Documents and Actions


The Plain Writing Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-274), signed into law on October 13, 2010, calls for writing that is clear, concise, and well-organized. The Justice Department is well on its way to cooperating with the Act, which President Obama said is essential to establishing "a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration."

Clear and simple communication has many benefits for the public and executive agencies. Avoiding vagueness and unnecessary complexity makes it easier for members of the public to understand and to apply for important benefits and services for which they are eligible. Plain writing can also assist the public in complying with the law because people better understand what they are expected to do.

Studies show plain language efforts reduce costs. Using clear language helps reduce public questions; improve compliance; reduce resources spent on enforcement; reduce errors on forms; and reduce time spent addressing such errors.

As a means of complying with the Act, we have identified documents and actions that fall within the jurisdiction of the law. This list will be updated periodically as more documents are identified:

Antitrust Division (ATR):

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF):

Some areas within ATF have been employing the principles of plain writing for some time. For example, employees throughout the Office of Enforcement Programs and Services use plain writing techniques when they draft new regulations, briefing memos and standard operating procedures. These principles include using the active voice rather than the passive, ensuring that a sentence's subject and verb agree, and avoiding big words when simple ones will work. These changes make regulations more readily understood by the public, and better understanding leads to better compliance. But in order to fulfill our Presidential mandate, we need to do more.

We are also educating our employees through biweekly "Plain Writing Pointers" broadcast messages. This is gradually providing a step-by-step guide to producing documents that are reader-focused, effectively structured and plainly written. (We're on nouns this week.) We are using the Plain Language Guidelines document on as a resource, and referring employees to it for additional information.

Bureau of Prisons (BOP):
  • (the Bureau's public website)
  • About the Bureau of Prisons (brochure)
  • State of the Bureau (annual publication)
  • UNICOR Annual Report (annual publication)
  • Forms (available on

Civil Division (CIV):

The only current Civil Division program to which the Plain Writing Act applies is the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) program. The RECA program has two such "documents": claim forms and website. They are both already in compliance with the Act.
  • RECA Claim forms
  • RECA website

