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General - Spirituality & Philosophy

Light Within Me

Introduction to Irfan, stages of the spiritual journey, guidance and perfection, Interpretation of Sura al-Hamd, and the Invocation of Sha'baniyah.

Forty Hadith, An Exposition, Second Revised Edition

Detailed commentary on 40 selected traditions narrated through the Prophet (S) and his Ahl al-Bayt (a) on topics of ethics and spirituality, including jihad al-nafs. Second revised edition.

Philosophy Of Islam

Fundamental Islamic topics such as principles of religion, man, Iman (faith), definitive knowledge, monothesim of the Qur'an, name and attributes of God, guides of humanity, evolution, history, sel

A Divine Perspective on Rights

A detailed commentary on the Treatise of Rights as narrated by our fourth Imam, Ali bin Husayn (as).

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Ain-Al Hayat, The Essence of Life

‘Ain-Al Hayat عين الحياة


This book is an invitation to a journey, an interior journey of discovery in quest of a lost treasure containing the most precious jewels of the whole of creation.

Lantern of the Path

A collection of Hadith by the 6th Imam on knowledge, behavior, remembrance, prayer, and fear of God.

Self-Recognition for Self-Improvement

In this book, Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi goes into the enlightening subject of self-development and acquiring spiritual perfection through the tool of self-knowledge and introspection.

Elements of Islamic Studies

A greatly beneficial text book for students of all ages who wish to learn or review the basic fundamentals of Islamic studies.

The Significance of Self-control and Self-purification

A short text on the topic of the importance of self-discipline and purification of the soul in the light of the Qur'an and traditions as a means of attaining proximity to Allah, the Most High.

Muhammad in the Mirror of Islam

Islam and other religions, importance of the individual, Islamic world view, equality, realism, knowledge and wisdom, and the spiritual path.

The Mystery of Life

This book deals with a myriad of subjects related to human life: philosophy, mysticism, anthropology, cultures, arts, history and much more.

Islam and the Contemporary Man

This text titled "Islam and the Contemporary Man" discusses how Islam is a universal religion that can be applied in the modern day.

Man and Faith

This text authored by Martyr Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari aims to shed light on the relationships between man and animal, knowledge and faith, and explain the distinctions of religious faith, kinds

Discourses On Patience

This text analyzes the topic of patience in light of traditions, Islamic code, and history while shedding light on the advantages and effects of patience.

Islamic Thought (Ma‘arif Islami) Book One

This text is the first book presented surrounding Islamic thought and theological topics and the concept of resurrection.

Ultimate Questions in Philosophy of Religion

Shaykh Mansour Leghaei, in this book delves into the philosophy behind several intrinsic faith matters such as belief in God, free-will or predeterminism, the question of evil and much more.

Discursive Theology Volume 1

This text deals with a set of ideological and scholastic questions based upon Islamic theology from the perspective of Shī‘ah Imāmiyyah school of thought.

Taqwa : Part 1

In this paper, the author demonstrates the importance of taqwa, or self-restraint, as put forth in the Qur’an and Nahj al-Balaghah through explaining its definition, meaning, value, and effect.

Spirituality of the Shi‘ism and Other Discourses

This text presents a series of twenty-one discourses related to the spirituality of Shi'ism and various key interesting topics in Islam.

Our Belief

This text presents a summary of the Islamic principles and commandments emphasizing some specialties on the Shi'a sect.

Society and History

This text authored by Martyr Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari serves to present the Islamic approach to society and history.

Islamic Thought (Ma‘arif Islami) Book Two

This text is the second of two books and it analyzes the concept of prophethood and Imamate.

Religion of Mercy

This text presents commentary discussions by the honorable Marja' Grand Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi which examines the religion of Islam and highlights the concepts of clemency which is are analyzed

Fundamentals of Islamic Thought: God, Man and the Universe

In this text Ayatullah Mutahhari discusses Islamic thought on topics such as "Man & Faith", “The Worldview of Tawhid”, “Philosophy” & "Spiritualism" to clarify matters and resolve problem

Life under the Grace of Ethics

This text which is authored by Ayatullah al-Uzma Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi, sheds light on how life would look under the grace of ethics.

Taqwa (Piety) Advice of Ahl al-Bayt

Examples of Taqwa (Piety) in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Ahl al-Bayt (as)

Lubb al-Lubab (The Kernels of Kernels) - A Short Treatise on Wayfaring

This treatise (entitled Risaleh ye lubb ul­lubab dar sayr wa suluk e uli al albab) is based on the lectures on practical 'irfan of 'Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i, quddisa sirruh, the gr

Provisions for the Journey (Mishkat), Volume 1

The hadith discussed in the text is one of the most comprehensive and rewarding exhortations of the Noble Prophet (S) to one of his most eminent companions by the name of Abu Dharr.

Repentance: The Cradle of Mercy

This book before you is a memorandum of more than twenty meetings filled with moral teachings from those Tuesday nights, nights that bring good and beautiful memories.

