Streptococcus mitis

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Streptococcus mitis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Firmicutes
Class: Bacilli
Order: Lactobacillales
Family: Streptococcaceae
Genus: Streptococcus
Species: mitis

Streptococcus mitis, previously known as Streptococcus mitior, is a mesophilic alpha-hemolytic species of Streptococcus that inhabits the human mouth. It is most commonly found in the throat, nasopharynx, and mouth. It is a Gram-positive coccus, facultative anaerobe and catalase negative. It can cause infective endocarditis.[1] It has been widely reported that this organism survived for over two years on the Surveyor 3 probe on the moon; but some NASA scientists suggest this may be a result of contamination during or after return of Surveyor parts to Earth.[2][3]

Natural genetic transformation[edit]

S. mitis is competent for natural genetic transformation. Thus S. mitis cells are able to take up exogenous DNA and incorporate exogenous sequence information into their genome by homologous recombination.[4] These bacteria can employ a predatory fratricidal mechanism for active acquisition of homologous DNA.[4]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Lamas, C. C.; Eykyn, S. J. (2003). "Blood culture negative endocarditis: Analysis of 63 cases presenting over 25 years". Heart (British Cardiac Society). 89 (3): 258–262. doi:10.1136/heart.89.3.258. PMC 1767579Freely accessible. PMID 12591823. .
  2. ^ NASA
  3. ^ "Surveyor 3 Streptococcus Mitis (APSTREPMIT)". NASA. Retrieved 27 December 2015. 
  4. ^ a b Johnsborg O, Eldholm V, Bjørnstad ML, Håvarstein LS (2008). "A predatory mechanism dramatically increases the efficiency of lateral gene transfer in Streptococcus pneumoniae and related commensal species". Mol. Microbiol. 69 (1): 245–53. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2008.06288.x. PMID 18485065. 

External links[edit]