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The Houses of the Oireachtas Service is endeavouring to improve the accessibility of this website. As part of this process we welcome any comment, suggestions or details of problems encountered from users.

Listen to this website with BrowseAloud Plus
Visitors to the Oireachtas.ie website may listen to the content by using BrowseAloud Plus. BrowseAloud makes websites accessible to those who require online reading support. It is a free tool that works by reading web pages aloud in a human-sounding voice. The user simply hovers their mouse pointer over the text to hear it read aloud.

To use Browsealoud, simply click on the floating headphones image in the bottom right of the screen and a floating toolbar will appear. Visit Browsealoud.com to find out more.

BrowseAloud Plus features and options include:

  • reading web pages out loud in a human-sounding voice
  • reading PDF and Word documents out loud
  • highlighting each word as it is spoken to show you where you are on the page
  • magnifying text to your chosen font size and font style
  • translating word-for-word between different languages
  • looking up dictionary definitions
  • converting text to MP3
  • masking information on the screen to help you focus on a particular area.

Font Sizes
Most up-to-date browsers allow you to change the font size of the text on screen for improved readability.
  • Increase Font Size – Hold down CTRL and press +
  • Decrease Font Size - Hold down CTRL and press –
  • Reset font size – Hold down CTRL and press 0
(Please note, older browsers, such as IE 6, 7, may not support all of these actions)  

PDF Accessibility

With regard to PDF documents, if you are having trouble reading a PDF document on this website, Adobe offers a free online tool for converting PDF documents to HTML or text. Visit www.adobe.com/accessibility/index.html to find out more.