Spiritual Discourses

Criteria for humanity, spiritual freedom, nobility, worship and prayer, repentance, migration and jihad, and belief in the unseen.

Fear and Hope

This text analyzes the two human instincts of fear and hope, their relationship with each other, its combination, the weakness of will, and courage in a wider sense.

Provisions for the Journey (Mishkat), Volume 2

The hadith discussed in the text is one of the most comprehensive and rewarding exhortations of the Noble Prophet (S) to one of his most eminent companions by the name of Abu Dharr.

Human Rights in Islam

Human Rights in Islam

By: Ayatollah al-Uzma Sayyid Ali Husaini Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution

Are you Free or Slave?

“Are you Free or Slave?” covers the foremost factor “belief” and the ground of its formation in men, is the outcome of lectures that the esteemed author has delivered in the session of a group of u

The Role of The Ahl Al-Bayt in Building The Virtuous Community Book One: Goals And Characteristics

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

Fortitude, the Bridge to Victory

This text presents the character trait of fortitude to be the bridge and path to attaining victory.

Repentance as Demolition and Reconstruction

This book explores the true meaning of repentance and guides on how to achieve it.

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Evolution of Man

In this book, Ayatullah Mutahhari discusses the social, historical and technical evolution of man, also discussing the interesting aspect of man's future evolution.

Love and Hate for God’s Sake

This text explore the phenomenon of cussing and malediction and its status from the Islamic point of view by delving into the relevant sources: the Qurʾan, the Prophetic traditions (ahadith) and th

Mujtaba Sabouri 1,868 0

Editorial Volume 10, Number 1, Spring 1430/2009

This issue has coincided the birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be with him and his household) and the Week of Unity.

Editorial Volume 11, Number 4, Winter 2011/1432

In this paper, the author examines the first three months of the Islamic Lunar Calendar 1432 i.e. Muharram, Safar and Rabi‘ al-Awwal.

Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir

Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir

Mohammad Ali Shomali

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community Book Seven: The Ritual System of the Virtuous Community

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community Book Eight: The System of Devotional Acts of the Virtuous Community

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

Editorial Volume 11, Number 2, Summer 2010/1431

In this paper the author has coincided with the third three months of the Islamic Lunar Calendar i.e. Rajab, Sha‘bān and the holy month of Ramaḍān.

Reflections on the Munajat of Imam Ali in the Mosque of Kufa

Reflections on the Munajat of Imam Ali (a) in the Mosque of Kufa
Mohammad Ali Shomali

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community, Book Five: The Economic System of the Virtuous Community

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community Book Six: The System of Social Relations of the Virtuous Community

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community Book Two: General Rules and Fundamentals

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community Book Three: The General System of the Virtuous Community

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Building the Virtuous Community, Book Four: The Security System of the Virtuous Community

An elaborate thesis on how the purified Ahlul Bayt played their role in the post Prophetic era in building a virtuous Community. The series is comprised of 8 volume set. vol.

Editorial Volume 10, Number 2, Summer 2009/1430

This article is the editorial of the Message of Thaqalayn journal, Volume 10, Issue number 2, released in summer of 2009.

Secrets of Prayer, Part VI: Recitation of Surat al-Hamd, Ruku' and Sujud

Secrets of Prayer, Part 6: Recitation of Surat al-Hamd, Ruku' and Sujud

Search for Truth

This text contains the detailed minutes of a Muslim lecturer's discussion with Mr.

Evils, An Excerpt from Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari's Divine Justice

Evils, An Excerpt from Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari's Divine Justice

Translated from the Persian by Murtaza Alidina

The Right to Life in Islam

The right to life is the basic right from which all the others derive.

What is True Success? Excerpts from Peak of Eloquence (Nahjul Balagha)

Nahjul Balagha, the Peak of Eloquence, is a collection of 239 sermons, 79 letters, and 489 sayings of Imam Ali (a.s.).

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Al-Abrar, The Righteous Ones

Al-Abrar is a collection of stories for character building and ethical guidance for young readers.

Ghulam Habib 1,207 0

Social Relations In Islam

In what way does Islam shape the social relationships? How does it limit them and why?

Understanding the Qur’an, Part 1

Understanding the Quran is important for every Muslim as the Quran influences a Muslims religious, social and economical life.

Seeking Assistance from Prayer and Fasting

Seeking Assistance from Prayer and Fasting

Reflections on the Supplication of Al-Iftitah

Reflections on the Supplication of Al-Iftitah

Reflections on the Supplication of Kumayl

Reflections on the Supplication (Dua) of Kumayl
Mohammad Ali Shomali

Al-Khisal, A Numeric Classification of Traditions on Characteristics

Translation of Al-Khisal. A first book of its kind, Al-Khisal is a collection of religious and moral precepts from reliable works on the subject compiled by Sheikh Sadooq.

