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  2. 💙Good night We ❤️ U We 🤗 U We 💋 U 💙 Never go far away 💙because we MISS YOU 💙when you’re gone:)! 💙💙💙 Blessings! Peace and Hope! Love and Kindness! Empathy and Healing! Understanding and Compassion! 💙💙💚💙💙💚💙💙💚💙💙💚

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  3. 18. Feb.
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  4. 7. Mai

    Slow is the experience of all deep fountains: long have they to wait until they know what has fallen into their depths. / Lente est l'expérience des puits profonds: ils doivent attendre longtemps avant de savoir ce qui est tombé dans leur profondeur.

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  6. vor 20 Stunden

    Investigation: Chronic pain patients denied life-saving medicine because of opioid crackdown

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  7. 6. Mai

    My ex-husband just told me abt the death of his sister-in-law. She went to the ER with severe knee pain, swelling, etc. After being told they don’t give pain pills to “drug seekers” she was sent away. She was hospitalized 3 days later w/ sepsis from infection in her knee & died

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  8. 7. Mai

    Why are we at each other's throats in America? I have a few thoughts. Our culture is dying. We worship money, youth, & the idea of being virtuous. We're also addicted to outrage & sensationalism. It's a way to fill the holes in ourselves that beg for meaning. We're in despair.

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  9. 6. Mai
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    Father Lord,visit and encourage our brother Ray,Lord Jesus we don't know what he is going through but you know better, please Lord lift him up so that he will continue lifting us spiritually.Amen.

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  10. 7. Mai

    "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 We don't know one another personally, but I check on u daily. There's quite a few folks (vets2) here, ur not alone

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  11. vor 10 Stunden

    This is truly sad and something I did not know about when friends dump friends simply because they take pain meds. This is awful!

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  12. 29. Sept. 2018
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  13. 22. Feb. 2018
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    Welcome to the club

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  14. 22. Feb. 2018
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    Omg, you were blocked?? LOL Way to go!

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  15. 25. Apr.
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    Tell your story, please. The time to be quiet has passed. That you have survived for so long with so little help is amazing. I think I might survive for maybe a year, but I am not starting with 100% reserve. Keep on fighting.

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    Bless us all indeed Sherri 💕you’re beautiful inside & out too, Rosavecchia Good night dreams to you:) and all 💜💚💛❤️💜💙💚💛❤️💜💙💚💛❤️ in 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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  17. 5. März 2018
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    Bless us All🙏♿️

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  18. 4. Okt. 2018
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    Hope these flowers help ... at least a little bit

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  19. 4. Okt. 2018
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    Beautiful flowers, thank you so much🌺♿️

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  20. 5. Okt. 2018
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    You deserve them. Sent to a beautiful lady inside + out! Love you.

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  21. 5. Okt. 2018
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    I agree with Lelena! Hi Sherri How r you dear? Have truly you + kept u in ! Nice seeing U! 🌺🎶🤗❤️🌹

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