Civil Rights Division (CRT):
  • Civil Rights Division Website
  • Civil Rights Division Citizen mail templates
  • Civil Rights Division Press Releases
  • FOIA Correspondence:
    • Open Investigation Form Letter language
    • Response of Public Documents Being Released letter
  • Human Trafficking Materials:
    • Brochure: Trafficking in Persons, A Guide for Non-Governmental Organizations.
    • Poster: Human Trafficking is Illegal.
    • Victim Handout: Information for Victims of Trafficking in Persons and Forced Labor.
    • Trafficking in Persons - Complaint Line Rolodex Handout.
  • ADA Information Services (updated November 2006) - A 2-page list with the telephone numbers and web addresses of Federal agencies and other organizations that provide information to the public about the ADA.
  • ADA Materials Available Free From the Department of Justice (revised April 2010) This 11-page list describes the ADA publications, translations, and videos that can be ordered from the Department of Justice.
  • ADA Designated Investigative Agencies (revised March 2008) - A 4-page list of the nine federal agencies that are designated to investigate disability-related discrimination complaints filed against State and local government programs under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. (Spanish edition available online.)
  • Title II Complaint Form - A 3-page form for filing a complaint under Title II of the ADA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. (Spanish edition available online or by mail.)
  • How to File a Title III Complaint (1996) - This 3-page publication explains the procedure for filing a complaint under Title III of the ADA. (Spanish edition available online or by mail.)
  • ADA Mediation Program (1999) - A 6-page publication describing the Justice Department's ADA Mediation Program and giving examples of successfully mediated cases.
  • ADA Questions and Answers (resources updated September 2006) - A 34-page booklet giving an overview of the ADA's requirements affecting employers, businesses, non-profit service agencies, and state and local governments. (Cambodian, Chinese, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese editions available by mail. Spanish edition also available online.)
  • A Guide to Disability Rights Laws (resources updated September 2006) - A 23-page booklet providing a brief description of the ADA, the Telecommunications Act, Fair Housing Act, Air Carrier Access Act, Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act, National Voter Registration Act, Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act, Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act, Rehabilitation Act, Architectural Barriers Act, and the federal agencies to contact for more information. (Cambodian, Chinese, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese editions available by mail. Spanish edition also available online.)
  • ADA: Know Your Rights -- Returning Service Members with Disabilities (2010) -A 28-page booklet designed to provide military service members who have been seriously injured in Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom a basic understanding of their rights under the ADA and where to turn for additional information and assistance.
  • A Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment (2000) - A 2-page pamphlet for people with disabilities providing a general explanation of the employment provisions of the ADA and how to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (Spanish edition available by mail and online.)
  • Enforcing the ADA: A Status Report from the Department of Justice - A quarterly report providing information about ADA cases and settlements, building codes that meet ADA accessibility standards, and ADA technical assistance activities.
  • Educational Opportunities Section Fact Sheet on Harassment and Discrimination
  • Employment Litigation Section Right-to-Sue letters
  • Employment Litigation Section Potential Witness Contact letters
  • Employment Litigation Section Privacy Act Notices
  • Title VII Settlement Related Documents:
    • Notice of Settlement and Fairness Hearing
    • Instruction for Filing an Objection Prior to Fairness Hearing
    • Notice of Entry of Consent Decree
    • Interest in Relief Form
    • Notice of Fairness Hearing on Individual Relief
    • Instruction for Filing an Objection to Individual Relief
  • Title VII Stage II Related Documents:
    • Notice of Preliminary Relief Order and Fairness Hearing
    • Instruction for Filing an Objection to the Terms of the Preliminary Relief Order
    • Notice of Entry of Final Relief Order
    • Claim Form
    • Instructions for Filing a Claim for Individual Relief
    • Notice of Fairness Hearing on Individual Relief
    • Instruction for Filing an Objection to Individual Relief
    • Letter to Applicant regarding Notice of Fairness Hearing on Individual Relief and Determination of Individual Relief
  • Federal Coordination and Compliance Pamphlets/Brochures/Forms:
    • Discrimination Complaint Form (English, Spanish, & Chinese)
    • Complainant Consent Release Form (English, Spanish, & Chinese (?)
    • Your Rights Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (English & Spanish)
    • Federal Protections Against National Origin Discrimination (English, Arabic, Cambodian, Chinese, Farsi, French, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Hmong, Korean, Laotian, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu, & Vietnamese)
    • Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Federally Assisted Programs (English)
    • Addressing Police Misconduct – Laws Enforced by the United States Department of Justice (Prepared by CRT's Special Litigation Section-Disseminated by FCS ) (English)
    • Protecting the Civil Rights of American Indians and Alaska Natives—Nondiscrimination Laws Enforced by the Civil Rights Division United States Department of Justice (English)
  • Fair Housing Policy Statements and Guidance
    • Policy Statement on the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act September 2010
  • Housing and Civil Enforcement Section brochure/pamphlet
  • Office of Special Counsel Employer Items:
    • 10 Steps to Avoid Discrimination (Flyer)
    • E-Verify Dos and Don'ts Flyer
    • IRCA: What You Should Know Flyer: (English, Spanish)
    • Best Practices for Online Job Postings Flyer
    • Your Guide to Fair Employment
    • Spanish Employee Brochure (Salga de las Dudas)
    • Post 9/11 Backlash Discrimination (English, Bengali, Somali, Gujarat, Hindi, Arabic)
  • Office of Special Counsel Worker Items:
    • Comic/Cartoon Sheet (English, Spanish)
    • Comic/Cartoon Sheet (Mandarin, Carolinian, Chamorro, Japanese, Korean, Tagalog)
    • Worker Brochure (4 Faces)
    • Comic/Cartoon book: (English, Spanish)
    • Worker Palm Cards: (English, Spanish)
  • Office of Special Counsel Employer/Worker Items:
    • Temporary Protected Status Flyer: (English, Spanish)
    • Refugee/Asylee Rights flyer: (White with blue print)
  • Voting Section Brochures:
    • Language Minority Brochures (Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Tagalog)

Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS):
  • COPS Hiring Program Application Guide
  • COPS Hiring Program Grant Owner's Manual
  • COPS Hiring Program Pre-Award Fact Sheet
  • COPS Hiring Program Post-Award Fact Sheet
  • COPS Hiring Program Frequently Asked Questions
  • COPS Hiring Program Accepting Your Award Frequently Asked Questions
  • COPS Hiring Program Selection Methodology
  • COPS Hiring Program Solicitation Invitation Letter
  • COPS Hiring Program Announcement Letter
  • COPS Hiring Program Award Notification Letter
  • COPS Hiring Program Non-Award Notification Letter (Rejection)
  • COPS Hiring Program Application Deadline Reminder Letter - Two Weeks Left
  • COPS Hiring Program Application Deadline Reminder Letter - 48 Hours Left
  • COPS Hiring Program Application Data Flagging Letter
  • COPS Hiring Program Application Data Update Deadline Reminder Letter
  • Grant Payment Request System Information Sheet
  • SF-425 Fact Sheet
  • SF-425 Frequently Asked Questions
  • SF-425 Helpful Hints
  • Federal Civil Rights Information Sheet
  • Change of Information Form
  • Publication Ordering Form
  • Construction Grant Conditions
  • Guidance on Environmental Assessment Process
  • Special Condition: Criminal Intelligence Systems/28CFR Part 23 Compliance
  • COPS Tribal Grant Resources Program Grant Owner's Manual
  • Grant Extension Letter
  • Grant Modification Letter
  • Grant Award Letter
  • Cooperative Agreement
  • CPD Application Guide (online)
  • Community Policing Dispatch Postcard

Criminal Division (CRIM):
  • Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification Form
  • Application for transfer of Federal Forfeited Property
  • US Marshals Service ACH Vendor Form
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • Mass-Marketing Fraud
  • Identity Theft
  • Hurricane Katrina Fraud Task Force
  • Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Fraud
  • Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Fraud
  • How to Report a Human Rights Violator
  • Prisoner Transfer Background Information for Americans Incarcerated Abroad
  • Guidelines for the Evaluation of Transfer Applications of Federal Prisoners
  • Authorization for International Prisoner Transfer Unit to Release Information to Other Persons
  • Request for Registration Under the Gambling Devices Act of 1962
  • Tips on Completing a Registration Request
  • Information and Assistance for Federal Crim Victims and Witnesses
  • Victim Rights
  • Reports to Congress on the Activities and Operations of PIN
  • Complaint - Alleging Failure of Department of Justice Employee to Provide Rights to a Crime Victim Under the Crime Victims' Rights Act of 2004

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA):
  • The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Petition Defect Letter, which informs individuals on how to file a petition for remission/mitigation of seizure.
  • The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Petition Acknowledgement Letter, which informs individuals about whether or not a petition for remission/mitigation was accepted and how to file supporting documents for a petition.
  • The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Claim Acknowledgement Letter, which informs individuals about whether or not a claim has been accepted and how to file a petition for remission/mitigation.
  • The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Petition Mitigation Grant Letter, which informs individuals about whether or not the government has granted mitigation (partial return) of property/currency and how to file a request for reconsideration of the partial denial.
  • The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Authorization for Return Property/Currency Letter, which informs individuals on how to claim their seized property.
  • The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Settlement Letter, which informs individuals on how to claim their seized property when a settlement has been issued. 
  • The Practitioner’s Manual: A Guideline to the Practitioner’s Responsibilities under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, which helps practitioners understand the Federal Controlled Substances Act and how to implement it.
  • The Mid-Level Practitioner’s Manual: An Informational Outline of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, which helps mid-level practitioners understand the Federal Controlled Substances Act and how to implement it.
  • The Pharmacist’s Manual: An Informational Outline of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, which helps pharmacists understand the Federal Controlled Substances Act and how to implement it.
  • The Narcotic Treatment Programs: Best Practice Guideline, which helps treatment facilities understand the Federal Controlled Substances Act and how to implement proper dosage reconciliation practices.
  • The Chemical Handler’s Manual: A Guide to Chemical Control Regulations, which helps chemical handlers understand the Federal Controlled Substances Act and their responsibilities.
  • A Security Outline of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, which helps drug handlers understand and implement the Federal Controlled Substances Act and its regulations on security.
  • The Federal Register Notices (Diversion Control Program), which provides public notices on activities (e.g. registration notices, registrant actions, production quotas).
  • The DEA’s Diversion website (, which provides information on DEA’s Diversion Control Program and its activities, in addition to Diversion’s manuals and informational brochures.
  • The DEA’s Acquisitions/Contracts website (, which provides information for those seeking federal contracts with DEA.

Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD):

Notices of proposed judgments in actions to enjoin discharges of pollutants that are published by ENRD in the Federal Register in accordance with 28 C.F.R. 50.7.

Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR):

Documents necessary for obtaining any federal government benefit or service, or filing taxes including:

EOIR Forms:

  • EOIR 33/BIA Alien's Change of Address Form/Board of Immigration Appeals
  • EOIR 33/IC Alien's Change of Address Form/Immigration Court
  • EOIR 40 Application for Suspension of Deportation
  • EOIR 42A Application for Cancellation of Removal for Certain Permanent Residents
  • EOIR 42B Application for Cancellation of Removal and Adjustment of Status for Certain Nonpermanent Residents

Documents that provide information about any federal government benefit or service including:

EOIR Forms:

  • EOIR 26 Notice of Appeal from a Decision of an Immigration Judge
  • EOIR 26A Fee Waiver Request
  • EOIR 27 Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Representative Before the Board of Immigration Appeals
  • EOIR 28 Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Representative Before the Immigration Court
  • EOIR 29 Notice of Appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals from a Decision of a USCIS Officer
  • EOIR 30 OCAHO Subpoena Form
  • EOIR 31 Request for Recognition as a Nonprofit Religious, Charitable, Social Service, or Similar Organization Established in the United States
  • EOIR 45 Notice of Appeal from a Decision of an Adjudicating Official in a Practitioner Disciplinary Case

Fact Sheets:

  • EOIR at a Glance
  • EOIR's Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer
  • EOIR's Fraud and Abuse Program
  • Do Not be a Victim of Immigration Fraud
  • Asylum and Withholding of Removal Relief/Convention Against Torture Protections
  • BIA Streamlining Fact Sheet
  • Forms of Relief from Removal
  • Asylum Variations in Immigration Court
  • Observing Immigration Court Hearings

Other Documents:

  • Responses to citizen mail
  • Responses to letters regarding recognition and accreditation (R&A)

Documents that explain to the public how to comply with a requirement that the federal government administers or enforces including:

EOIR Forms:

  • EOIR 44 Immigration Practitioner Complaint Form

Fact Sheet:

  • Who Can Represent Aliens in Immigration Proceedings


  • Board of Immigration Appeals Practice Manual
  • Immigration Court Practice Manual
  • Immigration Judge Benchbook
  • EOIR Ethics Manual for ALJs (OCAHO), BIA Members, and IJs

Other Documents:

  • All computer-generated forms issued at the immigration courts
  • Any forms sent to respondents or attorneys issued by BIA that are not posted on the Internet
  • Any R&A forms not on the Internet
  • R&A guidance
  • Freedom of Information Act instructions
  • How to get on the list of free legal service providers
  • Summary of OCIJ procedure for handling complaints against immigration judges

Executive Office of the United States Attorneys (EOUSA):

