weeks and is a wonderful venue for our Vaughan Summer Camps initiative with dedicated indoor space and tons of […]

Vaughan Summer Camps