
sad woman
CC image via Javier Sánchez Salcedo


A Plea for the Living and Unborn: Reflections On an Abortion

A father-to-be reflects on asking his partner to get an abortion she didn’t want and wonders what could have been.

African Porn illustration Nathi Ngubane
Original Illustration by Nathi Ngubane


African Hardcore: Behind the Continent’s Porn Explosion

From Mapona to Afrocandy, African porn is just taking off. We look at who’s making it and, more importantly, who is watching it.

Mental Health Relationships
Image via Victor Ilunga


5 Tips For Dealing With a Partner Who Has Mental Health Challenges

Here are some helpful tips for dealing with mental illness in a relationship.
Man in bedroom
Image via Victor Ilunga


Enough! I Will No Longer Be Disappointed by African Men in the Bedroom

Rufaro Samanga reveals the three kinds of African men you’ll meet in the bedroom and why they all lead to bad sex.