  • Information About the Office/Mission Statement/U.S. Attorney
  • Press Releases
  • District Newsletters
  • Annual Reports
  • Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
  • Understanding the Federal Courts
  • Information on the Federal Criminal Justice Process
  • What Are the Steps of a Federal Prosecutor's Job?
  • What is a Federal Crime?
  • How to Report a Crime
  • Information on Federal Civil Litigation
  • Job/Vacancy Announcements
  • Information on Internships
  • Information on Recruiting Events
  • Application Form for Federal Employment
  • Response to Citizen Correspondence
  • Information on FOIA and the Privacy Act
  • Information on the Financial Litigation Unit and Forms
  • Forfeiture Action Letter to Claimant
  • Identity Theft and Financial Fraud
  • Firearms and Federal Law
  • Guide to Firearms Safety
  • What You Can Do About Gangs
  • Information on Project Safe Childhood
  • Safety on the Web
  • Information on Child Exploitation and Pornography
  • Hate Crime Task Force Information
  • Information on Civil Rights Enforcement
  • Stop Human Trafficking
  • Terrorism - Recognizing the Warning Signs
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act Question and Answers
  • Tips for Grant Writing
  • Lessons Learned - Community at Work: A Guide to Leadership for Community Groups
  • Posters about Conferences and/or Community Events
  • Reentry Resource Guide
  • Information for Witnesses:
    • How to Get to the Courthouse and Parking
    • Information on Public Transportation and Hotels
    • Preparing to Testify/What to Expect
    • Instructions for Fact Witnesses Appearing on behalf of the U.S. Government (OBD-2)
    • Fact Witness Voucher (OBD-3)
    • Emergency Witness Assistance Program (EWAP)
    • EWAP Acknowledgment Form
    • EWAP Declination Form
    • Non-Witness Acknowledgment Form
    • Information for Individuals Subpoenaed to Court
    • Witness Excuse Letter for Work or School
    • Advice of Rights to Grand Jury Witnesses
  • Information for Victims:
    • The Department of Justice Victim Notification System (VNS)
    • VNS Letter
    • Notice of Rights for Crime Victims Under Federal Law
    • Exercising Your Right to be Heard
    • Working with the Federal Victim Witness Program
    • Information and Assistance for Federal Crime Victims and Witnesses
    • Victims and Witnesses: Understanding Your Rights in the Federal Court System
    • Coming to Court: A Guide for Child Victims
    • Appellate Information for Victims and Witnesses
    • Victim Impact Statements: Know Your Rights
    • Victim Impact Statement Form
    • Information on Crime Victims' Rights
    • Crime Victims Directory
    • Victim Witness Handbook
    • Information on Victim and Witness Safety
    • Information on Victim Compensation Funds and Forms
    • Information on Restitution Payments to Victims
    • Crime Victims' Rights Act Complaint Form
    • Dealing with a Traumatic Event/Crisis
    • Coping After Terrorism - A Grief Guide for Crime Victims
    • Surviving Sexual Assault
    • Information on Federal Domestic Violence Laws/Stalking
    • Information for Victims of Trafficking in Persons and Forced Labor
    • Victims in Juvenile Cases
    • The Child Victim Identification Program
    • Victims of Crime and Their Families
    • Victims of Identity Theft
    • When Bank Employees Become Victims of Robbery

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):

  • Direct citizen correspondence
  • Congressional constituent correspondence
  • Publication of material on the website
  • Today's FBI, Facts & Figures (published annually)
  • The FBI Story (published annually)
  • Research papers and articles published by the FBI Historian
  • Investigative publicity posters (e.g., "Wanted" posters)
  • Annual Uniform Crime Reports (UCR):
    • Crime in the United States
    • Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted
    • Hate Crime Statistics
  • Additional UCR publications:
    • UCR Handbook
    • Automated Data Processing Guidelines
    • Age-Specific Arrest Rates and Race-Specific Arrest Rates for Selected Offenses,1993-2001
    • Developments in the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
    • NIBRS Categories
    • A Word about UCR Data
    • UCR Statistics, Their Proper Use
    • UCR Publication Schedule
    • Data Quality Guidelines
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • UCR Methods of Quality Control
    • UCR Reporting Form
    • UCR Electronic and Hard Copy Data Dissemination Standard Operating Procedures
  • Special Studies:
    • The Measurement of White-Collar Crime Using UCR Data
    • Victims and Offenders: a New UCR Supplement to Present Incident-Based Data from Participating Agencies
    • Topical Study: The Structure of Family Violence: An Analysis of Selected Incidents
    • Crime in Schools and Colleges: A Study of Offenders and Arrestees Reported via NIBRS Data
  • Manuals:
    • NIBRS Addendum for Submitting Cargo Theft Data
    • NIBRS Addendum for Submitting LEOKA Data
    • Addendum for Submitting Additional Location and Property Data Values
    • Handbook for Acquiring an RMS that is Compatible with the NIBRS Addendum to the NIBRS Volumes
    • Conversion of NIBRS Data to Summary Data
    • Data Collection Guidelines
    • Data Submission Specifications
    • Error Message Manual
    • Job postings
    • Recruiting Materials
    • FBI Jobs website
  • Applicant letters/emails:
    • Special Agent Phase I Pass/Fail Email (automated) and Letter (written assessment)
    • Special Agent Phase II Pass/Fail Letter
    • Special Agent Conditional Job Offer Letter
    • Special Agent PFT Pass/Fail Letter
    • Special Agent Least Competitive Letter (Monster)
    • Special Agent Appointment/EOD Letter
    • Professional Staff "Receipt of Application" E-mail
    • Notification (Monster)
    • Professional Staff "Application Under Review" E-mail
    • Notification (Monster)
    • Professional Staff "Met Minimum Qualifications" E-mail (Monster)
    • Professional Staff "Primary/Alternate Selection" E-mail (Monster)
    • Professional Staff Conditional Job Offer E-mail (Monster)
    • Professional Staff Appointment/EOD Letter
  • NFF Routing Slip
  • Rules and Regulations
  • 1-17A Fingerprint Reject Letter
  • FD-258 Fingerprint Card
  • 1-126 Blank Form--blank form used for the following reasons:
    • Feature Vector (3rd Illegible)
    • Give Paragraph (Do not send to government agency)
    • MC Paragraph (Multi-copy)
    • Certified Form/Notarized
    • Cannot Use Credit Card for FedEx
    • DOB Form (Missing DOB)
    • New Zealand Multi-illegibles
    • Canada Multi-illegibles
    • Under 16 illegibles
  • 1-743 MIH Reject Letter
  • 1-785 MIH Insufficient Guidelines
  • 1-786 Credit Card Payment 783 Applicant Information Form
  • 1-784 Authorization Form
  • 1-782 DO Information Packet Cover Letter
  • 1-787 IAFIS Response Letter (nonident letter)
  • Response letters related to specific Criminal Justice Information Services Programs
  • Correspondence with vendors related to procurements
  • Brochures publicizing numerous FBI programs and services
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for numerous FBI programs and services
  • Appeal forms for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)
  • Employment verification letters
  • Employment verification forms
  • SF-115s (Records Retention Schedules)
  • Freedom of Information Act response letters

