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The Opinion Pages

Vietnam ’67

When Martin Luther King Came Out Against Vietnam

Fifty years ago, he delivered the most politically charged speech of his life. He was ahead of his time. comment icon Comments

Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

A Peek Into the White House Swamp

Officials’ financial disclosure forms raise more questions than they answer and provide no assurance of ethical behavior. comment icon Comments


Let’s Go for a Win on Opioids

This is the moment for a war on a problem that is getting worse. comment icon Comments


Trump’s Gifts to China

The Trump foreign policy: Shout loud and carry a little stick. comment icon Comments


How to End the Politicization of the Courts

Hint: Voting to confirm Neil Gorsuch won’t do it. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

It’s O.K., California. Breaking Up Isn’t Hard to Do.

By partitioning the state, millions of people could have a chance at self-government.

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Florida’s Vengeful Governor

Rick Scott is punishing a prosecutor who took a stand against the death penalty. comment icon Comments


Enabling Egypt’s President Sisi, an Enemy of Human Rights

President Trump lavished praise on an authoritarian leader who needs to change his ways.

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Jared Kushner, the Assistant With the Big Portfolio

President Trump needs to give his son-in-law some staff.


New York Has a Great Subway, if You’re Not in a Wheelchair

Emma Cott/The New York Times. Technology by Samsung.

After my accident, I learned firsthand how civic dysfunction can disenfranchise the vulnerable. comment icon Comments

Insider Podcasts

Good, Bad and Mad: Andrew Rosenthal on the News

The opinion columnist Andrew Rosenthal on the assault on climate protections, the Russian collusion saga, and Republican governors.

Clockwise from top left: President Trump, F.B.I. director James B. Comey, and White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

How Does Life Live?

Kelly O’Brien

“Where does the sun go? Can girls be robots? Why don’t worms have faces?” A little girl wants to know. comment icon Comments


A National Civics Exam

Prof. Richard Perloff says “American democracy is imperiled” and we need to revitalize civics education. comment icon Comments


Defending the World Economic Forum

A belief in nation states and in nations working together in the global self-interest is not mutually exclusive.


Regarding French ‘Liberté’

It’s absurd to state that the prospect of Marine Le Pen in the Elysée “does not seem to worry anyone.”

Op-Ed Contributor

Congo’s Kabila and the Dictator’s Dilemma

President Joseph Kabila’s reluctance to step down has led to fears that Congo, where five million died in recent wars, may see renewed violence.

Op-Ed Contributor

How Bangladesh Makes Second-Class Citizens

The émigrés who left to work and sent back money have carried this country on their backs. Now a law would deprive them of nationality.

Op-Ed Contributor

Why Britain’s Trains Don’t Run on Time: Capitalism

The government won’t recognize it, but railway privatization has been a costly fiasco. comment icon Comments

The House minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, center, at a news conference in Washington.

Should Democrats Work With Trump?

Obstruct or cooperate? Readers debate which strategy would best benefit the American people.


A Plea on Medicaid

“Work requirements are not about results, but about being meanspirited,” a former Medicaid administrator writes.


Release Judith Clark

A New York State senator, Brad Hoylman, writes that she has done everything to repent and express remorse.


Of Lawyers and Robots

A reader writes about the “sheer magnitude of all those affected” by artificial intelligence.


Young People and the ‘Fear of Following’

Readers agree that insisting on “leadership qualities” in students is misguided.


Trump and Big Coal

President Donald Trump has vowed to bring back the industry’s heyday.

Op-Ed Contributor

Trade After the Trans-Pacific Partnership

While multilateral cooperation is being challenged worldwide, Chile leads a new agenda to achieve inclusive growth through globalization.

Taking Note

The American Tale of the Citgo Sign

Don’t bemoan the commercialization of baseball — embrace it.

Op-Ed Contributor

Germany’s War Over a Word

What does “Abendland” mean, and can it be rescued from the far right?


Middlebury, My Divided Campus

To one side, free speech is paramount. To the other, inclusivity is. To a professor caught in the middle, there’s a bridge. comment icon Comments


The Gangs of L.A.

What ever happened to the “gangbanger”?

2016: A former gang member who is now a rapper, the K.A.S., a.k.a. Lil Kasper.
Op-Ed Contributor

Mitch McConnell’s Nuclear Trigger Finger

The Democrats should stand firm against Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination. Let the Republicans be the ones who undo Senate rules. comment icon Comments


Trump Is Wimping Out on Trade

Why are big boasts turning into tiny policy tweaks? comment icon Comments


Dwindling Odds of Coincidence

Connecting the dots, which have been multiplying at an alarming rate. comment icon Comments

Red Century

What Was Lenin Thinking?

In the shape of its first leader, the Russian Revolution had a strategic genius it never found again. comment icon Comments


Michigan Is Forced to Do Right by Flint, Finally

After years of delays and only after a lawsuit, the state is resolving a crisis it created and which officials had chosen to ignore.

Op-Ed Contributor

Don’t Use the Ballot to Get Trump’s Tax Returns

It’s bad policy and probably unconstitutional.

American Dreamers

Clockwise from top left: Luis Roberto Ursua Briceno; Gloria S. Rinconi; Anayancy Ramos; Nayelli Valdemar

Stories from young people who, under the Obama administration, were spared deportation and permitted to work. Now, their status is in jeopardy.

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