Shaykh as-Saduq 1,042 0

Comparative Study of Shared Views of Muslim and Non-Muslim Scholars on Philosophy and Education

We live in a world where everything is always about me: my religion, my house, my phone..etc., forgetting on many occasions that there is a world beyond our own petty existence.

Islamic Unity and Happiness

What is Islamic unity? Is it the use of a common ground of beliefs? Is it giving up some of the differences different sects have?

Reflections on the Supplication of Abi Hamzah al-Thumali

Reflections on the Supplication of Abi Hamzah al-Thumali

Mohammad Ali Shomali

Islamic Bioethics: A General Scheme

No doubt life in its all forms enjoys a very high status in Islam. Human life is one of the most sacred creatures of God.

The Bright Lights of Guidance

The present book is a collection of sermons delivered by the well known religious scholar Mr Hajj Sayyid Muhammad Ali ibn al-Ridha Khansary.

Human Nature and Nature of Morality

Human Nature and Nature of Morality

Morals in the Light of Islam

Living in a world that is under the continuous torrent of corruption, it is very easy to lose sight of the important things.

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The Virtues of Imam Husayn (a) and His Companions

This paper presents some of the most prominent and finest of the Imam Husayn’s and his companions’ virtues, namely, ardent love for Allah (swt), great honor, and unwavering patience.

Miracles and the Principle of Causality: Christian and Shi’a Perspectives

Miracles have always been a controversial issue, both in theology, philosophy, and science.

Intention as the Spirit of Prayer

Intention as the Spirit of Prayer
Mohammad Ali Shomali

The Mystic Said

This is an adapted selection from the mystical poetry of Imam Khomeini (r), published by the Institute for the Compilation of Imam Khomeini’s Works, 2003.

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Moral System of Islam

Moral System of Islam

Mohammad Ali Shomali

Hermeneutical Foundations for Islamic Social Sciences

Some scientists seem to support the idea of the islamisation of knowledge and some have evolved into considering hermeneutics as a possible solution.

Forgiveness in Islam

Forgiveness in Islam refers more often to restraining anger and punishment when you are able, have power, to administer punishment.

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Place, Direction and Beginning of Prayer

Place, Direction and Beginning of Prayer
Mohammad Ali Shomali

Love for the Ahlul Bayt and its Outcomes

This article offers the effects of having love for the Ahlul Bayt in this world and in the next.

Religious, Philosophical and Psychological Foundations of Happiness

The main purpose of this research was the extraction of the philosophical and religious foundations of the most important philosophical-religious and psychological subjects which is Happiness, and

Greatness of the 15th of the Month of Sha'ban

Greatness of the 15th of the Month of Sha'ban

The Islamic Understanding of Hardship, Part 1

This article explores the Islamic view of hardship and the meaning of suffering by describing Satan’s role in the origin of mankind’s hardship, and clarifies the concept of suffering, tragic events

The Islamic Understanding of Prayer

Du‘a, the Arabic word for prayer or supplication, is the calling of a servant to his Deity. Summoning to God is highly encouraged in Islam, as prayer is considered to be the essence of worship.

Our Philosophy- Falsafatuna

A collection of basic notions concerning the world and our way of considering it.

Good-Naturedness in Islam: Its Signs and Effects

The present article offers a glimpse into the concept of good-naturedness as defined and emphasized in the Qur’an, hadiths, and as practiced by believers.

Taqwa, Part 2

In part 1 of this article, Ayatollah Mutahhari elaborated on the definition, meaning, value, and effect of taqwa, or Godwariness, and self-restraint.

Fasting in Ramadhan: A Simple Guide To Ritual, Social & Spiritual Dimensions

A collection of articles written & speeches given by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi on the various dimensions and significance of the Holy month of Ramadhan.

A Probe into the Purport and Application of the Verse of Love

There are several verses in the Holy Qur’an in which the members of the Household of the Prophet have been praised and acclaimed by the Almighty Allah and their position in the Islamic community ha

Merits of the Month of Rajab (Excerpted from Mafatih al-Jinan)

Merits of the Month of Rajab (Excerpted from Mafatih al-Jinan)

Afzal Sumar

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Justice as a Virtue of the Soul

This article explains the idea of justice as a virtue of the soul and as the supreme virtue in ethics, as opposed to justice as a mere social action.

The Islamic Understanding of Hardship, Part 2

This article explores the Islamic view of hardship and the meaning of suffering by describing Satan’s role in the origin of mankind’s hardship, and clarifies the concept of suffering, tragic event

Indicators of Piety Part 1

This series of articles elucidates the merits and consequences of piety as seen in the Qur’an, hadith, and the lives of the Ahlul Bayt, and introduces indicators by which one can examine one’s own

Indicators of Piety, Part 2

This series of articles elucidates the merits and consequences of piety as seen in the Qur’an, hadith, and the lives of the Ahlul Bayt, and introduces indicators by which one can examine one’s own