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (FCSC):

  • The Commission does issue claim forms and instructions that it makes available to the public only when it has the authority to administer a claims program.
    • The Albanian claim form and instructions
    • The claim form relating to the Commission's Libya Claims Program does not qualify as the deadline for the filing of claims in the Libya Claims Program has passed.
  • The portion of the Commission's webpage relating to the Freedom of Information Act may be subject to the Plain Writing Act of 2010.

National Security Division (NSD):

Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism:

Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) Unit of the Counterespionage Section:

Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management (OARM):

The majority of the listing below are links to pages from the OARM website with content covered under the Act.
  • OARM's main webpage
  • FBI Whistleblowers:
  • attorney Student Loan Repayment Program website
  • Opportunities for Experienced Attorneys website
  • Standard Response Letter
  • Salary/suitability/disability/veterans preference
  • Letter of Association
  • Counseling Letter
  • Recruitment Information/profiles
  • DOJ Practice Area Chart
  • Do Your Legal Career Justice (printed brochure)
  • Attorney General's Honors Program (HP)
  • Summer Law Intern Program (SLIP)
  • Volunteer Legal Intern Recruitment website
  • Volunteer Legal Intern Positions (printed brochure)

Office of the Inspector General (OIG):

  • The OIG Internet website,
  • Documents and associated HTML text in the following categories:
    • Electronic forms by which to submit reports alleging contractor or grant fraud; violations of civil rights/civil liberties; or waste, fraud, and abuse
    • Semiannual Reports to Congress
    • Audit Reports
    • Evaluations/Inspections Reports
    • Special Reports
    • Press Releases
    • OIG Congressional Testimony
    • DOJ's Top Management and Performance challenges
    • Recovery Act Monthly Reports, Oversight Plans, and Work Plans
    • Office Location Information
    • Organization Charts
    • Employment Opportunities
    • Contracting Opportunities
    • William "Buddy" Sentner Tribute
    • Sign Up for E-mail Updates
  • Form Letters Sent Out by the OIG's Office of Human Resources, which are notifications to job applicants of the status of employment application, such as notification of receipt of application, notification of eligibility, notification regarding qualification status.
  • Form Letters sent out by the OIG's Office of General Counsel, which are notifications of receipt of FOIA requests and information regarding potential cost.
  • Form Letters Sent Out by the OIG's Investigations Division, which include notifications of receipt of correspondence, notification of insufficient information in submitted complaint, notification of the OIG's lack of jurisdiction, notification of the referral of a complaint to another organization, and notification of decision not to open an investigation regarding a submitted complaint.

