JHU Admissions


Johns Hopkins University Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Baltimore, MD
Joined August 2010

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  1. A music lesson with Saxophone Performance sophomore Jonathan M.:

  2. How has Hopkins' student life changed since 1876?

  3. Undergrad startups to receive funding, mentorship, office space, and workshops through Social Innovation Lab

  4. The most perfect November 1 blog post by senior Genevieve O.

  5. Less than 24 hours left to apply Early Decision to Hopkins

  6. Spooky reading of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven," featuring some JHU and Baltimore notables. Happy Halloween!

  7. "At Hopkins, the academic climate is so stimulating and left a real impact on me." Joseph S. '15

  8. A team of Hopkins students created software to make scheduling simpler

  9. The JHU community will come together tomorrow to discuss this year's Common Read Keynote event:

  10. JHU Admissions followed , and
    • @StrongCityBalt

      Building and Strengthening Neighborhoods and People.

    • @Thefourdocs

      Portrait above by John Singer Sargent: Wiliam Welch, William Halsted, Sir William Osler and Howard Kelly. Founders of our School of Medicine.

  11. Baseball season is over but Baltimore's Oriole Park at Camden Yards ranked #1 by MLB:

  12. Excited by international studies or global health? Check out the new Direct Matriculation Program:

  13. What does a college junior's Google Chrome look like? Quan B. shows off his tabs

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