Office of Justice Programs (OJP):

The Office of Justice Programs, through its seven bureaus and program offices, administers various grant programs. Only two programs, the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Office for Victims of Crime, administer programs that provide direct benefits to the public.
  • The Public Safety Officer's Benefits Program (PSOB), administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, provides death and education benefits to survivors of fallen law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders, and disability benefits to officers catastrophically injured in the line of duty. Information and guidance related to applying for benefits under the PSOB program is available on the web at
  • The International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program (ITVERP), administered by the Office for Victims of Crime, provides reimbursements to victims for allowable expenses incurred as a result of acts of terrorism occurring outside the United States. Information and guidance related to applying for benefits under the ITVERP program is available on the web at

The Office for Victims of Crime also administers the Crime Victims Compensation and Crime Victims Assistance programs. Both programs provide funding to reimburse crime victims for eligible expenses or provide services to assist crime victims. Guidance and eligibility requirements for these programs are accessible on the web at
  • The Crime Victims Compensation program reimburses victims for crime-related expenses such as medical costs, mental health counseling, funeral and burial costs, and lost wages or support. The funding for these reimbursements is administered through compensation programs in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
  • The Crime Victims Assistance program support community based organizations that support crime victims by providing services such as crisis intervention, counseling, emergency shelter, criminal justice advocacy, and emergency transportation.

The Office of Justice Programs administers a number of other grant programs through grants and cooperative agreements with various State, local, tribal, non-profit, educational institutions, and for-profit entities. Requirements for complying with those programs are detailed in various pre-award and post-award documents.

Pre-Award Guidance:
  • Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) – The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance is a government-wide compendium of Federal programs, projects, services, and activities that provide assistance or benefits to the American public. It contains financial and nonfinancial assistance programs administered by departments and establishments of the Federal government. The CFDA is available on the web at
  • Grant Solicitations – Guidance for applying for OJP's grant program is detailed in the grant solicitations that are issued for each grant program. Annually, OJP updates its grant solicitation template, which is then customized based on the specific requirements of each grant program. The solicitations that have been issued to date for Fiscal Year 2011 are available on the web at

Post-Award Guidance:
  • Programmatic Guidance - OJP's post-award programmatic guidance is detailed in various documents, such as program manuals and fact sheets. The documents are available on the website of the bureau or program office that administers the program. Links to the websites for the various bureaus and program offices can be accessed from
  • Financial Guidance – OJP's post award financial guidance is detailed in the OJP Financial Guide, which references the various Office of Management and Budget circulars that contain additional regulations related to proper use of federal grant funds. The OJP Financial Guide, which is maintained by OJP's Office of the Chief Financial Officer, is accessible on the web at
  • Grant Award Documents – When a grant or cooperative agreement is awarded, recipients are required to sign the award documents which contain special conditions that may apply to the award. The special conditions contain further guidance or emphasize guidance previously explained.
  • Specific post-award grant award and financial management information is detailed in post-award instruction manual issued by OJP's Office of the Chief Financial Officer. The post-award instruction manual is accessible on the web at

The Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties (OPCL):
  • Privacy Act System of Records Notices – these are notices that are required by the Privacy Act to be published in the Federal Register; while they primarily describe the system of records at issue, they also provide information regarding obtaining access to, and amendment of, records contained in the system.
  • Certain correspondence – Letters in response to Privacy Act amendment appeals, and email in response to public inquiries that are sent to the Department's privacy "mailbox" when such letters/email require that we provide additional procedures or steps that the appellant/inquirer may wish to take.

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW):
  • Program Solicitations
  • Program Guides
  • Grantee Progress Reports
  • Grantee Non-Award Letters
  • Program Guides
  • Cooperative Agreement terms
  • Award Special Conditions
  • Grants Management Memorandums

Tax Division:


U.S. Marshal:

  • Agency internet site
  • DOJ-201A, Complaint of Discrimination Form
  • USMS Reasonable Accommodation Procedures for Individuals with Disabilities
  • Media Liability Form
  • USMS Fact Sheets
  • News Releases
  • U.S. Marshals Service Past and Present (brochure)
  • America's Star (brochure)
  • Internet information and correspondence with requesters concerning the FOIA and Privacy Act
  • Internet information related to ethics
  • Internet information and correspondence with claimants concerning the Federal Tort Claims Act process
  • Vacancy announcements
  • Recruitment brochures and materials
  • Certificate Of Medical Examination For USMS Law Enforcement Employees
  • USMS Medical Update
  • USMS Review of Immunizations
  • USMS Report of Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results
  • Handbook on Doing Business with the U.S. Marshals Service
  • Occupancy Agreements
  • Notices to Vacate
  • Buyer Certificates
  • Auction Notices
Updated April 8, 2015